TYPO3 v10: Install extension with cmd on Windows 10 - cmd

I'm trying to install a typo3(v10) extension with composer under XAMPP in the C:\xampp\htdocs\typo3\public\typo3 folder. I'm on Windows 10, I use cmd in admin to install with composer.
With cmd, I accessed my TYPO3 folder using the following command: cd C:\xampp\htdocs\typo3 then I started composer. I typed the command:
composer require typo3/cms-introduction
I get a message that told me the extension is installed. Following the instructions, I must now enter the following commands:
./vendor/bin/typo3 extension: activate bootstrap_package
./vendor/bin/typo3 extension: activate introduction
But cmd returns me the following message (an english translation from the message i get in french)
'.' is not recognized as an internal order or external, an executable
program or a batch file.
How can I activate those 2 extensions?

(De-)Activating TYPO3 extensions is always possible via the extension manager module in the TYPO3 backend.
Side note:
Maybe you want to check out DDEV-local as local development environment instead of XAMPP. DDEV uses Docker and is an awesome powerful tool but easy to use. And it provides a native shell for commands like yours above.
A big plus is the very helpful community. If you have problems, register an account at my.typo3.org, request your TYPO3 Slack invitation and go to the #ddev Slack channel.

This works on Windows:
vendor\bin\typo3 extension:activate <EXTKEY>
Note: You have to solve dependencies manually, but you will be warned and the extension will not be activated if dependencies are absent.


Looking for cloud based ide/ides where i can setup apache-superset for developement

I am looking to play with apache-superset on a cloud-based ide. I have it on my local. I tried unsuccessfully to set it up on gitpod. I wanted suggestions on where can I set it up, opensource preferably not necessarily. I believe cloud9 is 1 such place, but I am looking for other options before I settle. If you've ever set it up on any such platform, even if it is on gitpod and can help me, kindly do so.
[Disclaimer: Gitpod staff]
You can indeed use Gitpod to work on apache-superset, and for that you'll just need a working configuration.
From what I can see in apache-superset's requirements, you'll need to get:
PostgreSQL (e.g. by using Gitpod's official gitpod/workspace-full-postgres Docker base image)
Redis (e.g. by installing it in a Dockerfile via sudo apt-get install)
Various Python dependencies (e.g. by running pip install . after cloning)
Various Node.js dependencies for the front-end (e.g. by running npm install)
Here is a basic configuration I wrote to achieve this:
What it does is:
Create a Docker image with PostgreSQL and Redis
Once the repository is cloned, open 4 separate Terminals ("tasks"):
Redis server
Superset backend
Superset worker
Superset front-end
All dependencies will be installed automatically, and once the front-end is ready, it will automatically open in a web preview IDE side panel.
You can try it out by opening my personal fork of the apache-superset repository in Gitpod, e.g. by following this link:

Running wp-cli from bash script results in path error

I have successfully installed wp-cli on my remote server and created the "wp" alias. I use Putty to connect via SSH, and everything works just fine. First, I used a .user_bashrc file to set the alias with:
alias wp='/www/htdocs/w019d58a/wp-cli.phar'
The path is set in .user_bashrc using:
export PATH=/www/htdocs/w019d58a/:$PATH
However, when I tried to run wp-cli from a bash script, I got a "wp command not found" error. I contacted the support, and they recommended a symlink. So, I created a symlink using:
ln -s /www/htdocs/w019d58a/wp-cli.phar wp
Everything works but the installation process. I can, for example, install a plugin using:
wp plugin install akismet
Unfortunately, I can't download WordPress via the bash script using:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal
I always get the error:
Error: Too many positional arguments:
Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress installation.
Pass --path=path/to/wordpress or run wp core download.
I tried to add the path using:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal --path="/www/htdocs/w019d58a"
No luck. I stil get the same error.
I can download and install WordPress directly from the console and do further operations using a script. But I can't download and install it from the script due to the path error.
Any ideas how to fix that?
I've just found out, that the download is working fine:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal
It's the config create part that causes trouble:
wp config create --dbname=d123456 --dbuser=d123456 --dbpass=123456 --dbhost=localhost --dbprefix=wplcli_

Laravel command is not working - Windows 7

I'm trying to install laravel command installer, but its not working.
Followed link: http://laravel.com/docs/5.1
I have installed composer successfully, in fact composer command is working fine.
After installing composer, I have run this command:
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
as said in installation doc.
Output of above command in cmd:
Changed current directory to
C:/Users/xXx/AppData/Roaming/Composer ./composer.json
has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
I have also set environment variables in here:
"My Computer" > "Properties" > "Advanced" > "Environment > Variables"
I have set both variables User variable and System variable. Also restarted the PC.
But when I run laravel command it says:
'laravel' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I'm using Windows 7.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
First make sure to find the name of you PC's User. Mostly can be
find in
[C:\Users\[USER_NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin]. Now
this will be available once the Laravel is installed in Widows
Once you confirmed its location. Go to *My Computer" > "Properties"
"Advanced" > "Environment > Variables > Path'*.
Add semi-colon make sure no space.
Add C:\Users\[USER_NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin with
your user name. Restart command prompt, and you're good to go.
I made some detail Laravel in Installing Laravel 5 with XAMPP or Wamp on Windows Platform
i hope your path in environment variable is wrong you have to set path till vendor/bin directory of composer global
than it will start taking all globally install packages as command.
Make sure to place Composer's system-wide vendor bin directory in your $PATH so the laravel executable can be located by your system. This directory exists in different locations based on your operating system; however, some common locations include:
macOS: $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin
Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin
GNU / Linux Distributions: $HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin or $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin
You could also find the composer's global installation path by running
composer global about and looking up from the first line.
Source : laravel-doc
Did you do composer install? I think that's the problem.

Laravel 5 + Homestead + HHVM + PGSQL = Driver not found

My PHP project uses PGSQL. It runs successfully from Homestead on my dev machine. As soon as I add hhvm: true to my project in homestead.yaml, and provision -- my web app throws a PDOException with a driver is not found. The exception goes away as I remove the hhvm:true and re-provision homestead.
Obviously HHVM's config does not include the PGSQL driver.
How do I correct that?
You don't give a lot of details about your setup, so it's not clear if you have the Postgres driver installed. Postgres isn't supported right out of the box. You have to build and/or install it yourself.
Facebook has an "official" list of HHVM extensions. PGSQL is not (yet) integrated into HHVM proper, but Facebook's page points to the external GitHub project, which is here:
Postgres Extension for HHVM
Below is a summary of the project instructions; you can read them yourself in the README.md files.
Build from source
If you want to build it from source, you will need the hhvm-dev and libpq-dev packages to be installed. Once they have been installed, the following commands will build the extension:
$ cd /path/to/source
$ hphpize
$ cmake .
$ make
This will produce a pgsql.so file, the dynamically-loadable extension. Copy this file to /etc/hhvm/pgsql.so.
Pre-built binaries
If you don't want to build it, there are pre-built binary versions for some of the popular distros in the separate "releases" branch here: Releases.
Again, copy the downloaded pgsql.so file to /etc/hhvm/pgsql.so.
Whether you build from source or install binaries, you need to tell HHVM where to find it. Edit your config file (generally /etc/hhvm/php.ini) and add these if they're not present:
extension_dir = /etc/hhvm
hhvm.extensions[pgsql] = pgsql.so
You can check that everything is working by running
hhvm --php -r 'var_dump(function_exists("pg_connect"));'
If everything is working fine, this will output bool(true).
You may need to restart HHVM to have the server pick up the extension.

How to install Magento using comand line on local computers

How can I install Magento using command-line?
I tried to install Magento using command-line but I wasn't successful, so I would just like to know if it's possible to use command-line to install Magento on my local PC.
This is documented on Installing Magento Via SSH
Dunno about "command line". Magento for the most part is a simple drag'n drop by scp/sftp/ftp if you expand the archive on the remote workstation.
Of course you could also just stuff the install archive on the web server document root via scp/sftp/ftp and then issue tar -xzf/gunzip/unzip and expand the archive there to expand out the Magento application directory/file structure.
Either way, for manual install, it's just an archive that's dearchived by the usual standard means.
On your local "PC", you will probably be using 7-zip if it's Windows based.
Of course this all depends on something really basic, have you set up a fully functional server running Apache, MySQL and PHP for this??? and what OS is this "PC" running?
