Spring Boot testing with different service class - spring

I have a pretty basic question, apologies if it has been asked before. I fear I may not be using the right words, this is my first rodeo with Spring.
I have a RestController declared as such:
class TelemetryController {
lateinit var service: TelemetryService
with a concrete implementation of TelemetryService as such in our main module:
class ConcreteTelemetryService : TelemetryService {
// some production code
I then have a service I want to use in my controller during tests (inside our test module:
class TestingTelemetryService : TelemetryService {
// some test code using local data
Critically, I have do NOT want to use Mockito for this, as the implementation of the tests require very specific setup that is not appropriate for Mockito.
My test is declared as such:
class HowDoInjectServiceExampleTest {
lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc
How do I get my TestingTelemetryService inside my controller in this instance?

There are various way to achieve this but I would recommend to use Spring Profiles.
Use the default profile with the concrete implementation. This bean will be used if no profile is specified.
class ConcreteTelemetryService : TelemetryService {
// some production code
Add the profile "test" to the test implementation.
class TestingTelemetryService : TelemetryService {
// some test code using local data
Now you can start your test with
Read more about profiles here:

If your TestingTelemetryService is in same package as HowDoInjectServiceExampleTest then you can simply autowire test bean like
class HowDoInjectServiceExampleTest {
lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc
var service: TestingTelemetryService
if not then you should define some TestConfiguration and programatically define bean with service name and use it using #Qualifier in test to resolve which bean to use (in your case its test bean)


Is there a way to overide automatically injected beans in Spring boot when writing tests?

I have a class annotated with a spring bean #Repository("clientDatasource") called ClientServiceDatasource which implements an interface called Datasource. I also have a mock implementation of this interface also annotated with a spring bean #Repository("mockDatasource") called MockClientServiceDatasource. I also have a class annotated with the spring bean #Service called ClientService and in in its constructor, I pass in a datasource. I do it like so:
class ClientService (#Qualifier("clientDatasource") private val dataSource: Datasource){}
As you can see that the service will default to the clientDatasource, because of the #Qualifier when the application is running.
However when I run my tests I annotate my test class with #SpringTest . In my understanding this means that it boots up the entire application as if it were normal. So I want to somehow overide that #Qualifier bean thats being used in the client service in my test so that the Client Service would then use the mockedDatasource class.
I'm fairly new to kotlin and spring. So I looked around and found ways to write a testConfig class to configure beans like so :
class TestConfig {
fun mockDatasource(): Datasource {
return MockClientServiceDatasource()
and then using it in the test like so:
class ClientServiceTest {
I also asked chatGPT and it gave me this:
class ClientServiceTest {
lateinit var context: ApplicationContext
fun testWithMockedDatasource() {
// Override the clientDatasource bean definition with the mockDatasource bean
val mockDatasource = context.getBean("mockDatasource", Datasource::class.java)
val mockClientDatasourceDefinition = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition(MockClientServiceDatasource::class.java)
context.registerBeanDefinition("clientDatasource", mockClientDatasourceDefinition)
// Now the ClientService should use the mockDatasource when it's constructed
val clientService = context.getBean(ClientService::class.java)
// ... do assertions and other test logic here ...
But some of the methods don't work, I guess chatGPT knowledge is outdated.
I also looked through spring docs, but couldn't find anything useful.
Okay, So I took a look at the code previously with the TestConfig class. And I realised by adding the:
annotation to the method inside my TestConfig class, it basically forces that to be the primary repository bean. Like so:
class TestConfiguration {
fun mockDatasource(): Datasource {
return MockClientDataSource()
and in the test I only imported the test and it just worked. I didn't have to autowire anything
This is my test class:
internal class ServiceControllerTest{
lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc
fun `should return all clients` () {
// when/then
.andDo { print() }
.andExpect {
status { isOk() }
content { contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }
jsonPath("$[0].first_name") {value("John")}

Springboot with Graphql error with "Consider defining a bean of type '{component name}' in your configuration."

I am using Spring boot with graphql and rest.
While adding graphql component I used annotation like this.
#Controller // <------ with this annotation
class AController(
#Autowired val aRepository: ARepository,
#Autowired val aService: AService
#Service // <------ with this annotation
class AService (
interface ARepository: JpaRepository<A, Long> {
But got these errors
The injection point has the following annotations:
- #org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)
Consider defining a bean of type '{component name}' in your configuration.
It only happens when using test
internal class ControllerTest {
fun healthCheck() {
I understand I can use ComponentSacn but I want to know why this happend.
Because this package was place along with other components witch #ComponentScanner works well.
My structure is like this.
material works well while it cannot scan bakeryReview
I think I used component annotations okay, and package structure is okay. 😭 Maybe test is the problem?
My bad!! 😂 There's nothing wrong with annotation nor structure.
For those who see this question, It was WebMvcTest. WebMvcTest needs component to be mocked, because it only injects web-related components like #Controller. So it omits other components like #Service or #Repository.
I added these and it works okay.
lateinit var aService: AService
lateinit var aRepository: ARepository

How Do I Manually Wire A Spring Boot Integration Test?

Normally, I would test the web layer in a Spring project like this:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SpringBootDemoApplicationTests extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
int randomServerPort;
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
However, I currently have a difficult back end that requires a specific #TestConfiguration class to manually instantiate the test dependencies using beans.
This ultimately means that I can't use the #SpringBootTest annotation as it will try to create conflicting beans and fail to instantiate others.
If I am not using the #SpringBootTest annotation, I can manually create the TestRestTemplate instead of autowiring it, but what do I need to do to start the embedded local server on a random port?
I would still continue using #SpringBootTest, and combine that with using #Profile on your configuration classes.
That way you could have a configuration which is only used during tests, by using #ActiveProfiles on your #SpringBootTest classes. In the same way you can turn other config classes on or off depending on whether you want them to load or not.
For example on your test would have the following
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SpringBootDemoApplicationTests extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
Then create a configuration class which will instantiate your components the way you want them in test
public void TestConfiguration {
And you can use profiles to stop your other configuration class from loading during tests.
public void ProdConfiguration {

Write Unit test in SpringBoot Without start application

Am developing MicroServices in springBoot. Am writing unit test for Service and DAO layer. When I use #SpringBootTest it starting application on build. But It should not start application
when I run unit test. I used #RunWith(SpringRunner.class), But am unable to #Autowired class instance in junit class. How can I configure junit test class that should not start application and how to #Autowired class instance in junit class.
Use MockitoJUnitRunner for JUnit5 testing if you don't want to start complete application.
Any Service, Repository and Interface can be mocked by #Mock annotation.
#InjectMocks is used over the object of Class that needs to be tested.
Here's an example to this.
public class AServiceTest {
AService aService;
ARepository aRepository;
UserService userService;
public void setUp() {
// MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
// anything needs to be done before each test.
public void loginTest() {
String result = aService.login("test");
assertEquals("false", result);
With Spring Boot you can start a sliced version of your application for your tests. This will create a Spring Context that only contains a subset of your beans that are relevant e.g. only for your web layer (controllers, filters, converters, etc.): #WebMvcTest.
There is a similar annotation that can help you test your DAOs as it only populates JPA and database relevant beans (e.g. EntitiyManager, Datasource, etc.): #DataJpaTest.
If you want to autowire a bean that is not part of the Spring Test Context that gets created by the annotatiosn above, you can use a #TestConfiguration to manually add any beans you like to the test context
class PublicControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
static class TestConfig {
public EntityManager entityManager() {
return mock(EntityManager.class);
public MeterRegistry meterRegistry() {
return new SimpleMeterRegistry();
Depending your test setup, if you don't want to autowire a mock but the "real thing", You could simply annotate your test class to include exactly the classes you need (plus their transitive dependencies if necessary)
For example :
#SpringJUnitConfig({ SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
#Import({ SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
See working JUnit5 based samples in here Spring Boot Web Data JDBC allin .

Spring Boot 2.1/2.2 testing - how to test a single controller without creating beans for everything else?

Before in Spring Boot 2.0 I had something like:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
class MyControllerTest {
lateinit var myController: MyController
lateinit var mvc: MockMvc
fun setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(myController).build()
But after trying to upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1, I get various random errors, such as:
WithUserDetails not working: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to create SecurityContext using #org.springframework.security.test.context.support.WithUserDetails(value=user, userDetailsServiceBeanName=, setupBefore=TEST_METHOD)
Irrelevant beans were (attempting) to be created: kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property <property> has not been initialized - this was from a #ConfigurationProperties class.
and a few more other stuff that just didn't make sense to me (in 2.2, I can't have both #DataJpaTest and #SpringBootTest together either).
Does anyone have an idea for what I would need to do to correctly update these unit tests?
You use either a sliced test #WebMvcTest or a full integration test with #SpringBootTest. Hence it has no sense in using them together. In your case you want to test a controller, then use the #WebMvcTest and mock the dependencies.
class MyControllerTest {
lateinit var myController: MyController
lateinit var mvc: MockMvc
var myService: MyServiceForController
Use #MockBean to mock the service dependencies for the controller and register behavior on it. You can now also simply wire the controller and a pre-setup MockMvc instance instead of wiring that yourself.
