How can I get the values in the Matrix on my SSRS report to repeat? - matrix

I know there must be a simple answer to this, but I can't find it.
I have added a couple of textboxes to a Matrix in a BIDS/SSRS report. I've given these textboxes values such as:
It works (after a fashion); when I run the report (either on the Preview tab, or on the Report Server site) I see the first corresponding data value on the report - but only one.
I would think that once a value has been assigned via expressions such as "=Fields!WEEK1USAGE.Value", each value would display (rows would automatically be added).
There must be some property on the Matrix or the textbox that specified this, but I can't see what it might be.
Here is how my report looks (very minimalistic, so far) in the Layout pane:
...and after running, on the Preview tab:
Obviously, I want the report to display as many rows as necessary, not just one. The textboxes do have a "RepeatWith" property, but there description doesn't sound interesting/useful/promising.
I don't see any property on the Matrix control that looks right, either.
I thought maybe the designer was only showing one row of values, and ran the report on the server, too, but there also it just shows the two values.
So what do I need to do to get all the data for a provided field?

Matrices are for display of grouped data and summary information, usually in a horizontally expanding pivot table type of format. Is a matrix really what you are after? Looking at your expression you have =Fields!Week1Usage.Value but in a matrix what I expect to see would be at least =Sum(Fields!Week1Usage.Value) or even better just =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). Then you would have ProactDescription as your row group and the week as your column group and it would all just work out everything for you, grouping and summing by Proact vertically and expanding the weeks out horizontally.
What seems to be happening is that you have no grouping on rows or columns and no aggregation so it is falling back to the default display which is effectively the First function - it displays the first row of data and as far as the matrix is concerned it has done its job because there is no grouping.
Without knowing your problem or data, I'll make up a scenario that might be what you are doing and discuss how the matrix does the heavy lifting to solve that problem. Let's say you have usage data for multiple Proacts. Each time one is used you record the usage amount and the date and time it is used. It could be used multiple times per day but certainly multiple times in a week. So you might be able to get the times each Proact is used from a table like so:
SELECT ProactDescription, TimeUsed, Usage
FROM ProactUsage
ORDER BY ProactDescription, TimeUsed
In your report you want to show the total weekly usage for each Proact over multiple weeks. Something like this:
Proact Week1 Week2 Week3 ...
Description Usage Usage Usage ...
Anise, Fennel 1 CT 20.00 22.50 16.35 ...
St John's Wort 15.20 33.90 28.25 ...
and so on. Using a dataset based on the SQL above we create a matrix and in the row group properties we group on =Fields!ProactDescription.Value and in the column group properties we group on a week expression like =DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today) and then in the intersection of the row and column we put =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). To display the header of the column nicely put an expression like
="Week " & DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today)
The matrix automatically does all the summing by week and product and expands the weeks horizontally for as many as you are reporting. For bonus points you can also put totaling at the end of the columns and the rows to show the total use of that Proact for the period (row total) and total use of all Proacts in that week (column total).


Writing a formula in a cell in Google Sheets that averages the results from a column derived from expected values in multiple columns

I'm an average user of Google sheets and I've tried writing/looking up the formula I'm going for, but I haven't had any luck yet.
I have a spreadsheet that details multiple values that I need to display in a single cell the average of a certain set of values derived from a specific set of those values from multiple columns.
The flow of information would look something along the lines of:
if value in Column D=L
if value in Column J<$1.20
Find Avg of all Values in Column N
I'd need the formula to narrow it's field of data each time so the final result was the average of all the values in Column N that had a value in column J<$1.20 with a value in Column D=L.
I feel like a dummy over here because I just can't narrow down how I should write this flow and get it to work right without adding multiple extra hidden columns. Can anyone help on this one?
I've tried writing the formula multiple different ways but haven't kept it written down to pass on.

How to create a DAX cross-sectional measure?

I don't know if I even worded the question correctly, but I'm trying to create a measure that depends on what is showing in the pivot table (using PowerPivot). In the image I posted, "DealMonth" is an expression in the PowerQuery table itself that simply takes the start date of the employee and subtracts it from the month a deal was closed in. That will show how long it took for that salesperson to close the deal. "TenureMonths" is also an expression in the PowerQuery table that calculates the tenure of the person. The values populating this screenshot are coming from a total headcount measure created. What I'm trying to do is create a separate measure that will show when the "TenureMonths" is less than the "DealMonth." So if the TenureMonths is 5, then after DealMonth of 5, the value would be 0. Is this possible?
I should add the following information.
"DealMonth" - Comes from the FactData table
"TenureMonths" - Comes from the DimSalesStart table
These two tables are joined by name. I feel like I'm so close because I can see what I want. The second image below is a copy/paste of the pivot table result but with my edits to show what I'd want to have shown. Basically, if(TenureMonths >= DealMonth,1,0). The trouble seems to be that since they're in two different tables, I can't make it work. The rows in the fact table are transactions, but the rows in the dim table are just the people with their start and end dates.
Desired Result
This is possible with some IF([measure1]<[measure2],blank(),[measure1]), however without seeing more of the data it will be hard to guide you specifically.
However you need to create two separate measures, one for TenureMonths and one for DealMonth, depending on the data this can be done with an aggregator forumla such as sum, min, max, etc (depends if there will be more than one value).
Then reference those two measures in the formula pattern I mentioned above, and that should give you want you want.
I figured out a solution. I added a dimension table for DealMonth itself and joined to my fact table. That allowed me to do the formulas that I needed.

Excel 2017 Formula - Average data by month, while being filterable

I'm not a VBA coder, and I would prefer an excel formula if possible, the easiest solution will be the best one.
Test workbook screenshot
As you can see, I have plenty of columns, which are filterable.
I am attempting to retrieve an average of Column L, but I want the data to be calculated for the correct month in G3:R3.
The resulting calculation needs to be recalculated when filtered, between customers, sites, status, job type etc.
I am referencing the resulting cells in another sheet, which gives an idea of trends I can glance at, as such filtering by month in each sheet, is not an option.
This one does not update with the filtered data.
=SUM(IF(MONTH(E9:E1833)=1,J9:J1833,0)) /SUM(IF(MONTH(E9:E1833)=1,1))
This one does not update with the filtered data.
I have tried 5 different SUBTOTAL formulas, some with OFFSET, none of these produce the same result I get when checking manually.
Each worksheet has over 1,500 hundred rows, the largest is 29148 rows. The data goes back as far as 2005.
Please can someone help me find a solution?
One possible solution is to create a helper column which returns 1 if the row is visible and returns 0 if the row is invisible (or blank). This allows a bit more freedom in your formulas.
For example, if you want to create a helper column in column X, type this into cell X9 and drag down:
= SUBTOTAL(103,A9)
Now you can create a custom average formula, for example:
= SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(E9:E1833)=1)*(X9:X1833)*(J9:J1833))/
Not exactly pretty but it gets the job done. (Note this is an array formula, so you must press Ctrl+Shift+Enter on your keyboard instead of just Enter after typing this formula.)
With even more helper columns you could avoid SUMPRODUCT altogether and just accomplish this by doing a single AVERAGEIFS.
For example if you type into cell Y9 and drag down:
Then your formula could be:
= AVERAGEIFS(J9:J1833,X9:X1833,1,Y9:Y1833,1)
There isn't a clean way to do this without at least one helper function (if you want to avoid VBA).

RDLC Matrix report move grouping column

I have an RDCL Matrix report.
Generated in Visual Studio 2013.
In MVC5.
I am creating the report for a database based on a range of dates returned in a recordset and bound at runtime to the report. Depening on the dates returned in the dataset the columns in the report are dynamically created (matrix report).
My date range will always be for a months duration so my report is very wide and space is of importance as users want entire months date range to fit on one page.
This is how my report currently looks(sorry i had to mask out data).As you can see i can only fit until the 23 October and then it moves onto other page. I need it all to fit on one page.
This is how it looks in the designer so you can see where the groupings are.
So in order to make it fit all on one page, i was hoping it could easily move the employee row group column above the data rows (only to appear once per instance of that employee) so it doesn't take up the space in the row it currently resides in ? This should allow me to gain a little space.
I have tried to moving this column manually or re-creating the grouping and making it a group header but then all employees appear in a list instead of at the head of each section. I have looked at similar questions such as this but it's not really what i need.
Any help would be appreciated.

Can I compare values in the same column in adjacent rows in PowerPivot?

I have a PowerPivot table for which I need to be able to determine how long an item was in an Error state. My data set looks something like this:
What I need to be able to do is to look at the values in the ID and State columns, and see if the value in the previous row is ERROR in the State column, and the same in the ID column. If it is, I then need to calculate the difference between the Changed Date values in those two rows.
So, for example, when I got to row 4, I would see that the value in the State column for Row 3, the previous row, is ERROR, and that the value in the ID column in the previous row is the same as the current row, so I would then calculate the difference between the Changed Date values in Row 3 and Row 4 (I don't care about the values in any of the other columns for this particular requirement).
Is there a way to do this in PowerPivot? I've done a fair amount of Internet searching, and it looks like if it can be done, it would use the EARLIER or EARLIEST DAX functions, but I can't find anything that tells me how, or even if, this can be done.
I have had similar requirements many times and after a really long time of trial-and-error, I finally understood how EARLIER works. It can be very powerful, but also very slow so always check for the performance of your calculations.
To answer your question, you will need to create 4 calculated columns:
1) Item Rank - used for ranking the issues with same Item ID
=COUNTROWS(FILTER('ID', EARLIER([Item ID]) = [Item ID] && EARLIER([Date]) >= [Date]))
2) Follows Error - to easily find issue that follows EROR issue
=IF([State] = "EROR",[Item Rank]+1)
3) Time of Following Issue - simple lookup so that you can calculate the different
=IF([Follows Error]>0,
LOOKUPVALUE([Date], [User], [User], [Item Rank], [Follows Error]),
4) Time Diff - calculation of time different for the specific issue
DAY([Time of Following Issue])-DAY([Date]),
With those calculated columns, you can then easily create a powerpivot table, drag State and Item Id onto the ROWS pane and then simply add Time Diff to Values. You will get an overview of issues that contain string "EROR" issue and the time it took to resolve them.
This is what it looks like in PowerPivot window:
And the resulting Pivot table:
You can download my Excel file here (2013).
As I mentioned, be careful with the performance as the calculated columns with nested EARLIER and IF conditions might be a bit too performance-demanding. If there is a smarter way, I would be very happy to see it, but for now this works for me just fine.
Also, keep in mind that all calculated columns could be nested into 1, but I kept them separated to make it easier to understand the formulas.
Hope this helps :-)
