What is the "spool time" of Intel Turbo Boost? - performance

Just like a turbo engine has "turbo lag" due to the time it takes for the turbo to spool up, I'm curious what is the "turbo lag" in Intel processors.
For instance, the i9-8950HK in my MacBook Pro 15" 2018 (running macOS Catalina 10.15.7) usually sits around 1.3 GHz when idle, but when I run a CPU-intensive program, the CPU frequency shoots up to, say 4.3 GHz or so (initially). The question is: how long does it take to go from 1.3 to 4.3 GHz? 1 microsecond? 1 milisecond? 100 miliseconds?
I'm not even sure this is up to the hardware or the operating system.
This is in the context of benchhmarking some CPU-intensive code which takes a few 10s of miliseconds to run. The thing is, right before this piece of CPU-intensive code is run, the CPU is essentially idle (and thus the clock speed will drop down to say 1.3 GHz). I'm wondering what slice of my benchmark is running at 1.3 GHz and what is running at 4.3 GHz: 1%/99%? 10%/90%? 50%/50%? Or even worse?
Depending on the answer, I'm thinking it would make sense to run some CPU-intensive code prior to starting the benchmark as a way to "spool up" TurboBoost. And this leads to another question: for how long should I run this "spooling-up" code? Probably one second is enough, but what if I'm trying to minimize this -- what's a safe amount of time for "spooling-up" code to run, to make sure the CPU will run the main code at the maximum frequency from the very first instruction executed?

Evaluation of CPU frequency transition latency paper presents transition latencies of various Intel processors. In brief, the latency depends on the state in which the core currently is, and what is the target state. For an evaluated Ivy Bridge processor (i7-3770 # 3.4 GHz) the latencies varied from 23 (1.6 GH -> 1.7 GHz) to 52 (2.0 GHz -> 3.4 GHz) micro-seconds.
At Hot Chips 2020 conference a major transition latency improvement of the future Ice Lake processor has been presented, which should have major impact mostly at partially vectorised code which uses AVX-512 instructions. While these instructions do not support as high frequencies as SSE or AVX-2 instructions, using an island of these instructions cause down- and following up-scaling of the processor frequency.
Pre-heating a processor obviously makes sense, as well as "pre-heating" memory. One second of a prior workload is enough to reach the highest available turbo frequency, however you should take into account also temperature of the processor, which may down-scale the frequency (actually CPU core and uncore frequencies if speaking about one of the latest Intel processors). You are not able to reach the temperature limit in a second. But it depends, what you want to measure by your benchmark, and if you want to take into account the temperature limit. When speaking about temperature limit, be aware that your processor also has a power limit, which is another possible reason for down-scaling the frequency during the application run.
Another think that you should take into account when benchmarking your code is that its runtime is very short. Be aware of the runtime/resources consumption measurement reliability. I would suggest an artificially extending the runtime (run the code 10 times and measure the overall consumption) for better results.

I wrote some code to check this, with the aid of the Intel Power Gadget API. It sleeps for one second (so the CPU goes back to its slowest speed), measures the clock speed, runs some code for a given amount of time, then measures the clock speed again.
I only tried this on my 2018 15" MacBook Pro (i9-8950HK CPU) running macOS Catalina 10.15.7. The specific CPU-intensive code being run between clock speed measurements may also influence the result (is it integer only? FP? SSE? AVX? AVX-512?), so don't take these as exact numbers, but only order-of-magnitude/ballpark figures. I have no idea how the results translate into different hardware/OS/code combinations.
The minimum clock speed when idle in my configuration is 1.3 GHz. Here's the results I obtained in tabular form.
| T (ms) | Final clock |
| | speed (GHz) |
| <1 | 1.3 |
| 1..3 | 2.0 |
| 4..7 | 2.5 |
| 8..10 | 2.9 |
| 10..20 | 3.0 |
| 25 | 3.0-3.1 |
| 35 | 3.3-3.5 |
| 45 | 3.5-3.7 |
| 55 | 4.0-4.2 |
| 66 | 4.6-4.7 |
So 1 ms appears to be the minimum amount of time to get any kind of change. 10 ms gets the CPU to its nominal frequency, and from then on it's a bit slower, apparently over 50 ms to reach maximum turbo frequencies.


Calculating Cycles Per Instruction

From what I understand, to calculate CPI, it's the percentage of the type of instruction multiplied by the number of cycles right? Does the type of machine have any part of this calculation whatsoever?
I have a problem that asks me if a change should be recommended.
Machine 1: 40% R - 5 Cycles, 30% lw - 6 Cycles, 15% sw - 6 Cycles, 15% beq 3 - Cycles, on a 2.5 GHz machine
Machine 2: 40% R - 5 Cycles, 30% lw - 6 Cycles, 15% sw - 6 Cycles, 15% beq 4 - Cycles, on a 2.7 GHz machine
By my calculations, machine 1 has 5.15 CPI while machine 2 has 5.3 CPI. Is it okay to ignore the GHz of the machine and say that the change would not be a good idea or do I have to factor the machine in?
I think the point is to evaluate a design change that makes an instruction take more clocks, but allows you to raise the clock frequency. (i.e. leaning towards a speed-demon design like Pentium 4, instead of brainiac like Apple's A7/A8 ARM cores. http://www.lighterra.com/papers/modernmicroprocessors/)
So you need to calculate instructions per second to see which one will get more work done in the same amount of real time. i.e. (clock/sec) / (clocks/insn) = insn/sec, cancelling out the clocks from the units.
Your CPI calculation looks ok; I didn't check it, but yes a weighted average of the cycles according to the instruction mix.
These numbers are obviously super simplified; any CPU worth building at 2.5GHz would have some kind of branch prediction so the cost of a branch isn't just a 3 or 4 instruction bubble. And taking ~5 cycles per instruction on average is pathetic. (Most pipelined designs aim for at least 1 instruction per clock.)
Caches and superscalar CPUs also lead to complex interactions between instructions depending on whether they depend on earlier results or not.
But this is sort of like what you might do if considering increasing the L1d cache load-use latency by 1 cycle (for example), if that took it off the critical path and let you raise the clock frequency. Or vice versa, tightening up the latency or reducing the number of pipeline stages on something at the cost of reducing frequency.
Cycles per instruction a count of cycles. ghz doesnt matter as far as that average goes. But saying that we can see from your numbers that one instruction is more clocks but the processors are a different speed.
So while it takes more cycles to do the same job on the faster processor the speed of the processor DOES compensate for that so it seems clear this is a question about does the processor speed account for the extra clock?
5.15 cycles/instruction / 2.5 (giga) cycles/second, cycles cancels out you get
2.06 seconds/(giga) instruction or (nano) seconds/ instruction
5.30 / 2.7 = 1.96296 (nano) seconds / instruction
The faster one takes a slightly less amount of time so it will run the program faster.
Another way to see this to check the math.
For 100 clock cycles on the slower machine 15% of those are beq. So 15 of the 100 clocks, which is 5 beq instructions. The same 5 beq instructions take 20 clocks on the faster machine so 105 clocks total for the same instructions on the faster machine.
100 cycles at 2.5ghz vs 105 at 2.7ghz
we want the amount of time
hz is cycles / second we want seconds on the top
so we want
cycles / (cycles/second) to have cycles cancel out and have seconds on the top
1/2.5 = 0.400 (400 picoseconds)
1/2.7 = 0.370
0.400 * 100 = 40.00 units of time
0.370 * 105 = 38.85 units of time
So despite taking 5 more cycles the processor speed differences is fast enough to compensate.
2.7/2.5 = 1.08
105/100 = 1.05
so 2.5 * 1.05 = 2.625 so a processor 2.625ghz or faster would run that program faster.
Now what were the rules for changing computers, is less time defined as a reason to change computers? What is the definition of better? How much more power does the faster one consume it might take less time but the power consumption might not be linear so it may take more watts despite taking less time. I assume the question is not that detailed, meaning it is vague meaning it is a poorly written question on its own, so it goes to what the textbook or lecture defined as the threshold for change to the other processor.
Disclaimer, dont blame me if you miss this question on your homework/test.
Outside an academic exercise like this, the real world is full of pipelined processors (not all but most of the folks writing programs are writing programs for) and basically you cant put a number on clock cycles per instruction type in a way that you can do this calculation because of a laundry list of factors. Make sore you understand that, nice exercise, but that specific exercise is difficult and dangerous to attempt on real world processors. Dangerous in that as hard as you work you may be incorrectly measuring something and jumping to the wrong conclusions and as a result making bad recommendations. At the same time there is very much the reality that faster ghz does improve some percentage of the execution, but another percentage suffers, and is there a net gain or loss. Or a new processor design faster or slower may have features that perform better than an older processor, but not all feature will be better, there is a tradeoff and then we get into what "better" means.

PAPI: what does Clock reference cycles mean?

i am using PAPI liberary to tune and profile my application.
I want to know what (PAPI_REF_CYC : Reference clock cycles ) means actually?
Thanks in advance,
Some modern CPUs, including the Intel's and AMD's ones, are throttled.
This means that their clocks are not fixed but vary depending on the power management active - even if the CPU's brand frequency is X Ghz, more often than not, it is not running at that frequency.
For a couple of real example technology see the Intel Turbo boost technology/AMD Turbo core and Intel Enhanced Speedstep technology/AMD Quiet'n'Cool technology.
Since the core clock can slow down or speed up, comparing two different measures makes no sense.
Having a snippet A to run in 100 core clocks and a snippet B in 200 core clocks means that B is slower in general (it takes double the work), but not necessarily that B took more time than A since the units are different.
That's where the reference clock comes into play - it is uniform.
If snippet A runs in 100 ref clocks and snippet B runs in 200 ref clocks then B really took more time than A.
Converting ref clock ticks into time (e.g. seconds) is not that easy, each processor uses a difference reference frequency, even among processor with the same brand name.

Why can't my ultraportable laptop CPU maintain peak performance in HPC

I have developed a high performance Cholesky factorization routine, which should have peak performance at around 10.5 GFLOPs on a single CPU (without hyperthreading). But there is some phenomenon which I don't understand when I test its performance. In my experiment, I measured the performance with increasing matrix dimension N, from 250 up to 10000.
In my algorithm I have applied caching (with tuned blocking factor), and data are always accessed with unit stride during computation, so cache performance is optimal; TLB and paging problem are eliminated;
I have 8GB available RAM, and the maximum memory footprint during experiment is under 800MB, so no swapping comes across;
During experiment, no resource demanding process like web browser is running at the same time. Only some really cheap background process is running to record CPU frequency as well as CPU temperature data every 2s.
I would expect the performance (in GFLOPs) should maintain at around 10.5 for whatever N I am testing. But a significant performance drop is observed in the middle of the experiment as shown in the first figure.
CPU frequency and CPU temperature are seen in the 2nd and 3rd figure. The experiment finishes in 400s. Temperature was at 51 degree when experiment started, and quickly rose up to 72 degree when CPU got busy. After that it grew slowly to the highest at 78 degree. CPU frequency is basically stable, and it did not drop when temperature got high.
So, my question is:
since CPU frequency did not drop, why performance suffers?
how exactly does temperature affect CPU performance? Does the increment from 72 degree to 78 degree really make things worse?
CPU info
System: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Laptop model: Lenovo-YOGA-3-Pro-1370
Processor: Intel Core M-5Y71 CPU # 1.20 GHz * 2
Architecture: x86_64
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 4
On-line CPU(s) list: 0,1
Off-line CPU(s) list: 2,3
Thread(s) per core: 1
Core(s) per socket: 2
Socket(s): 1
NUMA node(s): 1
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
CPU family: 6
Model: 61
Stepping: 4
CPU MHz: 1474.484
BogoMIPS: 2799.91
Virtualisation: VT-x
L1d cache: 32K
L1i cache: 32K
L2 cache: 256K
L3 cache: 4096K
NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0,1
CPU 0, 1
driver: intel_pstate
CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0, 1
CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0, 1
maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms.
hardware limits: 500 MHz - 2.90 GHz
available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave
current policy: frequency should be within 500 MHz and 2.90 GHz.
The governor "performance" may decide which speed to use
within this range.
current CPU frequency is 1.40 GHz.
boost state support:
Supported: yes
Active: yes
update 1 (control experiment)
In my original experiment, CPU is kept busy working from N = 250 to N = 10000. Many people (primarily those whose saw this post before re-editing) suspected that the overheating of CPU is the major reason for performance hit. Then I went back and installed lm-sensors linux package to track such information, and indeed, CPU temperature rose up.
But to complete the picture, I did another control experiment. This time, I give CPU a cooling time between each N. This is achieved by asking the program to pause for a number of seconds at the start of iteration of the loop through N.
for N between 250 and 2500, the cooling time is 5s;
for N between 2750 and 5000, the cooling time is 20s;
for N between 5250 and 7500, the cooling time is 40s;
finally for N between 7750 and 10000, the cooling time is 60s.
Note that the cooling time is much larger than the time spent for computation. For N = 10000, only 30s are needed for Cholesky factorization at peak performance, but I ask for a 60s cooling time.
This is certainly a very uninteresting setting in high performance computing: we want our machine to work all the time at peak performance, until a very large task is completed. So this kind of halt makes no sense. But it helps to better know the effect of temperature on performance.
This time, we see that peak performance is achieved for all N, just as theory supports! The periodic feature of CPU frequency and temperature is the result of cooling and boost. Temperature still has an increasing trend, simply because as N increases, the work load is getting bigger. This also justifies more cooling time for a sufficient cooling down, as I have done.
The achievement of peak performance seems to rule out all effects other than temperature. But this is really annoying. Basically it says that computer will get tired in HPC, so we can't get expected performance gain. Then what is the point of developing HPC algorithm?
OK, here are the new set of plots:
I don't know why I could not upload the 6th figure. SO simply does not allow me to submit the edit when adding the 6th figure. So I am sorry I can't attach the figure for CPU frequency.
update 2 (how I measure CPU frequency and temperature)
Thanks to Zboson for adding the x86 tag. The following bash commands are what I used for measurement:
while true
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq >> cpu0_freq.txt ## parameter "freq0"
cat sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq >> cpu1_freq.txt ## parameter "freq1"
sensors | grep "Core 0" >> cpu0_temp.txt ## parameter "temp0"
sensors | grep "Core 1" >> cpu1_temp.txt ## parameter "temp1"
sleep 2
Since I did not pin the computation to 1 core, the operating system will alternately use two different cores. It makes more sense to take
freq[i] <- max (freq0[i], freq1[i])
temp[i] <- max (temp0[i], temp1[i])
as the overall measurement.
TL:DR: Your conclusion is correct. Your CPU's sustained performance is nowhere near its peak. This is normal: the peak perf is only available as a short term "bonus" for bursty interactive workloads, above its rated sustained performance, given the light-weight heat-sink, fans, and power-delivery.
You can develop / test on this machine, but benchmarking will be hard. You'll want to run on a cluster, server, or desktop, or at least a gaming / workstation laptop.
From the CPU info you posted, you have a dual-core-with-hyperthreading Intel Core M with a rated sustainable frequency of 1.20 GHz, Broadwell generation. Its max turbo is 2.9GHz, and it's TDP-up sustainable frequency is 1.4GHz (at 6W).
For short bursts, it can run much faster and make much more heat than it requires its cooling system to handle. This is what Intel's "turbo" feature is all about. It lets low-power ultraportable laptops like yours have snappy UI performance in stuff like web browsers, because the CPU load from interactive is almost always bursty.
Desktop/server CPUs (Xeon and i5/i7, but not i3) do still have turbo, but the sustained frequency is much closer to the max turbo. e.g. a Haswell i7-4790k has a sustained "rated" frequency of 4.0GHz. At that frequency and below, it won't use (and convert to heat) more than its rated TDP of 88W. Thus, it needs a cooling system that can handle 88W. When power/current/temperature allow, it can clock up to 4.4GHz and use more than 88W of power. (The sliding window for calculating the power history to keep the sustained power with 88W is sometimes configurable in the BIOS, e.g. 20sec or 5sec. Depending on what code is running, 4.4GHz might not increase the electrical current demand to anywhere near peak. e.g. code with lots of branch mispredicts that's still limited by CPU frequency, but that doesn't come anywhere near saturating the 256b AVX FP units like Prime95 would.)
Your laptop's max turbo is a factor of 2.4x higher than rated frequency. That high-end Haswell desktop CPU can only upclock by 1.1x. The max sustained frequency is already pretty close to the max peak limits, because it's rated to need a good cooling system that can keep up with that kind of heat production. And a solid power supply that can supply that much current.
The purpose of Core M is to have a CPU that can limit itself to ultra low power levels (rated TDP of 4.5 W at 1.2GHz, 6W at 1.4GHz). So the laptop manufacturer can safely design a cooling and power delivery system that's small and light, and only handles that much power. The "Scenario Design Power" is only 3.5W, and that's supposed to represent the thermal requirements for real-world code, not max-power stuff like Prime95.
Even a "normal" ULV laptop CPU is rated for 15W sustained, and high power gaming/workstation laptop CPUs at 45W. And of course laptop vendors put those CPUs into machines with beefier heat-sinks and fans. See a table on wikipedia, and compare desktop / server CPUs (also on the same page).
The achievement of peak performance seems to rule out all effects
other than temperature. But this is really annoying. Basically it says
that computer will get tired in HPC, so we can't get expected
performance gain. Then what is the point of developing HPC algorithm?
The point is to run them on hardware that's not so badly thermally limited! An ultra-low-power CPU like a Core M makes a decent dev platform, but not a good HPC compute platform.
Even a laptop with an xxxxM CPU, rather than a xxxxU CPU, will do ok. (e.g. a "gaming" or "workstation" laptop that's designed to run CPU-intensive stuff for sustained periods). Or in Skylake-family, "xxxxH" or "HK" are the 45W mobile CPUs, at least quad-core.
Further reading:
Modern Microprocessors
A 90-Minute Guide!
[Power Delivery in a Modern Processor] - general background, including the "power wall" that Pentium 4 ran into.
(https://www.realworldtech.com/power-delivery/) - really deep technical dive into CPU / motherboard design and the challenges of delivering stable low-voltage to very bursty demands, and reacting quickly to the CPU requesting more / less voltage as it changes frequency.

What is the performance of 10 processors capable of 200 MFLOPs running code which is 10% sequential and 90% parallelelizable?

simple problem from Wilkinson and Allen's Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers. Working through the exercises at the end of the first chapter and want to make sure that I'm on the right track. The full question is:
1-11 A multiprocessor consists of 10 processors, each capable of a peak execution rate of 200 MFLOPs (millions of floating point operations per second). What is the performance of the system as measured in MFLOPs when 10% of the code is sequential and 90% is parallelizable?
I assume the question wants me to find the number of operations per second of a serial processor which would take the same amount of time to run the program as the multiprocessor.
I think I'm right in thinking that 10% of the program is run at 200 MFLOPs, and 90% is run at 2,000 MFLOPs, and that I can average these speeds to find the performance of the multiprocessor in MFLOPs:
1/10 * 200 + 9/10 * 2000 = 1820 MFLOPs
So when running a program which is 10% serial and 90% parallelizable the performance of the multiprocessor is 1820 MFLOPs.
Is my approach correct?
ps: I understand that this isn't exactly how this would work in reality because it's far more complex, but I would like to know if I'm grasping the concepts.
Your calculation would be fine if 90% of the time, all 10 processors were fully utilized, and 10% of the time, just 1 processor was in use. However, I don't think that is a reasonable interpretation of the problem. I think it is more reasonable to assume that if a single processor were used, 10% of its computations would be on the sequential part, and 90% of its computations would be on the parallelizable part.
One possibility is that the sequential part and parallelizable parts can be run in parallel. Then one processor could run the sequential part, and the other 9 processors could do the parallelizable part. All processors would be fully used, and the result would be 2000 MFLOPS.
Another possibility is that the sequential part needs to be run first, and then the parallelizable part. If a single processor needed 1 hour to do the first part, and 9 hours to do the second, then it would take 10 processors 1 + 0.9 = 1.9 hours total, for an average of about (1*200 + 0.9*2000)/1.9 ~ 1053 MFLOPS.

Is there a performance impact by turning on LARGEADDRESSAWARE?

I am keen to know how the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE switch works and cannot find much about the implementation details.
Can anybody describe what is happening when the switch is used and its consequences (aside from allowing a process to access more memory)?
I have run a simple benchmark using the SLAM++ library on Venice, Sphere and 100k datasets:
Dataset | Time x86 | Time x86 /LARGEADDRESSAWARE | Time x64
Venice | bad_alloc | 4276.524971 | 300.315826 sec
Sphere | 2.946498 | 3.605073 | 1.727466 sec
100k | 46.402400 | 50.196711 | 32.774384 sec
All times are in seconds. There you have it - the performance toll can be substantial. This is mostly doing BLAS operations, sometimes accelerated using SSE, and the whole thing is quite memory bound. Note that the peak memory usage on Venice in x86 was slightly over 3.5 GB (I believe it can be up to 4 GB in an x64 system), in x64 it was a bit under 4.3 GB. The other datasets use much less memory, well below 2 GB.
In case of x86 /LARGEADDRESSAWARE on Venice, t seemed that the OS wants to keep most of the >2 GB in the paging file, although the memory usage jumped to >3 GB when the data was accessed - so the extra cost may stem from aggressive paging. Also, there is some advantage to arithmetic operations in x64 over x86 (the program can use extra registers, etc.), which is probably why ordinary x86 is slower than x64 on the small datasets.
This was measured on a machine with 2x AMD Opteron 2356 SE and 16 GB of 667 MHz DDR2, running Windows Server 2003 x64.
On Windows 7, Intel Core i7-2620M, 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 machine:
Dataset | Time x86 | Time x86 /LARGEADDRESSAWARE | Time x64
Venice | bad_alloc | 203.139716 | 115.641463 sec
Sphere | 1.714962 | 1.814261 | 0.870865 sec
100k | 18.040907 | 18.091992 | 13.660002 sec
This has quite a similar behavior, x64 is faster than x86, and /LARGEADDRESSAWARE is slower (although not so much slower as in the previous case - it likely depends on a CPU or on an OS).
Historically, 32-bit Windows systems would have a virtual memory layout where only the low 2 GB of process' address space would be used by the application; the upper 2 GB would be reserved for the kernel. This was the documented behavior. Changing the documented behavior is not cool, unless it's explicitly opt-in. That's what /LARGEADDRESSAWARE is for. It triggers a flag in the executable header that tells the system that the program won't mind using addresses above the 2GB boundary. With that flag, the system can allocate addresses from the low 3 GB and the upper 1 GB is for kernel.
How would you have to code the app so that this was a breaking change is a whole another question. Maybe some people would cast addresses to signed ints and compare them; that'd break if the addresses had bit 31 set.
EDIT: there's no performance impact from the switch per se. However, if the application routinely encounters memory loads over 2 GB, you can get some performance from caching more aggressively. Without the 3GB switch, an app can't consume over 2GB of virtual memory; with the switch, up to three.
/LARGEADDRESSAWARE does not have a performance impact, because it does not affect code generation.
Programs that do not set this flag only get virtual memory addresses < 2^31. Programs with this flag set may get virtual addresses > 2^31.
This is significant, because there may be subtle bugs in programs where they rely on signed integer math.
E.g. pointer casting to int:
void* p0 = ...; // from somewhere
void* p1 = ...; // from somewhere else
assert( p1 > p0 );
int diff = (int)p1 - (int)p0;
This will break in the presence of addresses > 2 GB.
So to be conservative, the OS does treat programs that do not have this flag set, as it 'may do something bad when encountering addresses > 2 GB'.
On the other hand on x86 systems, setting the /3GB flag reduces the amount of virtual memory the kernel has available, which might impact its performance.
