How to setup Spring backend with JWT and Kubernetes - spring

I implemented a Spring backend which is responsible to store different data (users, lectures, ...). This backend is secured with a JWT and everything is working fine. For my studies I want to enhance the backend and now I want to use a microservice architecture instead of a monolith. For this purpose I have the requirements to use Docker and Kubernetes. I always read articles which write that I need a Authorization Server and a Ressource Server when I want to use the JWT in a microservice architecture. Is that correct? And do I need a Gateway (e.g. Zuul) for my purpose? Can someone help me to structure the project and give advice for the technology stack. At the end the whole project will run in one single server.
I implemented a molotithical backend, secured with JWT.

Kubernetes officially supports authentication to API server within JSON Web Tokens(JWT) through OpenID Connect tool using OAuth 2.0 protocol for user request identification. However, this only represents a part of Authorization model, which determines how authenticated user can be granted with appropriate security policies or roles to manage Kubernetes cluster resources.
In order to build or migrate application to Kubernetes, you might consider to expose application outside the cluster, for that purpose Ingress proxies requests to exact service by matching request path. Actually, Ingress is a logical resource element which describes a set of rules for traffic management via Ingress Controller. Therefore, Ingress controller can play a role of API Gateway by delivering L7 network facilities like: load balancing, SSL termination and HTTP/HTTPS traffic routing for nested application services.
As you mentioned Zuul gateway can be one of the option for the edge proxying service in front of Kubernetes cluster, however I would recommend to look for some more Kubernetes oriented solutions. Istio is a good example, as it brings a wide set of network router functions with a quite simple integration into Kubernetes cluster via its core Service mesh design. Istio provides end user authentication via JWT within declared authentication policy.
Alternativelly, you can get through Nginx plus features with announced JWT authentication as well.


Authentication and Authorization for microservices architecture

I have implemented microservices architecture in Spring Boot. All services are accessible from the front-end. There are 2 types of API in few Microservices -
Public - (Directly Accessible from the front-end)
Internal - (for inter-service communication)
I have implemented JWT based authentication. But I want to know how to implement auth for internal APIs?
In internal API we will not get the JWT token. Auth is needed because someone can mock a private API.
For Authentication, we are using an auth service. All other services call the Auth service before every API call to authenticate the request.
Auth is needed because someone can mock a private API
While this may be true, an attacker would need to be inside your network already.
However, assuming you still need secure intra-service communication, you could look at service discovery to mediate this communication. Service registry platforms such as Eureka or Consul, will allow you to set up service discovery.
Eureka is commonly used in sprint boot applications, and is fairly lightweight, but weighted toward AWS hosting.
In addition to other benefits, such as configuration management, failure detection, and load balancing, these platforms will also enable you to secure your intra-service communication.

Where to configure SSL in micro service architecture

I need to convert monothic application to micro service architecture. Few suggestion/confirmation are required before i finalize the design.
I will be using docker containers and kubernetes. Structure will be like this
Ingress -> Zuul API Gateway--> Microservice
-> Angular PODS
Ingress Router to route traffic to
Angular PODS where angular code will be present
API Gateway Zuul API Gateway where we will perform Authorization and
So my doubt is, for inter service communication do we need to configure SSL ?
It depends on the level of security you need for inter-service communication. If that is required, I would recommend to use service mesh for the same. It will give mutual TLS for your services and many other benefits. Istio ( is the most widely used service mesh.

Kubernetes for securing service endpoints?

So I have a very small micro service architecture built using Eureka service discovery. The problem I am facing right now is that I only want my service endpoints to accept request from my api gateway, as it is right now you can just make a request straight to the service and hit that service endpoint. Is this a problem Kubernetes would solve? Or Is there a more practical way of doing this?
You should be using network policies to control the traffic between the services.
In kubernetes the services you want to expose internally use service type ClusterIP. This is default anyway which means services are accessible within cluster only. your api gateway is exposed as load balancer service type which then takes traffic from external world and talks to services internally. Depending on your cloud provider you can use firewall in front of load balancer since you can compromise security by simply exposing load balancer. e.g. azure kubernetes you could use application gateway. You can also replace the api gateway with ingress controller. it's very powerful reverse proxy controller which you can expose directly to traffic and that would talk to your services internally.
You really need to understand concepts so i would recommend following links

How to prevent direct access to deployed API services exposed by nginx ingress controller

I've deployed an application on aws using kops and ingress nginx controller.
From what I’ve understood it looks like ingress controller allows to expose each services deployed in the cluster publicly. So it makes me wonder about security and authentication.
What is the architecture of my project ?
I got 3 services deployed in a cluster:
-client-ui (front-end)
-authentication-api (creates/generates/verifies JWT token and call other services like data-api)
-data-api (an API that create/read/update/delete sensitive data in the DB)
So the question is: if Ingress controller exposes all services, how do you restrict access to specific service, if the user is not allowed to ?
In this case data-api should only be accessible from authentication-api. So if in my browser I type obviously I should not be be able to access that endpoint. I should only be able to do it from authentication-api if his jwt token has been verified.
So I guess some apis should be accessible only from within the cluster and some publicly !?
Could you please explain how can I do that ?
Depending on the cloud provider, there are different annotations on the ingress services for that. What you want is an internal load balancer for a specific ingress resource.
In your case (AWS) this should be:
annotations: "true"

what is the difference between netflix zuul server and netflix eureka server?

i have created two java spring-boot micro services they are
1) producer
2) consumer
and i have used spring eureka server for service registration and discovery . it worked fine . then what is the use of Netflix Zuul.
Let's suppose you have 20 services to which user can interact to, and of course we are not going to expose each and every services publicly because that will be madness (because all services will have different ports and context), so the best approach will be to use an API gateway which will act as single entry point access to our application (developed in micro service pattern) and that is where Zuul comes into picture. Zuul act as a reverse proxy to all your micro-services running behind it and is capable of following
Dynamic Routing
Service Migration
Load Shedding
Static Response handling
Active/Active traffic management
You can go through documentation here
If you have enough experience in the domain, you could look at zuul as an API gateway like Apigee. It is very feature rich and touches up on a lot of different concerns like routing, monitoring and most importantly, security. And eureka as a service discovery platform that allows you to load balance (in Linux terms the nginx or haproxy) and fail over between your service instances.
Typically the backend services that perform the server side business operations (i.e. core) are not exposed publicly due to many reasons. They are shielded by some Gateway layer that also serves as reverse-proxy. Netflix Zuul serves as this gateway layer which easily gives you the capabilities as mentioned by #Apollo and here
