Issue on installing iperf on ubuntu - installation

I am trying to install iperf on ubuntu 11.10. I refer this site to install.
After I gave ./configure, the error would be "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"
Then, i found out where is configure, and I have given command as ./iperf-2.0.5/configure. Then i have followed further step given by that link.
But, If I give iperf -s -D command, I am getting the error as given below:
The program 'iperf' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install iperf
What mistake have I done? Please point it out.
Thank you in advance!!!

You should really read what that error message said. If you simply run command:
sudo apt-get install iperf
you will get iperf installed without the need to compile it from source - at least it did for me.
That said, please consider using (or least trying) more modern equivalent of iperf, namely nuttcp. nuttcp seems to be better supported, and, according to some sources, works better.
You can install nuttcp on Ubuntu using:
sudo apt-get install nuttcp

I would have commented on mvp's answer, but unfortunately I do not have enough reputation at the moment.
First of all, to cover your question, if you are building from source like you do, after you run the "configure" script, you should:
sudo make
and then
sudo make install
in the folder that the configure script is located, so in your case in "iperf-2.0.5" folder.
Having said that, I highly suggest that you drop iperf version 2 and move to iperf version 3. As somebody that uses iperf to examine and teach protocols, I believe it follows the protocols much more closely and behaves more predictably.
You can download the source form: and the instructions to install it are similar with the ones you followed and can be found in the README file in the tarball.


How to install libraries (mysql connector cpp) on Mac using terminal and make things simple as in the case of Ubuntu

I will share an example.
I had to install mysql connector c++ libraries for my project.
To install connector c++ on my Mac, i had to build it from the source code and it takes a lot of effort because you get errors sometimes and then it is troublesome, something which should have been done in a short time.
In case of Ubuntu, I just had to write one command in the terminal, and wow, everything just got done automatically.
apt-get install libmysqlcppconn7
Does anybody know any similar command in mac, using brew or macports?
I tried to find but I guess I didn't get any results to satisfaction.
And if there is not, can anyone guide me so that I can make it possible, like I think it's possible for mac, if it is possible in ubuntu.
Please guide me, an answer in a bit detail would be so much appreciated.
Probably the nearest thing to apt-get on a mac is brew
Once it is set up (and this isn't difficult) "brew install mysql-connector-c++" will install on the mac

Installing TeamViewer 13 on Debian requires many dependencies

I'm trying to install TeamViewer by going to their website and downloading the latest version. However, when I open a terminal, navigate to the folder, and enter
sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_13.0.6634_amd64.deb
I get a message that certain dependencies are missing, including qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin. I then installed that, re-ran the install, and there are many other missing dependencies, so I try to just run
sudo apt install qtdeclarative5-*
and this tells me that several dependencies from qml are needed, so I run
sudo apt install qml-module-*
and this again tells me I first need other missing dependencies, and at this point I feel like I am in an endless maze. Is there any efficient way of getting the dependencies that I need? Or am I supposed to be doing something completely different to install TeamViewer? I'm running Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon.
Why not use VNC?
This is a question more relevant for ServerFault, Stack Overflow's sister site for IT.

Installing packages through bash scripting

I have never written any bash scripts at this point and my understanding of them is still pretty green. I was curious after reformatting my Mac if it is possible to write a script that does the majority of installs in an automated fashion?
For instance I use homebrew so maybe a portion of the script could verify if this is on the Mac and if not then initiate the install. Then it could proceed with the list of brew install & brew cask installs.
This is something that after realizing how much I had installed and had to remember and still am remembering to install I think would be pretty cool to make...I just don't know if a) it's possible with the macOS or how-to (I'll read up on the how-to). I'm not even too sure if bash-scripts would be the thing to use for something like this or not. Thanks in advance for any information!
on an RPM based system I would eventually list the packages installed, backup the list and then chain it in a yum install command.
For instance:
yum list installed
then to reinstall
yum install A B C -y
Extremely easy and straight forward.
I do believe you can do the same with brew:
brew list
brew install based on the list
I hope this helps

asterisk 11 installation in ubuntu 14.04

I am trying to install Asterisk 11 in Ubuntu 14.04 by following
I am getting following error:-
format_mp3.c:39:24: fatal error: mp3/mpg123.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [format_mp3.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [addons] Error 2
You need to run the script to generate those libs:
First of all there are numerous dependency changes between Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 12.04. There are several options in the build interface for asterisk and understanding how they interact is key to getting a good working environment when building from source.
If you're looking to get asterisk up and running so that you can work with it I highly recommend just installing from apt-get. I have several systems in limited production roles. They are running on VMs that perform without issue or complaint. It is not necessary to build from source to run asterisk 11 on Ubuntu 14.04. Asterisk 11 is the default version in the REPO. There are plenty of add-ons that install via apt-get as well.
Just run:
sudo apt-cache search asterisk
For a quick list
I'm aware that this is not a complete answer to your question, but it would provide you with a working asterisk environment in about 30 minutes.
If you do have a reason or situation where in you absolutely must install Asterisk from sources, please provide more detailed information about how closely you followed this guide. Following it to the letter is simply not possible due to library and other changes in Ubuntu.
This guide from FreePBX includes complete working instructions for building Asterisk 11 on Ubuntu 14.04. You will need to allow for changes if you do not want to use the FreePBX GUI.
For beginners I highly recommend AsteriskNow or FreePBX. Be aware that Schmoozecom the company behind FreePBX is now doing development and support for AsteriskNow. This isn't a problem per say, but ...
#Klemorai 's answer worked for me. (I don't have the points to comment on h/er post)
This is what i did
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo reboot
sudo apt-get install asterisk dahdi asterisk-mp3
sudo apt-get install yate-qt4

Having trouble configuring sphinx search

I downloaded sphinx 0.9.9 to my ubuntu 10.4 machine.
I ran cd ~/sphinx-0.9.9 then ./configure, then make then make install.
Make install gave me errors so I ran sudo make install and then there were no errors.
I am going through the documentation. I am at 2.6. Quick Sphinx usage tour.
It says:
All the example commands below assume that you installed Sphinx in /usr/local/sphinx, so searchd can be found in /usr/local/sphinx/bin/searchd.
I do have /usr/local/sphinx but there is no bin folder in it, just etc and var.
It then also says:
there's example.sql sample data file to populate that table with a few documents for testing purposes:
$ mysql -u test < /usr/local/sphinx/etc/example.sql
but inside my /usr/local/sphinx/etc/ folder there is only one file: sphinx.conf
and according to the docs that file shouldnt event exist yet, it should be sphinx.conf.dist
I tried to install sphinx 6 months ago and gave up. I am only revisiting it now, so maybe there is a chance I screwed something up then that is giving me problems now. Is there a way to remove everything sphinx so I can try again fresh? Or does anyone have any other ideas what is going on?
You might try installing the package version of sphinx; it's slightly older, but should work as well. As far as compiling problems, you might check the SphinxSearch forum.
Looks like you have installation issue here.
The output of make command will be helpful.
I would suggest reinstalling sphinx, just delete the folder/or run sudo make uninstall, where you had installed the sphinx, and then following these steps to reinstall sphinx
Update and Grab dependencies. Run these commands in order to get the files you need to install Sphinx.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
Download source, Untar and prep. Here's where it gets a bit complicated. You'll need to extract the source, change into the directory and configure Sphinx. Do that with these commands.
tar xvzf sphinx-
cd sphinx-
./configure --with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql --with-mysql-libs=/usr/lib/mysql
Make and Install Sphinx
sudo make install
