Highlighting with slicer Power BI - filter

I have a Dashboard with different visuals.
Data is made up of different values for insurance companies.
I want my slicers/filters to not filter all data, but to only highlight the chosen company.
For example, in my slicer I choose the insurance ABN.
Instead of showing me the value for ABN only in my visuals, I want all other values to still be visible and ABN's value to be highlighted in the visuals.
Does anyone know how to do this?

You can use conditional formatting to achieve this. Lets say that we will change the background color to "highlight" a row (or cells, to be precise).
First, we need a slicer, which will not filter our data. We can do this by duplicating our source table, removing the unnecessary columns and making sure there is no relationship between the source and the duplicate. So if we have a source table, named Table, like this:
Right click on it and select Duplicate:
Then right click the title of the column you want to keep and select Remove Other Columns to get a list of company names only (you may also remove the duplicates, but it's not required). Then in the model delete the relation between both tables:
Now you can place a table showing company name and sales from your data source, and a slicer for company name from the duplicate table. At this point selecting values in the slicer should not affect the table.
Now you need to capture the value of the slicer and use it in a measure, which will determine should current row be highlighted or not. You can use SELECTEDVALUE for that, but note that it will give you a value only if there is a one selected in the slicer. If you want to support highlighting of more than one company, it gets a bit more complicated.
Make a new measure in your source table, like this:
Measure = IF(HASONEVALUE('Table (2)'[Company name]);
IF(SELECTEDVALUE('Table (2)'[Company name]) = MAX('Table'[Company name]); 1; 0);
IF(ISFILTERED('Table (2)'[Company name]) && COUNTROWS(FILTER('Table (2)'; 'Table (2)'[Company name] = MAX('Table'[Company name]))); 1; 0))
In case there is only one value selected in the slicer (see HASONEVALUE), then our measure will return 1 (highlight) or 0 (don't), comparing it with the current row.
Otherwise (i.e. there is no selection in the slicer, or there are 2 or more companies selected), then we will look at the filtered list of companies (Table (2)) - if it contains current row, then 1 (highlight), otherwise 0 (don't). But we will also handle the case, where there is no value selected in the slicer. In this case the list will contain all the companies, i.e. all rows will be highlighted. Here comes ISFILTERED. And at the end, if the list is filtered and current row exists in the filtered list, then 1 (highlight), otherwise 0 (don't).
Now, you need to use this measure to change the background of the column - right click each column in your table and select Conditional formatting -> Background color:
Then format by rules, where Measure >= 1 like this:
Now, when there is no selection in the slicer, there are no rows highlighted in the table:
If you select one company, it is highlighted:
It also work if there are multiple companies selected:

Thank you Andrey for your step-by-step explanation which as been incredible helpful. I'd like to follow up with a further question, particularly regarding the comment below.
"You can use SELECTEDVALUE for that, but note that it will give you a
value only if there is a one selected in the slicer. If you want to
support highlighting of more than one company, it gets a bit more
In my model, I've linked a third table (Table (3)) to Table (2) with a many to one relationship with Table (2). Therefore when I click on Table (3), it will filter Table (2), which acts as a slicer for Table (1).
When only 1 value is filtered in Table (2), it conditionally formats the cells in Table (1). However, when more than 1 value is filtered in Table (2), conditional formatting fails.
As I'm looking to avoid manually selecting multiple values in the slicer (Table (2)), I was wondering if there's a workaround for SELECTEDVALUE such that it is able to conditionally format when I filter more than 1 value in Table (2).


Instead of selecting a column to sort a table by in a dropdown, how do I add the sorting column names in a separate column?

I have a workbook where I have displayed a table where the user can view the top 3 IDs based on a column they can select from a dropdown (Measure A, Measure B, ... , Measure H):
Now, instead of this, I want to add a separate column called Sorting Criterion to the table that would store the column names with which the respective rows of the table was sorted. So, the expected output is something like this:
How do I do this? I'm open to using Tableau Prep Builder, if needed, for intermediate steps that may be too convoluted for Tableau Desktop.
Create a calculated field that just contains the Sort By parameter. Add this calculated field to your view.

Can I use a list to repeat two tablixes on a report page?

See image below. Warehouse and Customer are dropdown lists populated via query. Year is a text field. The two tables display data from datasets driven by the report parameters. Is there a way to repeat the two tables based on each member of the Customer dropdown? Preferbly with a pagebreak after the 2nd table.
I normally do this using subreports. You could either create a single subreport that contains both tables or individual subreports. The individual approach might help with page breaks etc so that's the way I'd go.
Step 1: Create a report for your first table.
As you don't state what each table does, I'll make some up for the sake of illustration.
The key is to create a subreport that displays just the info you need in a single table. So in your case this might mean we only need to pass in a single parameter, CustomerID. You might need to pass in more such as Warehouse but I don't know...
In my made up scenario, let's assume the report shows customer contacts so we create a subreport (let's call it subCustomerConacts). It has a single parameter pCustomerID and a single dataset dsCustomerContacts. The query might looks something like SELECT * FROM CustomerContacts WHERE CustomerID = #pCustomerID. Add whatever tables/textbox etc you need to display your data.
Test this subreport works by manually typing in a CustomerID
Step 2: Create a report for your second table.
Do exactly the same again, creating a new subreport. Let call this subCustomerOrders. Repeat as above until you end up with another report that can display order details (or whatever you need).
Finally, create you main report.
This is basically what you have described in you question in terms of parameters etc.
Now to add this bit that will call you subreports.
Create a dataset (let's call it dsCustomerLoop) that contains each customer from your parameter something like SELECT DISTINCT CustomerID FROM myCustomers WHERE CustomerID IN (#myCustomerParameter)
Add a table to your report, 1 column wide and stretch it so it's wide enough to accommodate you subreports.
Set the dataset to point to dsCustomerLoop
Right-Click the cell in the detail row and do "Insert Row -> Inside Group - Below". You should not have two detail rows.
Next, right click the top detail row and do "Insert -> Subreport"
Right-Click the newly inserted subreport control and choose "properties".
Choose your first SubReport form the drop-down list
Click parameters on the left,
Click "Add" and select the CusomterID parmeter, set it's value to the CustomerID field.
Repeat this process on the seconds row, choosing your seconds subreport.
You may want to also add a 3rd row to the table, you could insert a rectangle into this with page breaks set to force a new page after each seconds subreport.
That's It. When the report runs it will produce two rows per customer, each row containing a subreport.
I hope this is clear enough, I've rushed through it a bit but if anything is unclear, let me know and I'll provide a clearer solution.

show selected columns of table in QlikView

I am creating a Dashboard in QlikView, allowing the user to extract data based on the filters and selected columns. Requirments are below.
“Data Extract” table MUST be empty (even no column names are showed)at first!
Clicking the blue button shows the list of data available.
A table will then show those selected columns.
Does someone know how to do these?
You need to set a conditional expression on each of your dimension and measures.
A simple example would be to have an ID for each measure, here the measure "NetSales" can be referenced by MeasureID "a".
Measure | MeasureID
NetSales | a
In the conditional expression for NetSales you can have:
=if(IsNull(GetFieldSelections(Measure)),0,SubStringCount(Concat(MeasureID, '|'), 'a'))
This will check the possible MeasureIDs and return 1 if NetSales is selected.
You need to create a "floating" tables with the dimensions & expressions you need to use in the table object:
Here is an example I made : https://ufile.io/j20am (just reload the file If you use personal edition)

MS Access table list order is defaulted in subform

I have a subform with a table, where some fields are restricted to tables. The tables are sorted in the correct order, but when it is used in the subform, it is set to default sorting. I can't find the location of the correct place to set the sorting criteria. I tried using query instead of a table, but i could only sort either by ascending or descending (or nothing). All three options resultet in undesired order. Example of the phase being sorted as default despite the table settings:
As Gustav suggests, add another field to your t_Phase table, which will be the order you want this list to appear in the drop-down (make sure it is a number field):
Supply the numeric order:
In your other table, you can use the ID field from your t_Phase table by selecting it through the lookup wizard:
Move across the ID and the new "Order" field you just created:
Use the "Order" field as the field you want to use for sorting and make sure "Ascending" is selected:
Continue through the wizard:
Select the field that has the data you want to go in to the record of your table (I assume it's the ID field rather than the Order field, so make sure ID is selected):
Finish the lookup wizard and go in to Datasheet View on your table and check that the dropdown is now in numeric order. You've probably noticed a problem though as it is showing both the ID and the Order columns:
To hide the unnecessary Order column, go back in to Design View and click on your phase field to select it.
At the bottom should be a "Lookup" tab. Click on this and notice the Column Widths property... it's showing 2 different widths values; the first one is the ID field and the second one is the Order field. Set the Order field to 0cm to hide it. I'd then recommend setting the remaining Id field width to something that will be wide enough to show all your ID field's options. Then I'd set the List Width property to the same width.
8cm, for example:
This should result in something like the following, which is hopefully what you're after.
If you're not adding a lookup field to the design structure of a table, but are instead using a combo-box on a form or subform, the principle is pretty much the same; you'll just have to amend the combo-box properties from the form's Property Sheet "Format" tab instead:
Combo- and listboxes always contain text, thus your column is not sorted numeric.
To have a numeric sort, add a column with the number only and - in the source - sort only on that. If you don't the number separately, create it from this expression:
Val(Mid([PhaseField], 7))

Sort Rows in Excel?

I have an issue with an excel spreadsheet I want to see if I can do without VBA just because it seems easier to implement that way. Basically, there are many columns in the sheet I want to sort. However, I merely want to look at three columns: the title column, the data column and the status column.
In a new spreadsheet, there will be four sections. Each section corresponds to 3 months of the year (ie Jan, Feb, Mar. will map to the first column on the new spreadsheet, April, May, June will map to the second column on the new spreadsheet).
Based on the date, and if the status column has the word "Finished" (in the original spreadsheet), I want to map the title to a certain column under the new spreadsheet based on the date criteria as described in the previous paragraph. So for example, if the original spreadsheet has following:
Title Date Status
Doc1 1/12/13 Finished
Doc2 2/10/13 UnFinished
Doc3 4/1/13 Finished
Doc4 3/31/13 Finished
Would map to, on the new spreadsheet:
1st Column | 2nd Column
Doc1 Doc3
I have looked a lot into pivot tables but I can't "automate it" as much as I want to. I have gotten it down to the point where I can change the pivot tables into filtering based on date, but I want it even more automated than that. I've also tried excel formulas but that has been to no avail. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!
With a PivotTable it seems fairly easy to 'automate' as far as Sheet 2 as below:
but from there to the result requested is relatively 'manual' without VBA, so may not suit.
For my convenience I have changed the date formats. The PivotTable is constructed as usual/indicated without showing grand totals for rows or for columns (PivotTable Options, Totals & Filters). The Column Labels are Date with Grouping By Quarters with appropriate Starting at: and Ending at: (Group) and Collapse Entire Field (Expand/Collapse).
The formula in I6 is to convert the document count (always 1) to document name:
However, to allow room for additional quarters in the PivotTable the formula should be moved to the right. The formula would need to be copied across and down as necessary.
The process becomes more ‘manual’ with copying the results of these formulae, pasting them (with Special / Values) into a new location (in the example 2!A1) and, if required, deleting blanks.
This may be against the rules with regards to maintaining the integrity of the OP's request, but hopefully it doesn't offend :)
Here's another option.
Add another column (shame on me, I know) to the original data, and
called this Quarter. The formula that goes next to the existing data
is the following.
Basically, if the status is "Finished", then determine in what quarter the date is.
Create the pivot table with that data, and then add "Quarter" and
"Title" to the Row Labels (in that order)
Last thing would be to click the arrow next to "Row Labels" and select "Does not Equal" under "Label Filters". There you'll type "Unfinished" (no quotation marks). This will give you something like the image below.
From here the only manual thing you'll need to do is update the data range for the pivot table if more rows are added to the pivot table data and refresh the pivot table if the original data changes
NOTE: To address your question about sorting; after you do the steps above, you can select the Row Labels again and do an A>Z sort to get each quarter to be sorted in alphabetical order
