is installed but a program that needs it says "No such file or directory" - ubuntu-20.04

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 and I am trying to run a program as such:
~/junk/cataclysmdda-0.E$ ./cataclysm
which returns
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have tried a few things like, sudo apt-get install libncurses5 with no luck.
If I search for in my system I find 3 of them in different parts of the /snap directory. Maybe the program is not looking there? If so I don't no how to fix that.
I also found this advice:
root#examplehost ~]# ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
So using that I tried to link one of the files in /usr/lib/ and when that didn't work in /usr/lib64/ (I thought that was logical but I don't have a clue), still no luck.
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

sudo apt-get install libncursesw5


postgresql uuid-ossp.control file missing in extention folder. I have installed postgres 9.6 on windows 10

I am getting the below error on running this query CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";
SQLSTATE[58P01]: Undefined file: 7 ERROR: could not open extension control file "C:/Program File
s/2ndQuadrant/PostgreSQL/9.6/share/extension/uuid-ossp.control": No such file or directory (SQL:
Old question but I found it when I had a similar problem.
To install the uuid-ossp extension, you need to have some extra modules installed on the server you're on.
You can get those modules by installing postgresql-contrib, for example, on a Red Hat server, you'd do
sudo yum install postgresql-contrib
Also, note that if you need specific Postgres versions of the modules, you can do something like:
sudo yum install postgresql13-contrib
I had this problem and the first answer solved it for me.
Probably you are missing modules.
sudo yum install postgresql-contrib and try again.

Issue on installing iperf on ubuntu

I am trying to install iperf on ubuntu 11.10. I refer this site to install.
After I gave ./configure, the error would be "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"
Then, i found out where is configure, and I have given command as ./iperf-2.0.5/configure. Then i have followed further step given by that link.
But, If I give iperf -s -D command, I am getting the error as given below:
The program 'iperf' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install iperf
What mistake have I done? Please point it out.
Thank you in advance!!!
You should really read what that error message said. If you simply run command:
sudo apt-get install iperf
you will get iperf installed without the need to compile it from source - at least it did for me.
That said, please consider using (or least trying) more modern equivalent of iperf, namely nuttcp. nuttcp seems to be better supported, and, according to some sources, works better.
You can install nuttcp on Ubuntu using:
sudo apt-get install nuttcp
I would have commented on mvp's answer, but unfortunately I do not have enough reputation at the moment.
First of all, to cover your question, if you are building from source like you do, after you run the "configure" script, you should:
sudo make
and then
sudo make install
in the folder that the configure script is located, so in your case in "iperf-2.0.5" folder.
Having said that, I highly suggest that you drop iperf version 2 and move to iperf version 3. As somebody that uses iperf to examine and teach protocols, I believe it follows the protocols much more closely and behaves more predictably.
You can download the source form: and the instructions to install it are similar with the ones you followed and can be found in the README file in the tarball.

wkhtmltopdf on Fedora 14

Did anybody ever installed wkhtmltopdf on Fedora 14?
On there is a step by step for Debian. In the comments, there is also something similar to CentOS.
Till now I have installed:
Development Tools
openssl-devel libXrender-devel libXext-devel libXft-devel
QT (qt.x86_64 qt-devel.x86_64 qt-webkit.x86_64)
And I have also downloaded wkhtmltopdf from git:
git clone git:// wkhtmltopdf
However, the last steps are driving me crazy. Here's where So I need some help:
Compiling and installing wkhtmltopdf Now all you need to do is compile and install wkhtmltopdf
make && make install
Here's the wkhtmltopdf folder:
After running cd wkhtmltopdf && qmake-qt4 && make as normal user, here's what I got:
Then, I searched again for some qt packages I should have and ended with this group:
qt-webkit-devel.x86_64 php-qt-devel.x86_64 qt-x11.x86_64 qtnx.x86_64
Then, again, I ran qmake-qt4 && make and this time it passed with no errors.
Finally, I ran sudo make install and it also passed with no errors.
However, when I ran wkhtmltopdf -h it returns:
wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So, I decided to go all way compiling QT, following exactly the instructions. At the end, I got the same error:
$ wkhtmltopdf -h
wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Any help would be great.
wkhtmltopdf want lib. But search it into /lib64 directory.
You can :
cd /lib64
ln -s /lib/
wkhtmltopdf -h
is ok after that.
(sorry for my english...)
You missed the part where you have to run qmake.
cd /lib64
ln -s /lib/
This also worked on CentOS release 6.2 (Final)
The error :
wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
can also be caused by the miss of Xorg, then you can install it for example on Debian :
apt-get install xorg

problems at installation of sphinx on mac osx - can't even do the ./configure command

I tried to install sphinx on my Mac (OSX 10.6.7) but at the first installation step, I run into a problem.
According to the installation doku,, one should do the following steps
$ ./configure
$ make
$ install
When I enter ./configure in my terminal, I get the following error message:
$ ./configure
> -bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
So I looked in the folder 'sphinx-2.0.1-beta-osx10.6-i386' and saw that there's no such file such as configure. Also
$ ls -a
> . api doc
.. bin example.sql
COPYING contrib log
INSTALL data sphinx-min.conf
When I tried other files such as sphinx-min.conf, I get
$ ./sphinx-min.conf
$ -bash: ./sphinx-min.conf: Permission denied
Also the sudo ./sphinx-min.conf doesn't work
$ sudo ./sphinx-min.conf
$ sudo: ./sphinx-min.conf: command not found
Any ideas?
It seems possible that you have downloaded a binary version, rather than the source code. You should check for binaries in the subdirectory bin.
You should also read the file INSTALL, which probably has installation instructions that go with the distribution you have downloaded.
You should download Source tarball (tar.gz) from even it has the deceptive linux-penguin icon. After decompression the tarball you can follow the installation steps as says.

Having trouble configuring sphinx search

I downloaded sphinx 0.9.9 to my ubuntu 10.4 machine.
I ran cd ~/sphinx-0.9.9 then ./configure, then make then make install.
Make install gave me errors so I ran sudo make install and then there were no errors.
I am going through the documentation. I am at 2.6. Quick Sphinx usage tour.
It says:
All the example commands below assume that you installed Sphinx in /usr/local/sphinx, so searchd can be found in /usr/local/sphinx/bin/searchd.
I do have /usr/local/sphinx but there is no bin folder in it, just etc and var.
It then also says:
there's example.sql sample data file to populate that table with a few documents for testing purposes:
$ mysql -u test < /usr/local/sphinx/etc/example.sql
but inside my /usr/local/sphinx/etc/ folder there is only one file: sphinx.conf
and according to the docs that file shouldnt event exist yet, it should be sphinx.conf.dist
I tried to install sphinx 6 months ago and gave up. I am only revisiting it now, so maybe there is a chance I screwed something up then that is giving me problems now. Is there a way to remove everything sphinx so I can try again fresh? Or does anyone have any other ideas what is going on?
You might try installing the package version of sphinx; it's slightly older, but should work as well. As far as compiling problems, you might check the SphinxSearch forum.
Looks like you have installation issue here.
The output of make command will be helpful.
I would suggest reinstalling sphinx, just delete the folder/or run sudo make uninstall, where you had installed the sphinx, and then following these steps to reinstall sphinx
Update and Grab dependencies. Run these commands in order to get the files you need to install Sphinx.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
Download source, Untar and prep. Here's where it gets a bit complicated. You'll need to extract the source, change into the directory and configure Sphinx. Do that with these commands.
tar xvzf sphinx-
cd sphinx-
./configure --with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql --with-mysql-libs=/usr/lib/mysql
Make and Install Sphinx
sudo make install
