Is there a performance impact by turning on LARGEADDRESSAWARE? - visual-studio

I am keen to know how the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE switch works and cannot find much about the implementation details.
Can anybody describe what is happening when the switch is used and its consequences (aside from allowing a process to access more memory)?

I have run a simple benchmark using the SLAM++ library on Venice, Sphere and 100k datasets:
Dataset | Time x86 | Time x86 /LARGEADDRESSAWARE | Time x64
Venice | bad_alloc | 4276.524971 | 300.315826 sec
Sphere | 2.946498 | 3.605073 | 1.727466 sec
100k | 46.402400 | 50.196711 | 32.774384 sec
All times are in seconds. There you have it - the performance toll can be substantial. This is mostly doing BLAS operations, sometimes accelerated using SSE, and the whole thing is quite memory bound. Note that the peak memory usage on Venice in x86 was slightly over 3.5 GB (I believe it can be up to 4 GB in an x64 system), in x64 it was a bit under 4.3 GB. The other datasets use much less memory, well below 2 GB.
In case of x86 /LARGEADDRESSAWARE on Venice, t seemed that the OS wants to keep most of the >2 GB in the paging file, although the memory usage jumped to >3 GB when the data was accessed - so the extra cost may stem from aggressive paging. Also, there is some advantage to arithmetic operations in x64 over x86 (the program can use extra registers, etc.), which is probably why ordinary x86 is slower than x64 on the small datasets.
This was measured on a machine with 2x AMD Opteron 2356 SE and 16 GB of 667 MHz DDR2, running Windows Server 2003 x64.
On Windows 7, Intel Core i7-2620M, 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 machine:
Dataset | Time x86 | Time x86 /LARGEADDRESSAWARE | Time x64
Venice | bad_alloc | 203.139716 | 115.641463 sec
Sphere | 1.714962 | 1.814261 | 0.870865 sec
100k | 18.040907 | 18.091992 | 13.660002 sec
This has quite a similar behavior, x64 is faster than x86, and /LARGEADDRESSAWARE is slower (although not so much slower as in the previous case - it likely depends on a CPU or on an OS).

Historically, 32-bit Windows systems would have a virtual memory layout where only the low 2 GB of process' address space would be used by the application; the upper 2 GB would be reserved for the kernel. This was the documented behavior. Changing the documented behavior is not cool, unless it's explicitly opt-in. That's what /LARGEADDRESSAWARE is for. It triggers a flag in the executable header that tells the system that the program won't mind using addresses above the 2GB boundary. With that flag, the system can allocate addresses from the low 3 GB and the upper 1 GB is for kernel.
How would you have to code the app so that this was a breaking change is a whole another question. Maybe some people would cast addresses to signed ints and compare them; that'd break if the addresses had bit 31 set.
EDIT: there's no performance impact from the switch per se. However, if the application routinely encounters memory loads over 2 GB, you can get some performance from caching more aggressively. Without the 3GB switch, an app can't consume over 2GB of virtual memory; with the switch, up to three.

/LARGEADDRESSAWARE does not have a performance impact, because it does not affect code generation.
Programs that do not set this flag only get virtual memory addresses < 2^31. Programs with this flag set may get virtual addresses > 2^31.
This is significant, because there may be subtle bugs in programs where they rely on signed integer math.
E.g. pointer casting to int:
void* p0 = ...; // from somewhere
void* p1 = ...; // from somewhere else
assert( p1 > p0 );
int diff = (int)p1 - (int)p0;
This will break in the presence of addresses > 2 GB.
So to be conservative, the OS does treat programs that do not have this flag set, as it 'may do something bad when encountering addresses > 2 GB'.
On the other hand on x86 systems, setting the /3GB flag reduces the amount of virtual memory the kernel has available, which might impact its performance.


What is the "spool time" of Intel Turbo Boost?

Just like a turbo engine has "turbo lag" due to the time it takes for the turbo to spool up, I'm curious what is the "turbo lag" in Intel processors.
For instance, the i9-8950HK in my MacBook Pro 15" 2018 (running macOS Catalina 10.15.7) usually sits around 1.3 GHz when idle, but when I run a CPU-intensive program, the CPU frequency shoots up to, say 4.3 GHz or so (initially). The question is: how long does it take to go from 1.3 to 4.3 GHz? 1 microsecond? 1 milisecond? 100 miliseconds?
I'm not even sure this is up to the hardware or the operating system.
This is in the context of benchhmarking some CPU-intensive code which takes a few 10s of miliseconds to run. The thing is, right before this piece of CPU-intensive code is run, the CPU is essentially idle (and thus the clock speed will drop down to say 1.3 GHz). I'm wondering what slice of my benchmark is running at 1.3 GHz and what is running at 4.3 GHz: 1%/99%? 10%/90%? 50%/50%? Or even worse?
Depending on the answer, I'm thinking it would make sense to run some CPU-intensive code prior to starting the benchmark as a way to "spool up" TurboBoost. And this leads to another question: for how long should I run this "spooling-up" code? Probably one second is enough, but what if I'm trying to minimize this -- what's a safe amount of time for "spooling-up" code to run, to make sure the CPU will run the main code at the maximum frequency from the very first instruction executed?
Evaluation of CPU frequency transition latency paper presents transition latencies of various Intel processors. In brief, the latency depends on the state in which the core currently is, and what is the target state. For an evaluated Ivy Bridge processor (i7-3770 # 3.4 GHz) the latencies varied from 23 (1.6 GH -> 1.7 GHz) to 52 (2.0 GHz -> 3.4 GHz) micro-seconds.
At Hot Chips 2020 conference a major transition latency improvement of the future Ice Lake processor has been presented, which should have major impact mostly at partially vectorised code which uses AVX-512 instructions. While these instructions do not support as high frequencies as SSE or AVX-2 instructions, using an island of these instructions cause down- and following up-scaling of the processor frequency.
Pre-heating a processor obviously makes sense, as well as "pre-heating" memory. One second of a prior workload is enough to reach the highest available turbo frequency, however you should take into account also temperature of the processor, which may down-scale the frequency (actually CPU core and uncore frequencies if speaking about one of the latest Intel processors). You are not able to reach the temperature limit in a second. But it depends, what you want to measure by your benchmark, and if you want to take into account the temperature limit. When speaking about temperature limit, be aware that your processor also has a power limit, which is another possible reason for down-scaling the frequency during the application run.
Another think that you should take into account when benchmarking your code is that its runtime is very short. Be aware of the runtime/resources consumption measurement reliability. I would suggest an artificially extending the runtime (run the code 10 times and measure the overall consumption) for better results.
I wrote some code to check this, with the aid of the Intel Power Gadget API. It sleeps for one second (so the CPU goes back to its slowest speed), measures the clock speed, runs some code for a given amount of time, then measures the clock speed again.
I only tried this on my 2018 15" MacBook Pro (i9-8950HK CPU) running macOS Catalina 10.15.7. The specific CPU-intensive code being run between clock speed measurements may also influence the result (is it integer only? FP? SSE? AVX? AVX-512?), so don't take these as exact numbers, but only order-of-magnitude/ballpark figures. I have no idea how the results translate into different hardware/OS/code combinations.
The minimum clock speed when idle in my configuration is 1.3 GHz. Here's the results I obtained in tabular form.
| T (ms) | Final clock |
| | speed (GHz) |
| <1 | 1.3 |
| 1..3 | 2.0 |
| 4..7 | 2.5 |
| 8..10 | 2.9 |
| 10..20 | 3.0 |
| 25 | 3.0-3.1 |
| 35 | 3.3-3.5 |
| 45 | 3.5-3.7 |
| 55 | 4.0-4.2 |
| 66 | 4.6-4.7 |
So 1 ms appears to be the minimum amount of time to get any kind of change. 10 ms gets the CPU to its nominal frequency, and from then on it's a bit slower, apparently over 50 ms to reach maximum turbo frequencies.

How can Windows split its virtual memory space asymmetrically?

According to the AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual Volume 2 (system programming), a logical address is valid only if the bits 48-63 are all the same as bit 47:
5.3.1 Canonical Address Form
The AMD64 architecture requires implementations supporting fewer than the full 64-bit virtual address to ensure that those addresses are in canonical form. An address is in canonical form if the address bits from the most-significant implemented bit up to bit 63 are all ones or all zeros. If the addresses of all bytes in a virtual-memory reference are not in canonical form, the processor generates a general-protection exception (#GP) or a stack fault (#SS) as appropriate.
So it seems the only valid address ranges are 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 ~ 0x0000_7FFF_FFFF_FFFF and 0xFFFF_8000_0000_0000 ~ 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF, that is, the lower 128 TiB and higher 128 TiB. However, according to MSDN, the addresses used by Windows x64 kernel don't seem to be the case.
In 64-bit Windows, the theoretical amount of virtual address space is 2^64 bytes (16 exabytes), but only a small portion of the 16-exabyte range is actually used. The 8-terabyte range from 0x000'00000000 through 0x7FF'FFFFFFFF is used for user space, and portions of the 248-terabyte range from 0xFFFF0800'00000000 through 0xFFFFFFFF'FFFFFFFF are used for system space.
So, how can Windows split the virtual address space into lower 8 TiB and higher 248 TiB, despite the hardware specification? I'd like to know why it doesn't cause any problems with the hardware that checks whether the addresses are canonical.
**UPDATE: ** Seems like Microsoft fixed this discrepancy in Windows 8.1. See for details.
You're right; current x86-64 hardware with 48-bit virtual address support requires that the high 16 bits be the sign-extension of the low 48 (i.e. bit 47 matches bits [63:48]). That means about half of the 0xFFFF0800'00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF'FFFFFFFF range is non-canonical on current x86-64 hardware.
Windows is just describing how it carves up the full 64-bit virtual address space, not which parts of that are actually in use on current x86-64 hardware. It can of course only use the 128 TiB that is canonical, from 0xFFFF8000'00000000 to -1. (Note the position of the 8; there's no gap between it and the high 16 bytes that are all-ones, unlike in the theoretical Windows range.)
Top-end servers can be built with 6TiB of RAM or maybe even more. (Xeon Platinum Scalable Processors are apparently available with up to 1.5TiB per socket, and up to 8-way, e.g. the 8180M).
Intel has proposed an extension for larger physical and virtual addressing that adds another level of page tables,, so OSes will hopefully not be stuck without enough virtual address space to map all the RAM (like in the bad old days of PAE on 32-bit-only systems) before we have systems that have more than 128TiB of physical RAM.

Low GPU usage in CUDA

I implemented a program which uses different CUDA streams from different CPU threads. Memory copying is implemented via cudaMemcpyAsync using those streams. Kernel launches are also using those streams. The program is doing double-precision computations (and I suspect this is the culprit, however, cuBlas reaches 75-85% CPU usage for multiplication of matrices of doubles). There are also reduction operations, however they are implemented via if(threadIdx.x < s) with s decreasing 2 times in each iteration, so stalled warps should be available to other blocks. The application is GPU and CPU intensive, it starts with another piece of work as soon as the previous has finished. So I expect it to reach 100% of either CPU or GPU.
The problem is that my program generates 30-40% of GPU load (and about 50% of CPU load), if trusting GPU-Z 1.9.0. Memory Controller Load is 9-10%, Bus Interface Load is 6%. This is for the number of CPU threads equal to the number of CPU cores. If I double the number of CPU threads, the loads stay about the same (including the CPU load).
So why is that? Where is the bottleneck?
I am using GeForce GTX 560 Ti, CUDA 8RC, MSVC++2013, Windows 10.
One my guess is that Windows 10 applies some aggressive power saving, even though GPU and CPU temperatures are low, the power plan is set to "High performance" and the power supply is 700W while power consumption with max CPU and GPU TDP is about 550W.
Another guess is that double-precision speed is 1/12 of the single-precision speed because there are 1 double-precision CUDA core per 12 single-precision CUDA cores on my card, and GPU-Z takes as 100% the situation when all single-precision and double-precision cores are used. However, the numbers do not quite match.
Apparently the reason was low occupancy due to CUDA threads using too many registers by default. To tell the compiler the limit on the number of registers per thread, __launch_bounds__ can be used, as described here. So to be able to launch all 1536 threads in 560 Ti, for block size 256 the following can be specified:
_global__ void __launch_bounds__(256, 6) MyKernel(...) { ... }
After limiting the number of registers per CUDA thread, the GPU usage has raised to 60% for me.
By the way, 5xx series cards are still supported by NSight v5.1 for Visual Studio. It can be downloaded from the archive.
EDIT: the following flags have further increased GPU usage to 70% in an application that uses multiple GPU streams from multiple CPU threads:
cudaSetDeviceFlags(cudaDeviceScheduleYield | cudaDeviceMapHost | cudaDeviceLmemResizeToMax);
cudaDeviceScheduleYield lets other threads execute when a CPU
thread is waiting on GPU operation, rather than spinning GPU for the
cudaDeviceLmemResizeToMax, as I understood it, makes kernel
launches themselves asynchronous and avoids excessive local memory

Independent memory channels: What does it mean for a programmer

I read the Datasheet for an Intel Xeon Processor and saw the following:
The Integrated Memory Controller (IMC) supports DDR3 protocols with four
independent 64-bit memory channels with 8 bits of ECC for each channel (total of
72-bits) and supports 1 to 3 DIMMs per channel depending on the type of memory
I need to know what this exactly means from a programmers view.
The documentation on this seems to be rather sparse and I don't have someone from Intel at hand to ask ;)
Can this memory controller execute 4 loads of data simultaneously from non-adjacent memory regions (and request each data from up to 3 memory DIMMs)? I.e. 4x64 Bits, striped from up to 3 DIMMs, e.g:
| X | _ | X | _ | X | _ | X |
(X is loaded data, _ an arbitrarily large region of unloaded data)
Can this IMC execute 1 load which will load up to 1x256 Bits from a contiguous memory region.
| X | X | X | X | _ | _ | _ | _ |
This seems to be implementation specific, depending on compiler, OS and memory controller. The standard is available at: . It seems that if your controller is fully compliant there are specific bits that can be set to indicate interleaved or non-interleaved mode. See page 24,25 and 143 of the DDR3 Spec, but even in the spec details are light.
For the i7/i5/i3 series specifically, and likely all newer Intel chips the memory is interleaved as in your first example. For these newer chips and presumably a compiler that supports it, yes one Asm/C/C++ level call to load something large enough to be interleaved/striped would initiate the required amount of independent hardware channel level loads to each channel of memory.
In the Triple channel section in of the Multichannel memory page on wikipedia there is a small list of CPUs that do this, likely it is incomplete:

Are not all processors created equal?

My laptop has 4 logical processors (two physical); logical CPUs 1 and 2 map to core 1, and logical CPUs 3 and 4 map to core 2 (verified with GetLogicalProcessorInformation()).
I ran a multithreaded matrix multiplication program on my computer with two threads. The first time, I used SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, 0x5) (which means logical processors 1 and 3) while the second time I used SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, 0xA) (logical processors 2 and 4).
It turned out that the first version was about twice as fast as the second version, as though I'd never multithreaded the second version anyway.
Does anyone have any guesses as to why this might be happening?
Plugged in (full CPU):
Affinity mask: 0x3 (0011b), 9 gflop/s
Affinity mask: 0x5 (0101b), 17 gflop/s
Affinity mask: 0x6 (0110b), 17 gflop/s
Affinity mask: 0x9 (1001b), 9 gflop/s
Affinity mask: 0xA (1010b), 9 gflop/s
Affinity mask: 0xC (1100b), 9 gflop/s
On battery (clocked down):
Affinity mask: 0x3 (0011b), 5 gflop/s
Affinity mask: 0x5 (0101b), 10 gflop/s
Affinity mask: 0x6 (0110b), 10 gflop/s
Affinity mask: 0x9 (1001b), 5 gflop/s
Affinity mask: 0xA (1010b), 2 gflop/s
(--> Very interesting, why half speed when on battery but normal speed on AC?! this one varies a lot between 1.5-2.5 gflop/s, unlike the others.)
Affinity mask: 0xC (1100b), 5 gflop/s
Does this imply that the fourth logical CPU is not doing anything (!)? (Everything with the mask for the fourth CPU set is slow.)
I just ran the same thing on the High Performance profile on batteries. The results are inconsistent: This time, I got 2x speedup for the masks 5, 6, and 10, but there was no speedup for mask 12. I'll try to run the tests again on AC power, but ultimately it seems like this result is a combination of power management, Turbo Boost, scheduling inconsistencies, etc., and it's more difficult to measure than I previously thought. :(
SetProcessAffinityMask() does not guarantee you will have one thread per core; only that the threads you have will run on the cores you have allowed.
Perhaps the OS is scheduling differently.
Also, I'm surprised 1 and 2 are on core 1. Usually, logical processor numbers interleave over physical cores, to provide an inherent load balancing. I would expect 1 and 3 to be on core 1, 2 and 4 to be on core 2.
No, not all cores are equal. Only one is the boot core. Furthermore, in many cases all IRQs (or at least IRQs from a majority of the devices) are directed to a single core.
More important to your observed behavior, not all sets of cores are equal. In a NUMA memory architecture (which have been relatively mainstream in x86 since Intel Hyperthreading and AMD Opteron), there's an ideal group of processors which can efficiently access a particular region of memory, and all other processors will pay a significant penalty to access that range.
With Hyperthreading, it's not main system memory that's connected non-uniformly, but L1 and L2 cache. If your process migrates between the two virtual processors associated to the same physical core, the cache remains valid. But if it migrates to the other physical core, cached data has to be copied and ownership transferred to the other cache. For some workloads, this could make a big difference.
It would be good to know what physical CPU this is, but I'm assuming from your phrasing about logical processors that there is 1 physical socket, 2 CPU cores, and hyperthreading is enabled giving you 4 logical processors.
The short answer is, for this complicated definition of "processor", no, not all processors are created equal. Hyperthreaded logical cores share execution resources, and if there's contention for those resources they won't be fast as separate physical cores. This sharing can take place at different levels for both hyperthreading and multicore processors (ALU, execution resources, cache at different levels, etc) but in broad terms, physical cores in the same socket won't be affected much by what the other core(s) is/are doing, and logical cores implemented by hyperthreading will be hugely affected by what their hypertwin is doing.
Another difference between different CPUs: As Ben said, your OS may process most hardware interrupts on a single CPU, which means that CPU will seem slower for other purposes, but I'd be surprised if the interrupt load is enough to impact performance anywhere near this much.
The results you got -- on processors A and B (being intentionally ambiguous about which 2 processors those are) you get double the performance of A alone, but on processors A and C you get approximately the same performance as A alone -- sure sound like hyperthreading is the difference, where A and C are hypertwins in the same physical core, and B is in the other physical core. You said that GetLogicalProcessorInformation() claims otherwise, but it's not unheard of for the BIOS tables on which that depends to have errors.
I would run Task Manager, keep an eye on loads on each CPU before you run your test to get an idea of how much else is going on and where Windows schedules it, then run your test again a few times, for different combinations of CPU affinity, and see if you can confirm or deny this theory.
Have you checked the return code from SetProcessAffinityMask to see if there was an error? If the call fails, you might get stuck on one logical processor. According to the documentation, you can only use the bits that are set in the result of GetProcessAffinityMask.
You say you've tried masks of 0x5, 0xA, and 0x9. I'd be curious to see the results with 0x3.
