Why "plugin runtime aborted" appears when using some RTL plugin like as Arabic & RTL support or RTL PLZ? - right-to-left

I am using two RTL plugins in Figma; Arabic & RTL Support and RTL PLZ.
After a lot of RTL texts which are managed by these plugins I have seen a message that says "Plugin runtime aborted" and I could not write new RTL texts or edit them with these plugins.
I check the Figma community to reinstall them but this action rejected and it could not be installed.
I want to know how could I fix it.

It seems that it is a temporary bug and it happens when some updates are going in the website or in plugin itself.
These method may work:
Uninstall plugin then reinstall it
Close all Figma tab in browser (if you work online), clear cache and reopen the file.


Turn off theme for Delphi 7 application

I had to fix something in a 20-years-old Delphi 7 application. After the fix, I thought I would improve the application by fixing the GUI theme, so I dropped the XPManifest component on the main form. Although this gave most controls a better look, there were some problems. For example, there are checkboxes and radio buttons with yellow text on blue background (blargh), and the black text color set by the theme rendered their labels unreadable. So I decided to delete the XPManifest component and rebuild the program to get back the original look.
Interestingly, the GUI theme remained after deleting XPManifest and recompiling the exe. I checked the DFM, and the XPManifest is really not in there. How can I fix this?
All the component does is add a unit to the uses clause, XPMan IIRC, that links a resource file enabling themes. Remove that unit from the uses clause to revert the behaviour.
This is a clear indication of the value of revision control.
The VCL was simply not very theme-aware way back then. A lot of VCL components exhibit bugs when theming is enabled, but not when disabled. Install Soft-Gems' XP Theme Manager 1 into your project. Not only does it enable theming for you, it also hooks into the VCL to fix a lot of the bugs, too.
1: Soft-Gems' code was eventually incorporated directly into the VCL, but I don't recall if that happened in Delphi 7 or if it was later.

Find broken links in CSS & JS in Vidual Studio project?

I am importing a lot of CSS & JS into my app and updating the links as I go. Is there any code inspection possible that will highlight these broken links to make sure I haven't missed any and to save me going through every file?
I know in other IDE's this is a standard thing so I am guessing there should be something in VS but I can't find it.
I'm afraid that it's not possible in pure Visual Studio.
But there is one trick which you can do using ReSharper which might help you and solve your problem. Take a look below:
What is more - you can configure ReSharper to show those "Path errors" not as warning but as errors! Then you will be able to show those during compilation.
Click "ReSharper" in the Visual Studio top menu, then "Options..."
There will be search box in the left upper corner of the "Options" window
Type "Path error" and hit return
Change all of the "Warning" to "Error"
There are a number of sites/tools as listed here that will check anchor links, css links, image links, JavaScript links, etc:
W3C Link Checker
Xenu's Link Slueth
Link Checker FireFox AddOn
Dead Link Checker
I have only ever used the W3C checker which seems to work quite well.

Joomla 2.5.17 Why cannot I see article editor?

I have upgraded my Joomla site from 2.5.7 to 2.5.17. Then I installed Attachments package.
When I click article manager or category manager in order to edit an article or category, I see a page with no textarea, no buttons, no menus.
All the page content is this.
I have tried to install new text editors: nothing changes.
I have tried to select "No editor" for text editing: nothing changes.
Try these different steps to solve your issue:
1) First, check to see if the editor plugin is enabled:
Tools -> Plugin Manager. Locate your Editor and ensure it's enabled.
Also check Global Config and make sure default editor is set.
You could also try disabling the package you installed and see if it works afterwards. If not try to disable all the editors only leaving the default of Joomla and check again.
2) Change back to one of Joomla's installed templates and see if the problem remains.
If not, then it is a problem with your new template. There is a possibility of javascript problems.
Sometimes enabling the system plugin 'System - Mootools Upgrade' will help.
Otherwise check with your template provider for possible help.
3) Also turn php error reporting on as it may be this problem:
4) Lastly, I like to replace Joomla!'s editor with the JCE editor which has solved many issues like these before.
You get a page like that when you have a fatal error. You can try disabling the attachments plugin and see if it solves the issue. If not, turn error reporting to maximum or development and see what messages you get.
I disabled PLG_EDITORS-XTD_TOOLTIPS plugin and it my problem solved.

ace x markdown editor not working for joomla 3.2? alternatives?

So I installed the ace x markdown editor plugin for joomla 3.2 because it has a nice feature to insert code snippets in stackoverflow style. So I really need that.
I tried this extension, but it seems to not work. Is there an alternative?
But: There is no documentation, it seems I just have to enable it and hope it works. But it just happens nothing, the normal editor shows up:
No errors, but old editor:
the plugins are installed:
The plugin is supposed to look like this:
The second step you have to do is going to: Global configuration area and select the new editor, then if you save your changes and the old editor still appearing, it could be because your profile has the older one selected... in this case you have to go to your user details page and select the new editor or put into default.

How does MacOS developer navigate large code base

I am new to MacOS development. I would like to know how developer navigate code in a large code base on MacOS? E.g. webkit? I have webkit (c++) built in XCode, but the source code navigate is not that great.
I am looking for something like Java source code navigation in eclipse. e.g. display class hierarchy, e.g. caller of a particular method?
Any one has any idea?
I think what you are looking for is the "Project Symbols" item in the Groups & Files sidebar.
If you double-click it, there are more view/filters, like only showing your project's classes:
Project Symbols http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/6709/symbolbrowserwebkit.png
TextMate (commercial program) has a project browser, it's better than just using XCode to get an overview. For navigating the many files to see how the big projects are layed out, you need a good file manager, such as PathFinder.
Class Browser may help.
Project->Class Browser or Command+Shift+C
