Passing pivot table data from laravel to VueJS component - laravel

Im adding VueJs Components to my Laravel App and im struggling with this question:
I have 2 models, Concessions and Brands, with a ManyToMany relationship like this:
Concession Model
public function brands()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Brand');
Brand Model
public function concessions()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Concession');
in the controller im fetching the data from all the Concessions and returning to the view like this:
public function concessions()
$concessions = Concession::all();
return view('MyConcessionsView', compact('concessions'));
on my Laravel View i can access to $concessions[0]->brands with no problem and everything is working fine.
So, im adding my Vue component, and i'm passing the prop $concessions to that component:
<concessions-map :con="{{ $concessions }}"></concessions-map>
On my Vue component im accepting the prop 'con' and i can display all the elements from that array. BUT i need access from each brand form each concession and when i try, for example, display con[0].brands[0] or even con[0].brands it gives me the error Cannot read property 'brands' of undefined".
I even pass this prop to State on Mounted() lifecycle method:
mounted() {
this.concessions = this.con;
and on Vue DevTools i have the array with 35 objects.. but i can access the property brands from each one.
Any advice?
Thanks (a lot) in advance!

$concessions = Concession::with('brands')
This is what you need.
when you execute
You are making a new request to the database.

you can work with Axios is a better way so
-1 define a function in your concessions controller to get every concessions with its brands
public function getConcessions(){
$concessions= Concession::with('brands');
return $concessions;
-2 define a route to fetch this data in your web.php
for example
-3 fetch data with axios from your vuejs component
.then(({data}) => {
this.concessions =
and do not forget to add this function in your mounted methode
mounted() {
-4 now you can display the data fetched in your vuejs component
in your case you do for example
and even you can read it as a loop with v-for for example read it in a table
<tr v-for="concession in" :key="">
<td class="text-center">{{concession.brands}}</td>
so for each concession, it will display its brands


How do I pass a value in my Route to the Controller to be used in the View in Laravel?

I have 2 entities called Match and Roster.
My Match routes are like this
http://localhost:8888/app/public/matches (index)
http://localhost:8888/app/public/matches/14 (show)
In order to view/create the teams for each specific match I added the routes for the match roster like this:
Route::get('/matches/'.'{id}'.'/roster/', [App\Http\Controllers\RosterController::class, 'index']);
Now I need that {id} i have in my URL to pass it to the Controller here:
public function index()
return view('roster.index');
I need that for a couple of things. First I need to do a search on the Roster table filtering by a column with that value, so I can display only the players that belong to that match.
Second, I need to pass it on to the view so I can use it on my store and update forms. I want to add or remove players from the roster from that same index view.
How can I do that?
#1 You can get the route parameter defined on ur routes via request()->route('parameter_name').
public function index()
// get {id} from the route (/matches/{id}/roster)
$id = request()->route('id');
#2 You can pass the data object via using return view(file_name, object)
public function index()
// get {id} from the route (/matches/{id}/roster)
$id = request()->route('id');
// query what u want to show
// dunno ur models specific things, so just simple example.
$rosters = Roster::where('match_id', '=', $id);
// return view & data
return view('roster.index', $rosters);
#3 It can be done not only index but also others (create, store, edit, update)
In addition, STRONGLY RECOMMEND learn Official Tutorial with simple example first.
Like a Blog, Board, etc..
You need to know essentials to build Laravel App.
Most of the time, I prefer named routes.
Route::get('{bundle}/edit', [BundleController::class, 'edit'])->name('bundle.edit');
In controller
public function edit(Bundle $bundle): Response
// do your magic here
You can call the route by,
route('bundle.edit', $bundle);

vue axios delete request not working in laravel 7

Vue component
methods: {
removeCategory(index) {
if (confirm('Are you sure ?')) {
let id = this.categories[index].id;
if (id > 0) {
axios.delete('/api/categories/' + id);
this.categories.splice(index, 1);
Routes Api
Route::delete('/categories/{category}', 'CategoryController#destroy');
public function destroy(Category $category)
$this->authorize('delete', $category);
return $category;
Put request is working fine for inserting and updating data, but DELETE request is not able to delete data from the database.
Laravel check CSRF token.
You need to add X-CSRF-TOKEN in the request header
You can read this doc :
If you haven't found the answer yet, quick fix as:
Remove the model binding in your Controller.
Grab specific category with an id.
Authorize and delete it.
(no need to modify the Component and the Route)

How to get the value from Laravel Collection

I have a Model called OfficeHours which as various attributes and the model User belongsTo OfficeHours. I am trying to fetch a particular element from a collection but am getting blank in blade.
public function office_hours() {
return $this->hasMany(OfficeHours::class);
public function user(){
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
In Blade when i do the following:
it works and gets me the following collection:
{"2":{"id":3,"user_id":4,"dow":2,"fromtime":"07:00:00","totime":"16:00:00","created_at":"2019-01-31 14:48:32","updated_at":null}}
now how i do i get the elements of that collection?
i tried
but it gives me blank
How do i access the elements?
To preface, you shouldn't be doing that kind of logic in the view file, this is what controllers are for. You'd be able to do $fromtime = ...; and pass that to the view via return view(...)->with(["fromtime" => $fromtime]);
But, that being said, you should be able to do
{{ $logged_in_user->office_hours->where("dow", 2)->first()->fromtime }}
Note you're gonna get an error if ->where("dow", 2) doesn't return a Collection, as null doesn't have a ->first() method on it.

How can i pass other data in other function in my controller to view using CI

how can i pass a value from my query to the same view in CI. I am having a situation of like this:
public function index() {
$myinfo = $this->Myprofile_model->mydata();
$data['myinfo'] = $myinfo
public function getResults($id) {
$fetchdata = $this->Myprofile_model->fetchresult($id);
$data['userselect'] = $fetchdata;
i already load my wholepage in index. and now i want to make another function to my button which is the getResults($id) function in my controller, and i want to display my another data from database to the same page. When i do the top code, my view is duplicating, because i loaded the $this->load->view('myprofile',$data); twice.
1: Create helper function and use that function on view page.
If you want records for single id then merge both function in one.
If there is many ids and you want to fetch records on click for each id then you can use ajax.
$( document ).ready(function() {
// place your code here to fetch records.
// on success you can display the result on same page
I am Not getting clearly but here is the controller to load multiple data on view:
public function index($id) {
$myinfo = $this->Myprofile_model->mydata();
$fetchdata = $this->Myprofile_model->fetchresult($id);
You can use
$this->load->view('myprofile',['myinfo'=>$myinfo,'fetchdata'=>$fetchdata,'third_data'=>$third_data.. as many as you like]);
Here in your code you are passing an id to the getResults function so if you would like to load the data form this function you can do the same with this function. or pass the id to the same index function to get the result.

Ember JS: How to load a second model based on data from a first

I have an Ember app that, rather than using Ember Data, uses our own custom AJAX data layer to talk to an API.
We're able to load two models at once using RSVP - one is a Project object via our API wrapper, the second is an object representing the logged in user. Both are passed into the controller and templates and work just fine.
But I have a need to load a second model, based on a value in the returned Project object.
Once I've loaded a model in my route like this...
App.ProjectUpdateRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller, model) {
controller.set('model', model);
model: function(params) {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
// Load Project from API - /myapi/v1/Project/:ProjectID
Project : App.Project.create().findById(params.ProjectID),
// Load current user from local object
User : App.AuthUser,
...I have a Project object (or rather model.Project) with various properties including the ID of the User that owns the project.
Now I'd like to make a second API call to /myapi/v1/User/:UserID to get the User's details.
Everything I've tried - including adding further App.User.create().findById(UserID) calls into the route's setupController function and the controller - results in the correct API call, but it's asyncronous, so Ember carries on rendering the page and I can't show the result of the API call on the page.
So - how, and where in the Ember structure, do I load a second model based on data from the first? How can I get ember to wait for the resolved promise of this second AJAX call?
I've also tried using afterModel:function() which is almost what I need - it makes the second API call in the right place in the app flow, but I still need to add the result into my existing model array:
afterModel: function(model, tranistion, params) {
// Returns the promise but doesn't update 'model'
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
ProjectOwner : App.User.create().findById(model.Project.UserID)
Chain the promise, and Ember will take the final resultant (from the model hook)
model: function(params) {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
// Load Project from API - /myapi/v1/Project/:ProjectID
Project : App.Project.create().findById(params.ProjectID),
// Load current user from local object
User : App.AuthUser,
return App.User.create().findById(results.Project.UserID).then(function(user){
results.projectUser = user;
return results;
