Authentication and Authorization for microservices architecture - spring-boot

I have implemented microservices architecture in Spring Boot. All services are accessible from the front-end. There are 2 types of API in few Microservices -
Public - (Directly Accessible from the front-end)
Internal - (for inter-service communication)
I have implemented JWT based authentication. But I want to know how to implement auth for internal APIs?
In internal API we will not get the JWT token. Auth is needed because someone can mock a private API.
For Authentication, we are using an auth service. All other services call the Auth service before every API call to authenticate the request.

Auth is needed because someone can mock a private API
While this may be true, an attacker would need to be inside your network already.
However, assuming you still need secure intra-service communication, you could look at service discovery to mediate this communication. Service registry platforms such as Eureka or Consul, will allow you to set up service discovery.
Eureka is commonly used in sprint boot applications, and is fairly lightweight, but weighted toward AWS hosting.
In addition to other benefits, such as configuration management, failure detection, and load balancing, these platforms will also enable you to secure your intra-service communication.


Azure Gateway Ingress Controller

I am using the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller with AKS, it quite okay to me with url routing, TLS, web application firewall. But it looks like the AGIC doesn't support Authentication (I'd just need to have basic authentication)
Is there a way to have the Authentication features enabled (just with Azure stuff)? Or I have to implement the Authentication at api level (every single micro service)?
In fact, I might need a gateway that I can offload more functionalities like authentication, logging, monitoring

Microservices architecture - Spring boot - Gateway

I'm developing a back-end with microservices architecture. I'm new about that architecture and for now I have developed 3 microservices (RESTful web services, with Spring Boot) each in a container.
I want to implement OAuth2 and JWT Rest Protection and a gateway.
Is it correct to implement a gateway with Authorization Server and Resource Server?
Am I doing something wrong about the architecture?
Thanks for the replies
As per the standard, should not mix gateway with authorization because both the purposes are different.
Gateway can be differentiated in two ways - Internal and External. Purpose of gateway is to route the call from external or internal to the protected resource.
Authorization Server
Authorization server comes into the picture for identity access management. All the request coming from external or internal via gateway should be authenticated or authorized before routing call to the protected resource with JWT or access token etc.
Authentication and Authorization - There should be a separate service that authentication the user (like supporting OAuth0 type of protocol and providing JWT Token). Your frontend should call API Gateway.
Now question comes at what granular level you are maintaining permissions - Only small set of roles or granular level of permission set. Now API Gateway should communicate with Authorization server with JWT and get the set of roles and permission. Based on the same, API gateway should forward or block the call to Microservice.
Even if you have small set of roles and JWT can be extracted and validated by Gateway but avoid to keep the same at Gateway as there are chances that you have to extract the functionality to some other service in near future.

How to secure Spring Cloud microservices using Spring Security?

Here is the authorization service. It has endpoints to login and receive a JWT using either a custom username/password or social OAuth (Facebook, GitHub etc.).
I have a Eureka server setup and Zuul gateway service. From what I understand, there are two ways to go about implementing secure microservices. You either proxy requests through the auth service, or you send requests to the requested service (Ex. Service A) and service A authorizes using the auth service.
I would like to use the second way, however I'm having trouble implementing it. Is my understanding correct? Is there a way to setup service A somehow so that certain paths (configured using Ant matchers) will have to authorize using the auth service, which will set the SecurityContext appropriately and inject a UserPrincipal into the request. If anyone can point me to a good guide for this that would be much appreciated.

Authentication & Authorization in Micro services environment

All of my Micro Services, checking client access token validation using Rest API call to against my Authorization micro service which make a coupling between all the services to the Authorization Micro Service. The problem is that the token located only on the Authorization service Database. Is there a better way to do it instead of rest api?
Usually i prefer amqp over Rest API to avoid coupling but i can't see other option. Could someone help with that?

How to setup Spring backend with JWT and Kubernetes

I implemented a Spring backend which is responsible to store different data (users, lectures, ...). This backend is secured with a JWT and everything is working fine. For my studies I want to enhance the backend and now I want to use a microservice architecture instead of a monolith. For this purpose I have the requirements to use Docker and Kubernetes. I always read articles which write that I need a Authorization Server and a Ressource Server when I want to use the JWT in a microservice architecture. Is that correct? And do I need a Gateway (e.g. Zuul) for my purpose? Can someone help me to structure the project and give advice for the technology stack. At the end the whole project will run in one single server.
I implemented a molotithical backend, secured with JWT.
Kubernetes officially supports authentication to API server within JSON Web Tokens(JWT) through OpenID Connect tool using OAuth 2.0 protocol for user request identification. However, this only represents a part of Authorization model, which determines how authenticated user can be granted with appropriate security policies or roles to manage Kubernetes cluster resources.
In order to build or migrate application to Kubernetes, you might consider to expose application outside the cluster, for that purpose Ingress proxies requests to exact service by matching request path. Actually, Ingress is a logical resource element which describes a set of rules for traffic management via Ingress Controller. Therefore, Ingress controller can play a role of API Gateway by delivering L7 network facilities like: load balancing, SSL termination and HTTP/HTTPS traffic routing for nested application services.
As you mentioned Zuul gateway can be one of the option for the edge proxying service in front of Kubernetes cluster, however I would recommend to look for some more Kubernetes oriented solutions. Istio is a good example, as it brings a wide set of network router functions with a quite simple integration into Kubernetes cluster via its core Service mesh design. Istio provides end user authentication via JWT within declared authentication policy.
Alternativelly, you can get through Nginx plus features with announced JWT authentication as well.
