Total less available = Remaining Formula in Power Query - powerquery

I have a bunch of statistical data that I have chopped up and pieced together in power query. In looks like there is category missing from the Database. To fill in the gaps I am trying to take the grand totals which are correct (red), subtract from that what I know to be correct, with the remaining numbers giving me my answer (orange).
The correct data starts with I1, I2, I3, I4, so possibly a grand total of these, by state.
At the moment this is filled by the following formula in excel;
Any help with how the heck I can do this in power query. I realise I cant use the same formula but any ideas would be much appreciated. I can change the text in red to total if that helps in some way?

Here's one potential way. If you start with your spreadsheet set up similar to this:
I only used a subset of your StateIDs from your example and generated my own Values for this example. And the figures in the Available column would be from your red section.
Then add the table from the spreadsheet to Power Query (in Excel, you would click on the table and then Data > From Table/Range > Select My table has headers and click OK).
In Power Query:
You'll probably have to change the TimeID type to date if you want to use the dates for anything, because it will probably come in as date-time type--I won't use the dates here though, so you could skip changing the type (otherwise, right-click the TimeID column > Change Type > Date)
Then use Group By to aggregate values and set the stage for the calculation you want (select the StateID > Group By > and setup the groupings like below and click OK)
You should see something like this:
Then add a new column with your calculation (Add Column > Custom Column > Set it up like below and click OK)
You should see something like this:


PowerBI groupby with filters

My company has tasked with slicing the information on turnover and to create different graphs.
My source data looks like this: Relevant columns are: Voluntary/Involuntary, Termination Reason, Country, Production, and TermDateKey
I am trying to get counts using different filters on the data. I managed to get the basic monthly total using the formula:
Term Month Count = GROUPBY('Turnover Source','Turnover Source'[TermDateKey],"Turnover Total Count", COUNTX(CURRENTGROUP(),'Turnover Source'[TermDateKey]))
This gave me a new sheet with the counts for each month.
Table that shows TermDateKey on Column 1, and Counts on column 2
I am trying to add onto this table by adding counts but using different filters.
For example, I am trying to add another column that gives me the monthly count but filtered for 'Turnover Source'[Voluntary/Involuntary]=="Voluntary". Then another column for 'Turnover Source'[Voluntary/Involuntary]=="Involuntary" and so on. I have not found anywhere that shows me how to do this and when I add in the FILTER function it says that GROUPBY(...) can only work on CURRENTGROUP().
Can some one point me to a resource that will give me the solution I need? I am at a loss, thank you all.
It looks like you may not be aware that you don't have to calculate all possible groupings with DAX formulas.
The very nature of Power BI is that you use a column like "Termination Reason" on an X axis or in the legend of a visual. Any measure that you have created on values of another column, for e.g. a count of all rows, will then automatically be calculated to be grouped by the values in "Termination Reason", giving you a count of each of the values in the column.
You do NOT need DAX functions to calculate the grouping values for each measure for each column value combination.
Here is some simple sample data that has been grouped into dates and colours, one chart showing a count of each colour and one chart showing a sum of the Value column. No DAX was written for that.
If your scenario is different, please explain.

Highlighting with slicer Power BI

I have a Dashboard with different visuals.
Data is made up of different values for insurance companies.
I want my slicers/filters to not filter all data, but to only highlight the chosen company.
For example, in my slicer I choose the insurance ABN.
Instead of showing me the value for ABN only in my visuals, I want all other values to still be visible and ABN's value to be highlighted in the visuals.
Does anyone know how to do this?
You can use conditional formatting to achieve this. Lets say that we will change the background color to "highlight" a row (or cells, to be precise).
First, we need a slicer, which will not filter our data. We can do this by duplicating our source table, removing the unnecessary columns and making sure there is no relationship between the source and the duplicate. So if we have a source table, named Table, like this:
Right click on it and select Duplicate:
Then right click the title of the column you want to keep and select Remove Other Columns to get a list of company names only (you may also remove the duplicates, but it's not required). Then in the model delete the relation between both tables:
Now you can place a table showing company name and sales from your data source, and a slicer for company name from the duplicate table. At this point selecting values in the slicer should not affect the table.
Now you need to capture the value of the slicer and use it in a measure, which will determine should current row be highlighted or not. You can use SELECTEDVALUE for that, but note that it will give you a value only if there is a one selected in the slicer. If you want to support highlighting of more than one company, it gets a bit more complicated.
Make a new measure in your source table, like this:
Measure = IF(HASONEVALUE('Table (2)'[Company name]);
IF(SELECTEDVALUE('Table (2)'[Company name]) = MAX('Table'[Company name]); 1; 0);
IF(ISFILTERED('Table (2)'[Company name]) && COUNTROWS(FILTER('Table (2)'; 'Table (2)'[Company name] = MAX('Table'[Company name]))); 1; 0))
In case there is only one value selected in the slicer (see HASONEVALUE), then our measure will return 1 (highlight) or 0 (don't), comparing it with the current row.
Otherwise (i.e. there is no selection in the slicer, or there are 2 or more companies selected), then we will look at the filtered list of companies (Table (2)) - if it contains current row, then 1 (highlight), otherwise 0 (don't). But we will also handle the case, where there is no value selected in the slicer. In this case the list will contain all the companies, i.e. all rows will be highlighted. Here comes ISFILTERED. And at the end, if the list is filtered and current row exists in the filtered list, then 1 (highlight), otherwise 0 (don't).
Now, you need to use this measure to change the background of the column - right click each column in your table and select Conditional formatting -> Background color:
Then format by rules, where Measure >= 1 like this:
Now, when there is no selection in the slicer, there are no rows highlighted in the table:
If you select one company, it is highlighted:
It also work if there are multiple companies selected:
Thank you Andrey for your step-by-step explanation which as been incredible helpful. I'd like to follow up with a further question, particularly regarding the comment below.
"You can use SELECTEDVALUE for that, but note that it will give you a
value only if there is a one selected in the slicer. If you want to
support highlighting of more than one company, it gets a bit more
In my model, I've linked a third table (Table (3)) to Table (2) with a many to one relationship with Table (2). Therefore when I click on Table (3), it will filter Table (2), which acts as a slicer for Table (1).
When only 1 value is filtered in Table (2), it conditionally formats the cells in Table (1). However, when more than 1 value is filtered in Table (2), conditional formatting fails.
As I'm looking to avoid manually selecting multiple values in the slicer (Table (2)), I was wondering if there's a workaround for SELECTEDVALUE such that it is able to conditionally format when I filter more than 1 value in Table (2).

Excel 2017 Formula - Average data by month, while being filterable

I'm not a VBA coder, and I would prefer an excel formula if possible, the easiest solution will be the best one.
Test workbook screenshot
As you can see, I have plenty of columns, which are filterable.
I am attempting to retrieve an average of Column L, but I want the data to be calculated for the correct month in G3:R3.
The resulting calculation needs to be recalculated when filtered, between customers, sites, status, job type etc.
I am referencing the resulting cells in another sheet, which gives an idea of trends I can glance at, as such filtering by month in each sheet, is not an option.
This one does not update with the filtered data.
=SUM(IF(MONTH(E9:E1833)=1,J9:J1833,0)) /SUM(IF(MONTH(E9:E1833)=1,1))
This one does not update with the filtered data.
I have tried 5 different SUBTOTAL formulas, some with OFFSET, none of these produce the same result I get when checking manually.
Each worksheet has over 1,500 hundred rows, the largest is 29148 rows. The data goes back as far as 2005.
Please can someone help me find a solution?
One possible solution is to create a helper column which returns 1 if the row is visible and returns 0 if the row is invisible (or blank). This allows a bit more freedom in your formulas.
For example, if you want to create a helper column in column X, type this into cell X9 and drag down:
= SUBTOTAL(103,A9)
Now you can create a custom average formula, for example:
= SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(E9:E1833)=1)*(X9:X1833)*(J9:J1833))/
Not exactly pretty but it gets the job done. (Note this is an array formula, so you must press Ctrl+Shift+Enter on your keyboard instead of just Enter after typing this formula.)
With even more helper columns you could avoid SUMPRODUCT altogether and just accomplish this by doing a single AVERAGEIFS.
For example if you type into cell Y9 and drag down:
Then your formula could be:
= AVERAGEIFS(J9:J1833,X9:X1833,1,Y9:Y1833,1)
There isn't a clean way to do this without at least one helper function (if you want to avoid VBA).

How can I get a Telerik Reporting graph to sort the x-axis by a date and format that date?

I have a Telerik report with a graph. The graph's x-axis is a series of dates. Our client would like those dates in order from oldest to most recent. They also want the dates formatted to not include the time portion of the date. I've tried for the past day to get this to work and can't figure it out. Can someone explain how to do this?
I started out with a graph based on this query:
SELECT AnalysisNumber
, convert(varchar, DateSampled, 01) as DateSampled
, ViscosityAt100C
FROM tblSample
ORDER BY a.DateSampled ASC
The results look correct with the dates in order from oldest to most recent:
but a graph is produced where the dates were not in order:
I can't begin to include all the setting for the graph, but here is what I think is the relevant part. Let me know if there's something else I can show you.
Notice the sorting is by DateSampled which is now, of course, text not a date.
If I remove that sorting (to try to preserve the original sorting from the SQL query), the graph no longer works:
So I tried to use a date instead of text. The query is now this:
SELECT AnalysisNumber
, DateSampled
, ViscosityAt100C
FROM tblSample
ORDER BY a.DateSampled ASC
...the output looks the same:
and the graph looks like this:
The dates are sorted the way I want, but all the dates have a time element that I don't want because it's irrelevant and it takes up too much space.
I tried changing the type in SQL:
Cast(DateSampled as Date) as DateSampled
but it still showed the time in the graph.
I tried formatting it using the properties for the x-axis:
but it did not change the formats of the date. In fact, changing to any of the formats in that property did not change anything.
Lastly I tried to include both a string and date in my query:
SELECT AnalysisNumber
, convert(date, DateSampled) as DateSampledText
, DateSampled
, ViscosityAt100C
FROM tblSample
ORDER BY a.DateSampled ASC
and using the DateSampledText to group by and the DateSampled to sort by:
it just ruins my graph again:
I tried adding the text version to sorting and other variations, but never got the graph back to where it was showing data.
Sorting and formatting a graph doesn't sounds like it should be difficult. This was supposed to be one of the final changes before going into production and I've already spent so much time on this. Can someone tell me how to make this work? Thank you!
I believe you need to change the scale of your graph. I think by default it is Category Scale, but when using dates, you would need to change it to DateTime scale.
In your graph properties, where you set the Format of the X-Axis, there should be a property called Scale. Try setting it to DateTime.
The reason you can't format the dates is because the graph is treating them as strings.
You need to change the x axis to be of type DateTime Scale instead of Category Scale. Category scale is the default and is more appropriate for when you are graphing the number of Apples, Oranges, and Pears, for example.
In the standalone report designer the setting is under Presentation Category > Coordinate Systems > cartesiancoordinatesystem1 > X Axis > Scale
In addition to changing the scale type, because the scale expression is now not just a string, you also need to set the X value on your line series.
This setting is under Presentation Category > Series > lineseries1 > X
For some unknown reason the setting should not be "=Fields.DateSampledText", but "DateSampledText". The documentation is irritating bare of details like this.

How can I get the values in the Matrix on my SSRS report to repeat?

I know there must be a simple answer to this, but I can't find it.
I have added a couple of textboxes to a Matrix in a BIDS/SSRS report. I've given these textboxes values such as:
It works (after a fashion); when I run the report (either on the Preview tab, or on the Report Server site) I see the first corresponding data value on the report - but only one.
I would think that once a value has been assigned via expressions such as "=Fields!WEEK1USAGE.Value", each value would display (rows would automatically be added).
There must be some property on the Matrix or the textbox that specified this, but I can't see what it might be.
Here is how my report looks (very minimalistic, so far) in the Layout pane:
...and after running, on the Preview tab:
Obviously, I want the report to display as many rows as necessary, not just one. The textboxes do have a "RepeatWith" property, but there description doesn't sound interesting/useful/promising.
I don't see any property on the Matrix control that looks right, either.
I thought maybe the designer was only showing one row of values, and ran the report on the server, too, but there also it just shows the two values.
So what do I need to do to get all the data for a provided field?
Matrices are for display of grouped data and summary information, usually in a horizontally expanding pivot table type of format. Is a matrix really what you are after? Looking at your expression you have =Fields!Week1Usage.Value but in a matrix what I expect to see would be at least =Sum(Fields!Week1Usage.Value) or even better just =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). Then you would have ProactDescription as your row group and the week as your column group and it would all just work out everything for you, grouping and summing by Proact vertically and expanding the weeks out horizontally.
What seems to be happening is that you have no grouping on rows or columns and no aggregation so it is falling back to the default display which is effectively the First function - it displays the first row of data and as far as the matrix is concerned it has done its job because there is no grouping.
Without knowing your problem or data, I'll make up a scenario that might be what you are doing and discuss how the matrix does the heavy lifting to solve that problem. Let's say you have usage data for multiple Proacts. Each time one is used you record the usage amount and the date and time it is used. It could be used multiple times per day but certainly multiple times in a week. So you might be able to get the times each Proact is used from a table like so:
SELECT ProactDescription, TimeUsed, Usage
FROM ProactUsage
ORDER BY ProactDescription, TimeUsed
In your report you want to show the total weekly usage for each Proact over multiple weeks. Something like this:
Proact Week1 Week2 Week3 ...
Description Usage Usage Usage ...
Anise, Fennel 1 CT 20.00 22.50 16.35 ...
St John's Wort 15.20 33.90 28.25 ...
and so on. Using a dataset based on the SQL above we create a matrix and in the row group properties we group on =Fields!ProactDescription.Value and in the column group properties we group on a week expression like =DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today) and then in the intersection of the row and column we put =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). To display the header of the column nicely put an expression like
="Week " & DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today)
The matrix automatically does all the summing by week and product and expands the weeks horizontally for as many as you are reporting. For bonus points you can also put totaling at the end of the columns and the rows to show the total use of that Proact for the period (row total) and total use of all Proacts in that week (column total).
