How to inject a service component in Spring Test class using Kotlin? - spring

I am trying to test the business logic/services. Using Kotlin in my Spring Boot application, I am trying to instantiate my services, using the test class constructor. But this is not allowed, as I am getting a ParameterResolutionException.
This is my code:
class IntermediateApplicationTests(val ticketService: TicketService) {
fun contextLoads() {
How can I achieve this?
Thanks for every help!

You can use the #Autowired annotation to do this:
class IntermediateApplicationTests #Autowired constructor(
val ticketService: TicketService
) {
fun contextLoads() {
In fact this is the recommended way of doing injection and the IDEA Spring plugin will complain if you do it some other way.


Write Unit test in SpringBoot Without start application

Am developing MicroServices in springBoot. Am writing unit test for Service and DAO layer. When I use #SpringBootTest it starting application on build. But It should not start application
when I run unit test. I used #RunWith(SpringRunner.class), But am unable to #Autowired class instance in junit class. How can I configure junit test class that should not start application and how to #Autowired class instance in junit class.
Use MockitoJUnitRunner for JUnit5 testing if you don't want to start complete application.
Any Service, Repository and Interface can be mocked by #Mock annotation.
#InjectMocks is used over the object of Class that needs to be tested.
Here's an example to this.
public class AServiceTest {
AService aService;
ARepository aRepository;
UserService userService;
public void setUp() {
// MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
// anything needs to be done before each test.
public void loginTest() {
String result = aService.login("test");
assertEquals("false", result);
With Spring Boot you can start a sliced version of your application for your tests. This will create a Spring Context that only contains a subset of your beans that are relevant e.g. only for your web layer (controllers, filters, converters, etc.): #WebMvcTest.
There is a similar annotation that can help you test your DAOs as it only populates JPA and database relevant beans (e.g. EntitiyManager, Datasource, etc.): #DataJpaTest.
If you want to autowire a bean that is not part of the Spring Test Context that gets created by the annotatiosn above, you can use a #TestConfiguration to manually add any beans you like to the test context
class PublicControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
static class TestConfig {
public EntityManager entityManager() {
return mock(EntityManager.class);
public MeterRegistry meterRegistry() {
return new SimpleMeterRegistry();
Depending your test setup, if you don't want to autowire a mock but the "real thing", You could simply annotate your test class to include exactly the classes you need (plus their transitive dependencies if necessary)
For example :
#SpringJUnitConfig({ SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
#Import({ SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
See working JUnit5 based samples in here Spring Boot Web Data JDBC allin .

Spring boot #Import for loading config integration test not working

I have a simple spring boot app and i am implementing some integration test. I have 2 classes one that will hold my common configuration (Demo3ApplicationTests ) and the other one my integration test class(DumyClassTest), please find below it is empty for the time being:
#SpringBootTest(classes = Demo3Application.class)
class Demo3ApplicationTests {
void contextLoads() {
My integration test class:
#Import(value = Demo3ApplicationTests.class)
public class DumyClassTest{
DemoService demoService;
public void testImportConfig() {
When I run the test testImportConfig the demoService value is null as I guess the #import i am not setting it up correctly. However when I extends that is DumyClassTest extends Demo3ApplicationTests the demoService is not null and the test is run correctly.
Any idea why when I use the import annotation the demoService is null?
Thanks in advance.

Spring Boot testing with different service class

I have a pretty basic question, apologies if it has been asked before. I fear I may not be using the right words, this is my first rodeo with Spring.
I have a RestController declared as such:
class TelemetryController {
lateinit var service: TelemetryService
with a concrete implementation of TelemetryService as such in our main module:
class ConcreteTelemetryService : TelemetryService {
// some production code
I then have a service I want to use in my controller during tests (inside our test module:
class TestingTelemetryService : TelemetryService {
// some test code using local data
Critically, I have do NOT want to use Mockito for this, as the implementation of the tests require very specific setup that is not appropriate for Mockito.
My test is declared as such:
class HowDoInjectServiceExampleTest {
lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc
How do I get my TestingTelemetryService inside my controller in this instance?
There are various way to achieve this but I would recommend to use Spring Profiles.
Use the default profile with the concrete implementation. This bean will be used if no profile is specified.
class ConcreteTelemetryService : TelemetryService {
// some production code
Add the profile "test" to the test implementation.
class TestingTelemetryService : TelemetryService {
// some test code using local data
Now you can start your test with
Read more about profiles here:
If your TestingTelemetryService is in same package as HowDoInjectServiceExampleTest then you can simply autowire test bean like
class HowDoInjectServiceExampleTest {
lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc
var service: TestingTelemetryService
if not then you should define some TestConfiguration and programatically define bean with service name and use it using #Qualifier in test to resolve which bean to use (in your case its test bean)

Is there a way to include a spring component in a WebMvcTest

Given production code classes:
public class MyController {
private final MyValidator validator;
// annotations relating to request mapping excluded for brevity
public void test(#Valid #RequestBody final MyParams params) {
// do stuff
protected void initBinder(final WebDataBinder binder) {
public class MyValidator implements Validator {
public void validate(final Object target, final Errors errors) {
// custom validation
and finally test code:
public class MyControllerTest {
// tests
I encounter the error:
NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'MyValidator' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {}
I think the error is fair enough. I've annotated the test as a WebMvcTest, which I believe has excluded #Component beans. This is intentional and desired (from the perspective that I am only wanting to test the "web layer", not the whole context - it just so happens I need a component which is related/used only in the controllers)
My question, therefore, is: how can one explicitly include a component like a validator in the test context for a web test?
My environment is java version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17, spring boot 1.5.16.RELEASE.
There are two ways to solve this.
Using #SpringBootTest and #AutoConfigureMvc instead of #RunWith(SpringRunner.class) and #WebMvcTest.
public class MyControllerTest {
Creating a #TestConfiguration class that injects the 'MyValidator' bean as:
public class MyControllerTest {
static class TestConfig {
MyValidator getMyValidator(){
return new MyValidator();
// tests
More on this can be found here :
There are two ways to test the web layer
public class MyControllerTest {
private MyController myController;
The #SpringBootTest annotation tells Spring Boot to go and look for a
main configuration class (one with #SpringBootApplication for
instance), and use that to start a Spring application context.
A nice feature of the Spring Test support is that the application
context is cached in between tests, so if you have multiple methods in
a test case, or multiple test cases with the same configuration, they
only incur the cost of starting the application once. You can control
the cache using the #DirtiesContext annotation.
Secondly, if you want to use the #WebMvcTest(MyController.class)
public class MyControllerTest {
private MyValidator validator;
But this validator is a fake, so you have to customize it for testing.
See this link for more details
I cannot recommend it as a standard practice but if you do need an instance of a dependency in your Web MVC tests (for example in legacy code) you can add them into the spring context using #SpyBean annotation.
Real methods of that class will be called during the test and you can verify them if needed similarly to the beans annotated with #MockBean
public class MyControllerTest {
private MyValidator validator

Spring HATEOAS Resource assembler is not instantiated in unit test

I am trying to write a unit test for a REST controller which generates HATEOAS links via Resource assembler class. Everything is OK in production, but with the unit test Resource assembler class is not being injected into the controller.
my resource assembler class is:
public class ModelResourceAssembler extends ResourceAssemblerSupport<Model, ModelResource> {
public ModelResourceAssembler() {
super(ModelRestController.class, ModelResource.class);
public ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler(){
return new ModelResourceAssembler();
public ModelResource toResource(Model model) {
The controller is:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {""} )
public class ModelRestController {
private ModelPersistenceHandler modelPersistenceHandler;
private ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler;
And the unit test:
#ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes= {ModelResourceAssembler.class, ModelRestController.class})
public class ModelRestControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ModelRestController modelRestController;
private ModelPersistenceHandler modelPersistenceHandler;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(modelRestController).build();
No matter what I do the ModelResourceAssembler instance is always null. Since the application is Spring Boot it does not have the WebCoonfig classes and autowired WebApplicationContext is always null, so I cannot (and really don't want to since I am running a unit test) instantiate MockMvc via webAppContextSetup
The solution ended up being quite simple: I needed to add one line to my test:
private ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler;
And the bean was instantiated and properly wired
In your example you use #InjectMocks but don't declare a mock for ModelResourceAssembler. You don't get an instance out of nowhere.
You use the MockitoJUnitRunner.class. It has no idea of Spring beans. For testing Spring applications you rather want to use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class.
If i may suggest, if you use constructor injection for your controller then you can just mock the dependency and not need spring junit test runner stuff.
