Is there any tool to debug the rest calls made by GraphQL Playground? - graphql

I'm not able to figure out why the REST API call works just fine in Postman but not in the GraphQL Playground. If I could see the actual REST call being made by GraphQL, would be helpful to debug the issue.

Firecamp's GraphQL client lets you test the GraphQL as an API call or as a Query way.
Here is the dedicated GraphQL client
Here is REST like GraphQL client
Note: Make sure that you double-check the method and headers while using REST-like GraphQL client. IN most cases method would be post and header should contains Content-Type: application-json / application/graphql

The GraphQL playground allows to send GraphQL queries/mutations to your GraphQL server. You can see the requests that are send using the network tab of a browser dev tools.
For example, if a server is in running at the following address http://localhost:4000/graphql, sending a query/mutation, a XHR request will be sent to it. In the Request Payload of the Headers section there is the query/mutation itself.
In the Response section you can see the returned response.
You can start having a look at the returned response of your query/mutation. Perhaps there is something wrong in the related resolve function in GraphQL.


AWS API gateway really works well but I can't run this on javascript AJAX

I made python function using AWS lambda and connected lambda with API Gateway
After then, I tested API. It worked well.
Testing in API Gateway was Successful
Now I tried to using this API with AJAX.
Javascript AJAX Code was like this
How ever result was
"jquery-3.4.1.js:9837 GET net::ERR_FAILED"
How can i solve this problem??
Hope for your wisdom!
Thank you
I think there are a few things. The content-type header being returned is application/json but the response is not JSON.
But I think the main problem is that the HTTP status being returned is 301. This tells the browser that this resource has been moved and the browser typically expects the response to contain information on where things are moved to so it can redirect.
I suspect if you change your configuration so that a more normal response code (i.e. 200) is returned, this will work better.

Graphql with Jmeter

I am trying to use jmeter to Automate graphql API testing. I have done the manual testing with postman. However, since some one suggested i am trying to automate with jmeter. unfortunately i am new to API testing itself and having great difficulties.
As i understand Graphql method only deals with POST, but in my Jmeter it is throwing an error, but when i change it to GET, i get 200 ok response.
Also in the body data i am directly entered the graphQL query is this correct.
In the return response data i don get any information related to my query.
I have added header manager with
Content-type = "Application/json"
My graphql query is
query{cmCases(filters: {caseId:"case-6"})
items {
In the response i am just receiving meta data.
Looking into HTTP Methods, Headers, and Body chapter of the GraphQL documentation GraphQL supports both GET and POST methods so you can choose whatever you want or whatever you need
Looking into HTTP Headers documentation chapter header values are case-sensitive so you need to change Application/json to application/json in the HTTP Header Manager
Given you can successfully execute request in Postman you should be able to record this request by JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, just configure Postman to use JMeter as the proxy
Starting with upcoming JMeter 5.3.1 or 5.4 you’ll be able to use the GraphQL Http Request.
Until it is released you can try a nightly build:

Why are GraphQL queries POST requests even when we are trying to fetch data and not update/submit new data?

I am using Postman to fetch data from my server and when I use a REST call it is a GET request but when I use a GraphQL API call, it needs to be a POST request. Why is it so?
The GraphQL spec is itself transport-agnostic, however the convention adopted by the community has been to utilize POST requests. As pointed out in the comments, some libraries support GET requests. However, when doing so, the query has to be sent as a URL query parameter since GET requests can't have bodies. This can be problematic with bigger queries since you can easily hit a 414 URI Too Long status on certain servers.
The best practice is to always utilize POST requests with a application/json Content-Type.

Grafana plugin - CORS issue with REST API

I'm currently developing grafana plugin using Angular-1 and ES6, retrieving data from REST API and representing them in grafana. The problem is that as far as grafana plugin is working within the browser, it sends ajax calls to our REST API and they are blocked:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. The response had HTTP status code 401.
We were required to solve this issue without adding that header on the REST API side. One simple solution was to use corsproxy.
But I'm curios to know whether there is some other way to use REST API within grafana. If I set up some datasource to my plugin, will it work as a kind of backend or my calls to REST API will still be AJAX calls?

AWS api gateway - http proxy should take status code from origin

I am currently trying to setup AWS Api Gateway, to proxy to another api, that has fully functional methods, response content, status codes etc. This is fairly simple to setup, but I have noticed that the Api Gateway always returns 200 OK no matter what the origin api responds with.
Fx. if there was a bad request (in the origin api) which results in a error message in JSON and a 400 Bad Request, the Api Gateway will respond with a the exact same error message, but a status code of 200 OK
If I remove all settings from the Message Response in the API Gateway web-interface, I get an internal error in the API Gateway. Can it be true that I have to map all the different status codes from the origin api manually in the Api Gateway?
I would prefer if it was possible to just let the status code (as well as the response, which currently works great) pass through, and not have the Api Gateway touch it in any way.
Proxy integration can be used to achieve this. In this case, it is HTTP Proxy. Lambda Proxy integration can also be used but will need some code logic in lambda. API GW will then return the result as-is.
You are correct that currently when using API Gateway you are required to map all response codes in your integration responses. We have heard this "pass through" request from other customers and we may consider including this in future updates to the service.
