How can i pass other data in other function in my controller to view using CI - codeigniter

how can i pass a value from my query to the same view in CI. I am having a situation of like this:
public function index() {
$myinfo = $this->Myprofile_model->mydata();
$data['myinfo'] = $myinfo
public function getResults($id) {
$fetchdata = $this->Myprofile_model->fetchresult($id);
$data['userselect'] = $fetchdata;
i already load my wholepage in index. and now i want to make another function to my button which is the getResults($id) function in my controller, and i want to display my another data from database to the same page. When i do the top code, my view is duplicating, because i loaded the $this->load->view('myprofile',$data); twice.

1: Create helper function and use that function on view page.
If you want records for single id then merge both function in one.
If there is many ids and you want to fetch records on click for each id then you can use ajax.
$( document ).ready(function() {
// place your code here to fetch records.
// on success you can display the result on same page

I am Not getting clearly but here is the controller to load multiple data on view:
public function index($id) {
$myinfo = $this->Myprofile_model->mydata();
$fetchdata = $this->Myprofile_model->fetchresult($id);
You can use
$this->load->view('myprofile',['myinfo'=>$myinfo,'fetchdata'=>$fetchdata,'third_data'=>$third_data.. as many as you like]);
Here in your code you are passing an id to the getResults function so if you would like to load the data form this function you can do the same with this function. or pass the id to the same index function to get the result.


laravel - how can I call a function stored in a controller after saving to a database?

I'm following a tutorial on Laravel, adding to a DB via a form. At the end of a function that saves to a DB, it returns back to the page where the form is, but I want to be taken to another page where the information is displayed. In the tutorial I created a controller with a function that returns a view containing all the database info - that element works fine however I can't seem to find a way of calling this function directly after saving to the database. I can also return any other view which just displays static view ( just html with no data handling ). Is what I'm trying to achieve possible?
public function store(){
$li = new \App\LTest1();
$li->creator = request('creator');
$li->title = request('title');
$li->views = request('views');
return back(); // this works
// return view('info'); // this works
//return ('Listings#showList'); this doesnt work = how do i call a function in a controller???
// routing
Route::get('info', function () {
return view('info'); // i can get to this static page from my store() function
Route::get('thedataviewpage', 'Listings#showList'); // you can route to this but not from the store() function
Redirect is the thing you need here
public function store() {
$li = new \App\LTest1();
$li->creator = request('creator');
$li->title = request('title');
$li->views = request('views');
return redirect('info'); // Redirect to the info route
Take this example. Be sure to add the proper route name and a proper message.
return redirect()->route('put here the route name')->with('success', 'Created.');'
to return to a controller action just use
return redirect()->action('Listings#showList');
or you can use route to call that controller action
return redirect('/thedataviewpage');

Model function call in a Template

I have model called Page and view called view.blade.php
//this is a model
public function Test()
return 'test';
//this is the template
how can I do this? please help me?
As I understood, you want to call model function inside your view? Do it like this:
If you need to use $this in your function to pass some data for your function (if that was what you were asking in comments below), you can do something like this. First define your static function:
public static function getPages()
return [
//some logic (get all pages)
Now, let's say this function will return multiple pages. If you want to filter them, and to display only one page on your view, you can pass the id of that view as a parameter to a next function which you will then pass to your view:
public function getSinglePage()
return self::getPages()[$this->id];
Lastly, in order to display the output of that function, use the same method as above, with new function name:

Laravel Controller member variable

Is there any possibility in laravel to keep the state of the controller object?
In every example I found, the controller looks the following way:
class MyController extends Controller {
public function getView(){ //return the view }
public function postData() { //save the data }
What I would do is to call a service which loads specific data from my data base and return it to the view. In the example above this should be done within the getView() function. What if I need the same data in my postData() function.. Then I have to make another database call in the postData function. It is not possible to have a member variable in 'MyController' and to load the data only once for the class because of routing in laravel. When I call via routing the getView function I get another instance of MyController than I get if I call postData. Is there a possibility to call a specific function only once for the whole controller and to get access to this values from all the functions within the controller?
Is there a possibility to call a specific function only once for the
whole controller and to get access to this values from all the
functions within the controller?
As per my understanding it it not possible. Actually any function of controller is being called via routes. When your any route has been called every time the new object of controller is being created. But it has other way of round. You can use Cache. You can implement it as below:
Call to your specific function of controller.
Get the data from the database.
Store it in Cache for other functions.
In other functions check is data available in Cache? then get from Cache else call your database function to get the data.
Simply in coding as below:
Use Cache;
class MyController extends Controller {
public function getView(){
$data = call_to_database_and_returned_data();
return the view
public function postData() {
$data = null;
if(Cache::has('data')) {
$data = Cache::get('data');
} else {
$data = call_to_database_and_returned_data();
Syntax Description:

How to retrieve HTML from view object without rendering to the browser

I have 2 separate partials views. I want to get the HTML with the given data from those partials views and have to send a Json response from controller.
Here is my code snippet.
public function myControllerFunction()
$response['products'] = view('search._partials.product_box')->with('data', $data['products]);
$response['filters'] = view('search._partials.facet_filters')->with('data', $data['filters]);
return $response;
I want to achieve some thing like it. This is possible with plain php code but is there any way to achieve it with this framework.
Just use render() function to generate html from view in controller
Your function should look like this
public function myControllerFunction()
$response['products'] = view('search._partials.product_box')->with('data', $data['products])->render();
$response['filters'] = view('search._partials.facet_filters')->with('data', $data['filters])->render();
return response()->json($response);

View Same user_id

//Anyone can help to create a view data with same id? it is a multiple viewing.
this is my Controller. i dont khow apply in Model and View
function Get_Pitch($id){
$data['query'] = $id;
$this->load->view('view_pitch', $data);
Example this is my url "http://localhost/SMS_System/home/sample/102"
in my database is
id=1 name=erwin user_id=102
id=2 name=flores user_id=102
id=3 name=sample user_id=202
how to view the same user_id?
First of all with what you've supplied your URL won't work, you aren't following the normal conventions for CI so it won't know where to look. I am assuming your controller is called sample then you need to tell the application which function you're calling in that controller, finally URL names should be lower case so I changed that, so your URL should read:
Also you need to get your data from a model, you loaded the model then didn't use it. The line after loading the model calls a function from that model and passes it the id you got from your url. Notice the if not isset on the id, this ensures that if someone goes to that page without the id segment there are no errors thrown from the model having a missing parameter, it will just return nothing, that is handled in the view.
function get_pitch($id){
//the following line gets the id based on the segment it's in in the URL
$id = 0;
$data['query'] = $this->users_model->getUserData($id);
$this->load->view('view_pitch', $data);
Your model takes the id passed from the controller and uses that to retrieve the data from the database. I normally create the array I am going to return as an empty array and handle that in the view, this makes sure you get no errors if the query fails. The data then returns to the controller in the last line and is passed to the view in your load view call.
function getUserData($id)
$result = $this->db->get('users') //assuming the table is named users
$data = array(); //create empty array so we aren't returning nothing if the query fails
if ($result->num_rows()==1) //only return data if we get only one result
$data = $result->result_array();
return $data;
Your view then takes the data it received from the model via the controller and displays it if present, if the data is not present it displays an error stating the user does not exist.
echo $query['id']; //the variable is the array we created inside the $data variable in the controller.
echo $query['name'];
echo $query['user_id'];
} else {
echo 'That user does not exist';
