Finding combination of subsets with largest intersection - algorithm

Suppose I have a list of n sets, is there an efficient way of computing the combination of r sets whose intersection is larger than any other combination of r sets in the list?
In particular, I have a list of about 6000 sets of strings and I want to choose about 9 sets from this list such that they share the most strings out of all combinations of 9 sets. The problem is that if I were to brute-force it and compute all of the combinations and look for the max intersection it would take (6000 choose 9) ~ 3e28 computations, so I need either a more efficient algorithm or some reliable heuristic.
In addition, I would like to extend this question, if possible, to choosing a variable r such that the total element size of any combination is less than some arbitrary threshold, as opposed to choosing a constant r. That is, instead of just choosing 9 sets from the list of 6000 to make a combination, the algorithm would add sets of strings until the total number of strings in the combination exceeds some threshold, say 40 strings.
This is a lot closer to what I originally wanted to do, but I realized that taking constant size combinations of 9 sets works somewhat decently for the list I'm working with and would probably be a lot easier to implement, although an algorithm that could accomplish this would be preferable. From what I can gather, this problem is similar to the knapsack problem, although the only efficient way I know of solving that is with dynamic programming and I'm not sure how I would implement dynamic programming in this case given that I have to compute the running intersection to get the weights instead of having a pre-computed list of weights as with regular knapsack.

Here's an idea for you:
Choose 9 sets at random from the 6000. For the remaining 5991 sets, determine which of the 9 sets to replace to maximize the intersection (or don't use the new set if it provides no improvement). That's roughly 6000 * 9 operations.
Do this K times, keeping track of the answers. Then find the set that occurs in most answers (the winning set). Repeat the whole process, but now the randomly chosen starting set must include the winning set, and the winning set may not be replaced.
Repeat until 8 of the 9 sets are winners. Then the 9th set is whatever set maximizes the intersection. You could also terminate early if all the answers are identical.
The run time is roughly 6000 * 9 * K * 8 operations, where one operation computes the intersection of 9 sets.


How to code the maximum set packing algorithm?

Suppose we have a finite set S and a list of subsets of S. Then, the set packing problem asks if some k subsets in the list are pairwise disjoint .
The optimization version of the problem, maximum set packing, asks for the maximum number of pairwise disjoint sets in the list.
So, Let S = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
and `Sa = {1,2,3,4}`
and `Sb = {4,5,6}`
and `Sc = {5,6,7,8}`
and `Sd = {9,10}`
Then the maximum number of pairwise disjoint sets are 3 ( Sa, Sc, Sd )
I could not find any articles about the algorithm involved. Can you shed some light on the same?
My approach:
Sort the sets according to the size. Start from the set of the smallest size. If no element of the next set intersects with the current set, then we unite the set and increase the count of maximum sets. Does this sound good to you? Any better ideas?
As hivert pointed out, this problem is NP-hard, so there's no efficient way to do this. However, if your input is relatively small, you can still pull it off. Exponential doesn't mean impossible, after all. It's just that exponential problems become impractical very quickly, as the input size grows. But for something like 25 sets, you can easily brute force it.
Here's one approach. Let's say you have n subsets, called S0, S1, ..., etc. We can try every combination of subsets, and pick the one with maximum cardinality. There are only 2^25 = 33554432 choices, so this is probably reasonable enough.
An easy way to do this is to notice that any non-negative number strictly below 2^N represents a particular choice of subsets. Look at the binary representation of the number, and choose the sets whose indices correspond to the bits that are on. So if the number is 11, the 0th, 1st and 3rd bits are on, and this corresponds to the combination [S0, S1, S3]. Then you just verify that these three sets are in fact disjoint.
Your procedure is as follows:
Iterate i from 0 to 2^N - 1
For each value of i, use the bits that are on to figure out the corresponding combination of subsets.
If those subsets are pairwise disjoint, update your best answer with this combination (i.e., use this if it is bigger than your current best).
Alternatively, use backtracking to generate your subsets. The two approaches are equivalent, modulo implementation tradeoffs. Backtracking will have some stack overhead, but can cut off entire lines of computation if you check disjointness as you go. For example, if S1 and S2 are not disjoint, then it will never bother with any bigger combinations containing those two, saving some time. The iterative method can't optimize itself in this way, but is fast and efficient because of the bitwise operations and tight loop.
The only nontrivial matter here is how to check if the subsets are pairwise disjoint. There are all sorts of tricks you can pull here as well, depending on the constraints.
A simple approach is to start with an empty set structure (pick whatever you want from the language of your choice) and add elements from each subset one by one. If you ever hit an element that's already in the set, then it occurs in at least two subsets, and you can give up on this combination.
If the original set S has m elements, and m is relatively small, you can map each of them to the range [0, m-1] and use bitmasks for each set. So if m <= 64, you can use a Java long to represent each subset. Turn on all the bits that correspond to the elements in the subset. This allows blazing fast set operation, because of the speed of bitwise operations. Bitwise AND corresponds to set intersection, and bitwise OR is a union. You can check if two subsets are disjoint by seeing if the intersection is empty (i.e., ANDing the two bitmasks gives you 0).
If you don't have so few elements, you can still avoid repeating the set intersections multiple times. You have very few sets, so precompute which ones are disjoint at the start. You can just store a boolean matrix D, such that D[i][j] = true iff i and j are disjoint. Then you just look up all pairs in a combination to verify pairwise disjointness, rather than doing real set operations.
You can solve the set packing problem searching a Maximum independent set. You encode your problem as follows:
for each set you put a vertex
you put an edge between two vertex if they share a common number.
Then you wan't a maximum set of vertex without two having two related vertex. Unfortunately this is a NP-Hard problem. Any know algorithm is exponential.

Algorithm determining the smallest coprime subset

Given a set A of n positive integers, determine a non-empty subset B
consisting of as few elements as possible such that their GCD is 1 and output its size.
For example: 5 6 10 12 15 18
yields an output of "3", while:
5 2 4 6 8 10
equals "NONE" since no subset can be determined.
So it seems really basic but I'm still stuck with it. My thoughts on it are as follows: we know that having the multiples of some number already present in the set are useless since their divisors are the same times some factor k and we're going for the smallest subsest. Hence, for every ni, we remove any kni where k is a positive int from further calculations.
That's where I get stuck, though. What should I do next? I can only think of a dumb, brute force approach of trying if there is already some 2-element subset, then 3-elem and so on. What should I check to determine it in some more clever way?
Suppose for each A,B (two elements) we calculate their greatest common
divisor D. And then we store these D values somewhere as a map of the form:
A,B -> D
Let's say we also store the reverse map
D -> A,B
If there's at least one D=1 then there we go - the answer is 2.
Suppose now, there's no such D that D=1.
What condition should be met for the answer to be 3?
I think this one:
there exist two D values say D1 and D2 such that GCD(D1, D2)=1.
So now instead of As and Bs, we've transformed our problem to the
same problem over the set of all Ds and we've transformed the option of
a the 2 answer to the option a 3 answer. Right?
I am not 100% sure just thinking out loud.
But this transformed problem is even worse as
we have to store much more values.
(combinations of N elements class 2).
Not sure, this problem you pose seems like a hard
problem to me. I would be surprised if there exists
a better approach than brute-force
and would be interested to know it.
What you need to think on (and look for) is this:
is there a way to express GCD(a1, a2, ... aN)
if you know their pair-wise GCDs. If there's some
sort of method or formula you can simplify a bit
your search (for the smallest subset matching
the desired criterion).
See also this link. Maybe it could help.
The problem is definitely a tough one to solve. I can't see any computationally efficient algorithm that would guaranteed find the solution in reasonable time.
One approach is:
Form a list of ordered sets that would contain the prime factors of each element in the original set.
Now you need to find the minimum number of sets for which their intersection is zero.
To do that, first order these sets in your list so that the sets that have least number of intersections with other sets are towards the beginning. Now what are "least number of intersections"?
This is where heuristics come into play. It can be:
1. set having Less of MIN number of intersections with other elements.
2. set having Less of MAX number of intersections with other elements.
3. Any other more suitable definition.
Now you will need to expensively iterate through all the combinations maybe through recursion to determine the solution.

Quickly determine if number divides any element in a set

Is there an algorithm that can quickly determine if a number is a factor of a given set of numbers ?
For example, 12 is a factor of [24,33,52] while 5 is not.
Is there a better approach than linear search O(n)? The set will contain a few million elements. I don't need to find the number, just a true or false result.
If a large number of numbers are checked against a constant list one possible approach to speed up the process is to factorize the numbers in the list into their prime factors first. Then put the list members in a dictionary and have the prime factors as the keys. Then when a number (potential factor) comes you first factorize it into its prime factors and then use the constructed dictionary to check whether the number is a factor of the numbers which can be potentially multiples of the given number.
I think in general O(n) search is what you will end up with. However, depending on how large the numbers are in general, you can speed up the search considerably assuming that the set is sorted (you mention that it can be) by observing that if you are searching to find a number divisible by D and you have currently scanned x and x is not divisible by D, the next possible candidate is obviously at floor([x + D] / D) * D. That is, if D = 12 and the list is
5 11 13 19 22 25 27
and you are scanning at 13, the next possible candidate number would be 24. Now depending on the distribution of your input, you can scan forwards using binary search instead of linear search, as you are searching now for the least number not less than 24 in the list, and the list is sorted. If D is large then you might save lots of comparisons in this way.
However from pure computational complexity point of view, sorting and then searching is going to be O(n log n), whereas just a linear scan is O(n).
For testing many potential factors against a constant set you should realize that if one element of the set is just a multiple of two others, it is irrelevant and can be removed. This approach is a variation of an ancient algorithm known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Trading start-up time for run-time when testing a huge number of candidates:
Pick the smallest number >1 in the set
Remove any multiples of that number, except itself, from the set
Repeat 2 for the next smallest number, for a certain number of iterations. The number of iterations will depend on the trade-off with start-up time
You are now left with a much smaller set to exhaustively test against. For this to be efficient you either want a data structure for your set that allows O(1) removal, like a linked-list, or just replace "removed" elements with zero and then copy non-zero elements into a new container.
I'm not sure of the question, so let me ask another: Is 12 a factor of [6,33,52]? It is clear that 12 does not divide 6, 33, or 52. But the factors of 12 are 2*2*3 and the factors of 6, 33 and 52 are 2*2*2*3*3*11*13. All of the factors of 12 are present in the set [6,33,52] in sufficient multiplicity, so you could say that 12 is a factor of [6,33,52].
If you say that 12 is not a factor of [6,33,52], then there is no better solution than testing each number for divisibility by 12; simply perform the division and check the remainder. Thus 6%12=6, 33%12=9, and 52%12=4, so 12 is not a factor of [6.33.52]. But if you say that 12 is a factor of [6,33,52], then to determine if a number f is a factor of a set ns, just multiply the numbers ns together sequentially, after each multiplication take the remainder modulo f, report true immediately if the remainder is ever 0, and report false if you reach the end of the list of numbers ns without a remainder of 0.
Let's take two examples. First, is 12 a factor of [6,33,52]? The first (trivial) multiplication results in 6 and gives a remainder of 6. Now 6*33=198, dividing by 12 gives a remainder of 6, and we continue. Now 6*52=312 and 312/12=26r0, so we have a remainder of 0 and the result is true. Second, is 5 a factor of [24,33,52]? The multiplication chain is 24%5=5, (5*33)%5=2, and (2*52)%5=4, so 5 is not a factor of [24,33,52].
A variant of this algorithm was recently used to attack the RSA cryptosystem; you can read about how the attack worked here.
Since the set to be searched is fixed any time spent organising the set for search will be time well spent. If you can get the set in memory, then I expect that a binary tree structure will suit just fine. On average searching for an element in a binary tree is an O(log n) operation.
If you have reason to believe that the numbers in the set are evenly distributed throughout the range [0..10^12] then a binary search of a sorted set in memory ought to perform as well as searching a binary tree. On the other hand, if the middle element in the set (or any subset of the set) is not expected to be close to the middle value in the range encompassed by the set (or subset) then I think the binary tree will have better (practical) performance.
If you can't get the entire set in memory then decomposing it into chunks which will fit into memory and storing those chunks on disk is probably the way to go. You would store the root and upper branches of the set in memory and use them to index onto the disk. The depth of the part of the tree which is kept in memory is something you should decide for yourself, but I'd be surprised if you needed more than the root and 2 levels of branch, giving 8 chunks on disk.
Of course, this only solves part of your problem, finding whether a given number is in the set; you really want to find whether the given number is the factor of any number in the set. As I've suggested in comments I think any approach based on factorising the numbers in the set is hopeless, giving an expected running time beyond polynomial time.
I'd approach this part of the problem the other way round: generate the multiples of the given number and search for each of them. If your set has 10^7 elements then any given number N will have about (10^7)/N multiples in the set. If the given number is drawn at random from the range [0..10^12] the mean value of N is 0.5*10^12, which suggests (counter-intuitively) that in most cases you will only have to search for N itself.
And yes, I am aware that in many cases you would have to search for many more values.
This approach would parallelise relatively easily.
A fast solution which requires some precomputation:
Organize your set in a binary tree with the following rules:
Numbers of the set are on the leaves.
The root of the tree contains r the minimum of all prime numbers that divide a number of the set.
The left subtree correspond to the subset of multiples of r (divided by r so that r won't be repeated infinitly).
The right subtree correspond to the subset of numbers not multiple of r.
If you want to test if a number N divides some element of the set, compute its prime decomposition and go through the tree until you reach a leaf. If the leaf contains a number then N divides it, else if the leaf is empty then N divides no element in the set.
Simply calculate the product of the set and mod the result with the test factor.
In your example
{24,33,52} P=41184
Tf 12: 41184 mod 12 = 0 True
Tf 5: 41184 mod 5 = 4 False
The set can be broken into chunks if calculating the product would overflow the arithmetic of the calculator, but huge numbers are possible by storing a strings.

How to divide a set of values into two sets of fixed size, such that their sums approach a particular value

I have a set of 18 values (it will always be 18) which I need to distribute into two sets, one of 10 items, and one of 8 items.
The rule for distribution is that the values of each set must be equal (or as close as possible) to a particular known value - so in the first set the sum of the values must be as close as possible to 1500000 and in the second set the sum iof the values must be as close as possible to 1000000.
What is the best (and that may mean simplest) algorithm to do this?
Further clarification, the values all range between 110000 and 200000. The values are always multiples of a 100 and are all positive integers, and there can be duplicates.
There are only 43758 such selections. Go through each of them and find the best.
It is an optimization problem. Here you have two optimization criteria, which should be combine to single one. For example like this:
F(A, B) = w1*abs(sum(A) - 1500000) + w2*abs(sum(B) - 1000000)
where A and B your sets, sum() is a sum of elements in a set, and w1 and w2 is weights.
Then you should find a strategy for iteration over possible combinations. The simpliest strategy is to find all 10-combinations of 18, and select that one which minimize F(A,B). There are C(18,10) = 43758 combinations.
While brute force is probably best for this problem size, there are other tricks you can play if you're willing to get an approximate solution or if the brute force method is still too expensive. the basic idea is to snap the values to a small grid, and then do brute force on the (much smaller) set of entries in the grid.
in your case, (pretending I've already divided by 100), all numbers are between 1100 and 2000, so you can "snap" them to the 10 integers 1100, 1200 and so on. The maximum error in doing is at most 50/1100 which is less than 5%. Now you've halved the input size, which makes the brute force run a bit faster.
Again, I wouldn't recommend this unless (a) brute force is really slow right now or (a) the problem size increases beyond 18.
p.s the problem is called SUBSET SUM (or sometimes KNAPSACK depending on the formulation) and is NP-complete. Here's a reference for the approximation idea.
Your problem, as stated, is np unless there is a pattern to the data.
The only way to achieve the best answer is find all permutations of 18 into 10 and 8 and associated sums. Weight according to your preference.
Looks like an optimization problem to me. Randomly separate the values into the two sets, and then start swapping values (use a good heuristic), and accept the change if the result is better.

Ordering a dictionary to maximize common letters between adjacent words

This is intended to be a more concrete, easily expressable form of my earlier question.
Take a list of words from a dictionary with common letter length.
How to reorder this list tto keep as many letters as possible common between adjacent words?
Example 1:
reorders to:
Example 2:
reorders to:
The simplest algorithm seems to be: Pick anything, then search for the shortest distance?
However, DEVI->KALI (1 common) is equivalent to DEVI->SHRI (1 common)
Choosing the first match would result in fewer common pairs in the entire list (4 versus 5).
This seems that it should be simpler than full TSP?
What you're trying to do, is calculate the shortest hamiltonian path in a complete weighted graph, where each word is a vertex, and the weight of each edge is the number of letters that are differenct between those two words.
For your example, the graph would have edges weighted as so:
DEVI X 3 3 4
KALI 3 X 3 3
SHRI 3 3 X 4
VACH 4 3 4 X
Then it's just a simple matter of picking your favorite TSP solving algorithm, and you're good to go.
My pseudo code:
Create a graph of nodes where each node represents a word
Create connections between all the nodes (every node connects to every other node). Each connection has a "value" which is the number of common characters.
Drop connections where the "value" is 0.
Walk the graph by preferring connections with the highest values. If you have two connections with the same value, try both recursively.
Store the output of a walk in a list along with the sum of the distance between the words in this particular result. I'm not 100% sure ATM if you can simply sum the connections you used. See for yourself.
From all outputs, chose the one with the highest value.
This problem is probably NP complete which means that the runtime of the algorithm will become unbearable as the dictionaries grow. Right now, I see only one way to optimize it: Cut the graph into several smaller graphs, run the code on each and then join the lists. The result won't be as perfect as when you try every permutation but the runtime will be much better and the final result might be "good enough".
[EDIT] Since this algorithm doesn't try every possible combination, it's quite possible to miss the perfect result. It's even possible to get caught in a local maximum. Say, you have a pair with a value of 7 but if you chose this pair, all other values drop to 1; if you didn't take this pair, most other values would be 2, giving a much better overall final result.
This algorithm trades perfection for speed. When trying every possible combination would take years, even with the fastest computer in the world, you must find some way to bound the runtime.
If the dictionaries are small, you can simply create every permutation and then select the best result. If they grow beyond a certain bound, you're doomed.
Another solution is to mix the two. Use the greedy algorithm to find "islands" which are probably pretty good and then use the "complete search" to sort the small islands.
This can be done with a recursive approach. Pseudo-code:
Start with one of the words, call it w
FindNext(w, l) // l = list of words without w
Get a list l of the words near to w
If only one word in list
Return that word
For every word w' in l do FindNext(w', l') //l' = l without w'
You can add some score to count common pairs and to prefer "better" lists.
You may want to take a look at BK-Trees, which make finding words with a given distance to each other efficient. Not a total solution, but possibly a component of one.
This problem has a name: n-ary Gray code. Since you're using English letters, n = 26. The Wikipedia article on Gray code describes the problem and includes some sample code.
