problems at installation of sphinx on mac osx - can't even do the ./configure command - macos

I tried to install sphinx on my Mac (OSX 10.6.7) but at the first installation step, I run into a problem.
According to the installation doku,, one should do the following steps
$ ./configure
$ make
$ install
When I enter ./configure in my terminal, I get the following error message:
$ ./configure
> -bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
So I looked in the folder 'sphinx-2.0.1-beta-osx10.6-i386' and saw that there's no such file such as configure. Also
$ ls -a
> . api doc
.. bin example.sql
COPYING contrib log
INSTALL data sphinx-min.conf
When I tried other files such as sphinx-min.conf, I get
$ ./sphinx-min.conf
$ -bash: ./sphinx-min.conf: Permission denied
Also the sudo ./sphinx-min.conf doesn't work
$ sudo ./sphinx-min.conf
$ sudo: ./sphinx-min.conf: command not found
Any ideas?

It seems possible that you have downloaded a binary version, rather than the source code. You should check for binaries in the subdirectory bin.
You should also read the file INSTALL, which probably has installation instructions that go with the distribution you have downloaded.

You should download Source tarball (tar.gz) from even it has the deceptive linux-penguin icon. After decompression the tarball you can follow the installation steps as says.


bash 3rdparty/osx/

I am trying to follow these installation instructions:
for installing OpenPose on Mac.
I have a Mac M1, running Big Sir. When I try to do step 3, and run this in terminal: (I'm in the openpose folder that was created when I installed CMake, where there is a 3rdparty folder)
bash 3rdparty/osx/
I get:
No such file or directory
also step 4 doesn't work, i run this in the command line in terminal:
~~protoc src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto --cpp_out=. mkdir include/caffe/proto mv src/caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h include/caffe/proto~~
I get
zsh: command not found: ~~protoc
Does anyone know why I am getting these errors? I "Cloned the repository in the target folder". I "Install CMake GUI" the old fashioned way. I ran and it installed.
brew install caffe
Replace with: bash scripts/osx/
The file to be executed is When I perform $ find . -name osx it is found in openpose/scripts/. So just run bash scripts/osx/

Can't install apertium language packages from source - make command shows errors

I am trying to install apertium-eng-ita package from source (available at The system is debian 11 (i tried also on fresh ubuntu, get the same error). So i downloaded all the files into my /root directory (/root/eng-ita contents all the files from provided link) and run:
This generated all the necessary files inside the "eng-ita" folder, including "Makefile". But then i run:
and see errors like:
apertium-validate-dictionary apertium-eng-ita.eng-ita.dix /bin/bash:
apertium-validate-dictionary: command not found make: ***
[Makefile:769: eng-ita.autobil.bin] Error 127
I began googling (for example, here is some info - this 127 error and found some information about PATH, but where i can put this PATH to make it work?
If you're installing from source, you should first add the apt source and install apertium-all-dev which will give you make etc. Cf. you should
curl -sS | sudo bash
sudo apt-get -f install locales build-essential automake subversion git pkg-config \
gawk libtool apertium-all-dev
(But you don't need to install from source if you just want to use the pair and not develop for it. There are nightly debian packages of the latest git commit; after running the first command you can get that package with sudo apt install apertium-eng-ita)

macOS "./configure: No such file or directory" problem

When I try to install Sphinx with this guide
./configure --with-pgsql --with-mysql #from guide
make #from guide
sudo make install #from guide
-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
$ autoreconf --install
autoreconf: '' or '' is required
Are you running the ./configure command within the Sphinx source code folder? These instructions are for compiling Sphinx.
It's worth noting that the latest (v3.x) Sphinx releases aren't available as source code, only as pre-compiled binaries. So if that's what you've downloaded, you'll want to copy the files in ./bin - which would include indexer and searchd - into a location within your PATH (I would suggest /usr/local/bin).
Not excellent solution (because without mysql), but working (as all in programming world).
1) brew remove mysql
2) brew install mysql#5.7 (I don't know why, but it is working only with this version)
3) download and extract and cd to it
4) ./configure --with-pgsql --without-mysql and make and sudo make install
It is working for me, because I need postgresql first of all

vcftools - installing on MAC

I'm trying to install vcftools on mac. Looking at previous posts on this issue, I made sure I've got Mac OS X developer tools ( I followed the procedure recommended in the official documantion ( When I run from the command line:
I get the following errors:
./ line 4: syntax error near unexpected token [2.63]'
./ line 4:AC_PREREQ([2.63])'
If I try:
It says:
-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
as indeed there in no ./configure when I inspect the contents with:
Can anyone point out where I am doing wrong. I've tried resources such as 'homebrew' but I didn't help.
Thanks a lot.
you can download it from
git clone
cd vcftools
you will need to install autoconf, pkg-config, libtools, automake, and zlib.
follow the instructions here:
I was having the same issue. Basically you need to install automake. This can be done using
brew install automake
Check this out

wkhtmltopdf on Fedora 14

Did anybody ever installed wkhtmltopdf on Fedora 14?
On there is a step by step for Debian. In the comments, there is also something similar to CentOS.
Till now I have installed:
Development Tools
openssl-devel libXrender-devel libXext-devel libXft-devel
QT (qt.x86_64 qt-devel.x86_64 qt-webkit.x86_64)
And I have also downloaded wkhtmltopdf from git:
git clone git:// wkhtmltopdf
However, the last steps are driving me crazy. Here's where So I need some help:
Compiling and installing wkhtmltopdf Now all you need to do is compile and install wkhtmltopdf
make && make install
Here's the wkhtmltopdf folder:
After running cd wkhtmltopdf && qmake-qt4 && make as normal user, here's what I got:
Then, I searched again for some qt packages I should have and ended with this group:
qt-webkit-devel.x86_64 php-qt-devel.x86_64 qt-x11.x86_64 qtnx.x86_64
Then, again, I ran qmake-qt4 && make and this time it passed with no errors.
Finally, I ran sudo make install and it also passed with no errors.
However, when I ran wkhtmltopdf -h it returns:
wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So, I decided to go all way compiling QT, following exactly the instructions. At the end, I got the same error:
$ wkhtmltopdf -h
wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Any help would be great.
wkhtmltopdf want lib. But search it into /lib64 directory.
You can :
cd /lib64
ln -s /lib/
wkhtmltopdf -h
is ok after that.
(sorry for my english...)
You missed the part where you have to run qmake.
cd /lib64
ln -s /lib/
This also worked on CentOS release 6.2 (Final)
The error :
wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
can also be caused by the miss of Xorg, then you can install it for example on Debian :
apt-get install xorg
