Spring HATEOAS Resource assembler is not instantiated in unit test - spring

I am trying to write a unit test for a REST controller which generates HATEOAS links via Resource assembler class. Everything is OK in production, but with the unit test Resource assembler class is not being injected into the controller.
my resource assembler class is:
public class ModelResourceAssembler extends ResourceAssemblerSupport<Model, ModelResource> {
public ModelResourceAssembler() {
super(ModelRestController.class, ModelResource.class);
public ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler(){
return new ModelResourceAssembler();
public ModelResource toResource(Model model) {
The controller is:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.foo.demo"} )
public class ModelRestController {
private ModelPersistenceHandler modelPersistenceHandler;
private ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler;
And the unit test:
#ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes= {ModelResourceAssembler.class, ModelRestController.class})
public class ModelRestControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ModelRestController modelRestController;
private ModelPersistenceHandler modelPersistenceHandler;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(modelRestController).build();
No matter what I do the ModelResourceAssembler instance is always null. Since the application is Spring Boot it does not have the WebCoonfig classes and autowired WebApplicationContext is always null, so I cannot (and really don't want to since I am running a unit test) instantiate MockMvc via webAppContextSetup

The solution ended up being quite simple: I needed to add one line to my test:
private ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler;
And the bean was instantiated and properly wired

In your example you use #InjectMocks but don't declare a mock for ModelResourceAssembler. You don't get an instance out of nowhere.
You use the MockitoJUnitRunner.class. It has no idea of Spring beans. For testing Spring applications you rather want to use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class.

If i may suggest, if you use constructor injection for your controller then you can just mock the dependency and not need spring junit test runner stuff.


Spring Boot JUnit tests fail with Status expected:<200> but was:<404>

For some time I've been struggling to make JUnit tests for my rest controller. For some reason, every time I try to run them I get the error Status expected:<200> but was:<404>. Here is my controller:
public class TravelController {
private final TravelService travelService;
private final TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper;
public List<TravelOutputDto> getAll() {
List<Travel> travels = travelService.getAll();
return travels.stream()
And here is my test:
#WebMvcTest(controllers = TravelController.class)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {
class TravelControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private TravelService travelService;
private TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper;
void testGetAll() throws Exception {
List<Travel> travels = mockTravelList();
private List<Travel> mockTravelList() {
// Dummy travel list
I think the reason is connected with TravelOutputDtoMapper as if I remove it from the controller and don't try to inject it the tests are passing, but I cannot find any information why it is doing it. The autowired mapper has an instance and works just fine.
Here is the Mapper:
#Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface TravelOutputDtoMapper {
#Mapping(target = "from", source = "entity.from.code")
#Mapping(target = "to", source = "entity.to.code")
TravelOutputDto travelToTravelOutputDto(Travel entity);
The #ContextConfiguration annotation is used for a different purpose:
#ContextConfiguration defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to load and configure an ApplicationContext for integration tests.
Using Spring Boot and #WebMvcTest there's no need to manually specify how to load the context. That's done for you in the background.
If you'd use this annotation, you'd specify your main Spring Boot class here (your entry-point class with the #SpringBootApplication annotation).
From what I can see in your test and your question is that you want to provide an actual bean for the TravelOutputDtoMapper, but mock the TravelService.
In this case, you can use #TestConfiguration to add further beans to your sliced Spring TestContext:
// #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) can be removed. This extension is already registered with #WebMvcTest
#WebMvcTest(controllers = TravelController.class)
class TravelControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private TravelService travelService;
private TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper;
static class TestConfig {
public TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper() {
return new TravelOutputDtoMapper(); // I assume your mapper has no collaborators
// ... your MockMvc tests

Write Unit test in SpringBoot Without start application

Am developing MicroServices in springBoot. Am writing unit test for Service and DAO layer. When I use #SpringBootTest it starting application on build. But It should not start application
when I run unit test. I used #RunWith(SpringRunner.class), But am unable to #Autowired class instance in junit class. How can I configure junit test class that should not start application and how to #Autowired class instance in junit class.
Use MockitoJUnitRunner for JUnit5 testing if you don't want to start complete application.
Any Service, Repository and Interface can be mocked by #Mock annotation.
#InjectMocks is used over the object of Class that needs to be tested.
Here's an example to this.
public class AServiceTest {
AService aService;
ARepository aRepository;
UserService userService;
public void setUp() {
// MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
// anything needs to be done before each test.
public void loginTest() {
String result = aService.login("test");
assertEquals("false", result);
With Spring Boot you can start a sliced version of your application for your tests. This will create a Spring Context that only contains a subset of your beans that are relevant e.g. only for your web layer (controllers, filters, converters, etc.): #WebMvcTest.
There is a similar annotation that can help you test your DAOs as it only populates JPA and database relevant beans (e.g. EntitiyManager, Datasource, etc.): #DataJpaTest.
If you want to autowire a bean that is not part of the Spring Test Context that gets created by the annotatiosn above, you can use a #TestConfiguration to manually add any beans you like to the test context
class PublicControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
static class TestConfig {
public EntityManager entityManager() {
return mock(EntityManager.class);
public MeterRegistry meterRegistry() {
return new SimpleMeterRegistry();
Depending your test setup, if you don't want to autowire a mock but the "real thing", You could simply annotate your test class to include exactly the classes you need (plus their transitive dependencies if necessary)
For example :
#SpringJUnitConfig({ SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
#Import({ SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
See working JUnit5 based samples in here Spring Boot Web Data JDBC allin .

Add one additional bean to "#WebMvcTest"

I have a controller and a test using #WebMvcTest and its running fine. Now i needed to add a little validation logic and for this i #Autowired an additional bean (a #Component, a MapstructMapper).
As expected now the test is failing due to #WebMvcTest. (No components are discovered)
Is there a way to add one bean to the context created?
Since i am using #MockBeans to mock service layer: is there a way to delegate all mock calls to a real object? With this i could mock the mapper and delegate to real mapper?!
A simple way of getting additional beans in the context is via using nested configuration classes within test classes
static class AdditionalConfig {
public SomeBean getSomeBean() {
return new SomeBean());
Scenario - If you have some Controller say ProductController and you have the corresponding slice-test for the class say ProductionControllerTest
public class ProductController {
private IProductService productService;
private IProductValidator productValidator;
public Product getProduct(#RequestParam Long id) {
Product product = productService.getProduct(id); // you are using mockBean of productService
productValidator.validateProduct(product); // you need real bean of productValidator
return product;
Corresponding slide test class with an additional bean configuration
public class ProductControllerSliceTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private IProductService productService;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
static class AdditionalConfig {
public IProductValidator productValidator() {
return new ProductValidator();
public void testProductGetById() throws Exception {
Product testProductWithID1L = new Product(1L, "testProduct");
.param("id", "1")).andDo(print())
Additional thoughts on your scenario: If you really intend to do the unit testing of the controller class then ideally you should mock all the additional dependencies of class that you are testing.
Ideally, the intention of the unit test is to only test the behavior of the object/class under test. All the dependent classes behavior or external calls should be mocked.
When you start testing several classes together under one test, you are moving more towards a component test or integration test
A very simple solution is to annotate your test class with #Import specifying the class(es) of the additional bean(s) you want to use in your test, as stated in documentation:
Typically #WebMvcTest is used in combination with #MockBean or #Import
to create any collaborators required by your #Controller beans.
public class SourcingOrganisationControllerTests {
// The controller bean is made available via #WebMvcTest
private MyController myController;
// Additional beans (only one in this case) are made available via #Import
private SomeOtherBean someOtherBean;

Cannot inject #Service in Unit Test in SpringBoot project

i have a #Service that I am trying to mock in an Unit Test but i get a null value so far. In the application class I specify what are the scanBasePackages. Do I have to do this in a different way? Thanks.
This is my service class that implements an interface:
public class DeviceService implements DeviceServiceDao {
private List<Device> devices;
public List<Device> getDevices(long homeId) {
return devices;
This is my unit test.
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {
private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
private static final String BASE_URL = “..”;
private DeviceService deviceService;
public void getHomeRegisteredDevices() throws Exception {
Device activeDevice = new DeviceBuilder()
Device inativeDevice = new DeviceBuilder()
UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder
.fromUriString(BASE_URL + "/1/devices");
List response = restTemplate.getForObject(builder.toUriString(), List.class);
verify(deviceService, times(1)).getDevices(1);
You have to use a Spring test runner if you want to load and use a Spring context during tests execution.
You don't specify any runner, so it uses by default the runner of your test API. Here is probably JUnit or TestNG (the runner using depends on the #Test annotation specified).
Besides, according to the logic of your test, you want to invoke the "real"
REST service :
List response = restTemplate.getForObject(builder.toUriString(),
To achieve it, you should load the Spring context and load the Spring Boot container by annotating the test with #SpringBootTest.
If you use a Spring Boot context, to mock the dependency in the Spring context, you must not use #Mock from Mockito but #MockBean from Spring Boot.
To understand the difference between the two, you may refer to this question.
Note that if you are using the #SpringBootTest annotation, a TestRestTemplate is automatically available and can be autowired into your test.
But beware, this is fault tolerant. It may be suitable or not according to your tests.
So your code could look like :
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {
private static final String BASE_URL = “..”;
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
private DeviceService deviceService;
public void getHomeRegisteredDevices() throws Exception {
As a side note, avoid using raw type as List but favor generic type.
#SpringBootTest(classes = NotificationApplication.class)
public class EmailClientImplTest {
And also add the needed properties/configs in
Good luck!
I figured it out, I am using Mockito and used that to annotate my test class. This allowed me to get a mock of the service class that i am trying to use.
public class SmartHomeControllerTest {..
private DeviceService deviceService;
Try with #InjectMock instead of #Mock
You should run your test with spring boot runner

Controller layer test in SpringBoot application

I have a controller in my SpringBoot app:
public class Controller{
private ServiceForController service;
public String createItem(#ModelAttribute Item item) {
Item i = service.createItem(item.getName(), item.getDomain());
return "item-result";
And I'd like to test it separately from service with a help of mocks.How to implement it?
There are at least two approaches to do it:
To start up the whole SpringBoot context and make a sort of integration tests
public class ControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
#WithMockUser(roles = "ADMIN")
public void createItem() throws Exception {
.param("name", "item")
.param("domain", "dummy.url.com"))
//check result logic
Test exclusive controller layer and limit the whole loaded context exclusively to it. Example:
#WebMvcTest(controllers = Controller.class)
public class ControllerTest{
private MockMvc mvc;
private ServiceForController service;
//testing methods and their logic
Even though the second approach seems more sensible (as for me) in terms of resources used, it may cause plenty of inconveniences due to the lack of beans initialized. For instance, before I decided to try another option, I faced the need to create mocks of at least 5 beans that are added to the context on SpringBoot start in my ContollerTest class.
Thus, I had to switch to the approach with a use of #SpringBootTest in combination with #SpyBean, that allowed me to call a Mockito verify() method.
