How to install Magento using comand line on local computers - magento

How can I install Magento using command-line?
I tried to install Magento using command-line but I wasn't successful, so I would just like to know if it's possible to use command-line to install Magento on my local PC.

This is documented on Installing Magento Via SSH

Dunno about "command line". Magento for the most part is a simple drag'n drop by scp/sftp/ftp if you expand the archive on the remote workstation.
Of course you could also just stuff the install archive on the web server document root via scp/sftp/ftp and then issue tar -xzf/gunzip/unzip and expand the archive there to expand out the Magento application directory/file structure.
Either way, for manual install, it's just an archive that's dearchived by the usual standard means.
On your local "PC", you will probably be using 7-zip if it's Windows based.
Of course this all depends on something really basic, have you set up a fully functional server running Apache, MySQL and PHP for this??? and what OS is this "PC" running?


how can i install heroku in my kali linux operating system?

I cant install heroku in my kali linux operating system. how can i resolve this issue?
isn't it not possible to run heroku in kali linux?
when I have try to install, it show snap command not found.
Heroku no longer supports Snap installs:
Snap installs are no longer supported. Please use another install method below.
Since Kali is derived from Debian, you should be able to use the Debian / Ubuntu method (which doesn't auto-update) or the standalone tarball method (which does). You can also use the NPM / Yarn package if you prefer, though Heroku recommends against it.
All of these options require some amount of trust in Heroku. The first two pull a script down from the Internet and pipe it into sh, which always makes me a bit uneasy. I suspect they both request elevated privileges during the install process. Instead of piping the file directly in to sh as Heroku recommends, I suggest you download it and at least give it a quick read through the first time.
In any case, here is the command that Heroku recommends to install the standalone version:
curl | sh

TYPO3 v10: Install extension with cmd on Windows 10

I'm trying to install a typo3(v10) extension with composer under XAMPP in the C:\xampp\htdocs\typo3\public\typo3 folder. I'm on Windows 10, I use cmd in admin to install with composer.
With cmd, I accessed my TYPO3 folder using the following command: cd C:\xampp\htdocs\typo3 then I started composer. I typed the command:
composer require typo3/cms-introduction
I get a message that told me the extension is installed. Following the instructions, I must now enter the following commands:
./vendor/bin/typo3 extension: activate bootstrap_package
./vendor/bin/typo3 extension: activate introduction
But cmd returns me the following message (an english translation from the message i get in french)
'.' is not recognized as an internal order or external, an executable
program or a batch file.
How can I activate those 2 extensions?
(De-)Activating TYPO3 extensions is always possible via the extension manager module in the TYPO3 backend.
Side note:
Maybe you want to check out DDEV-local as local development environment instead of XAMPP. DDEV uses Docker and is an awesome powerful tool but easy to use. And it provides a native shell for commands like yours above.
A big plus is the very helpful community. If you have problems, register an account at, request your TYPO3 Slack invitation and go to the #ddev Slack channel.
This works on Windows:
vendor\bin\typo3 extension:activate <EXTKEY>
Note: You have to solve dependencies manually, but you will be warned and the extension will not be activated if dependencies are absent.

How to apply Magento security patches in xampp for windows

That must not be so difficult to do, I installed Magento CE 1.9 on xampp for windows. it works well.
I need to apply security patches that come only as .sh files, no other format is available.
I have the file, how can I apply it gives that I don't find a way to execute the .sh files under this environment?
thanks all
1) My windows has sh.exe available and can run .sh files - just type it into the command line, git bash works fine too.
UPDATE: my sh.exe was likely installed along with git. It is relatively easy to install though.
2) On windows machines you may need to edit the PATCH-... file. Find the CURRENT_DIR=``$PWD_BIN``/ line. Since you will be running it from the magento root directory anyway this can be left blank. Go ahead and remove everything after the equals sign. It should now read CURRENT_DIR=. See here for an explanation.
3)Now just move the file into your magento root directory and run it.
Try the Below Link Using Git-bash in Windows :
Magento Patch File Installation in Windows
Cygwin will help you to run the sh file.
How to use Cygwin
Better you use git bash instead. Just go at the Magento Root and run {sh}.

Is there a way to install Drupal from bash script without using Drush?

Looking for relatively easy way to install Drupal instance from command line without using Drush.
I want just to use installing script and archive of custom modules to install Drupal on customer's server (it may not have Drush installed).
You can install Drupal and additional modules and themes without Drush. It's just a sequence of UNIX commands, like wget, tar xzf, cat. You can even write a Makefile and use GNU make to deploy a website. But you don't want to do it (unless you have huge amounts of spare time at your diplosal). Drush provides a lot of best practices and convenience layers to bootstrap and deploy a Drupal installation.
The only reason not to use Drush is, when your server is only reachable via FTP. But then I would do drush make or all the drush dl on my local box and upload the resulting folder structure to the server.
Use Drush. ;)

Drupal install on localhost asks for FTP info

I'm running Drupal 7.4 on localhost, and I've downloaded some themes/modules but I'm unable to install them. I go to administration/modules, for example, select 'Upload a module or theme archive to install', choose the tar.gz from my file system, and before the install I'm asked for a FTP user and password and can not advance.
I'm working locally, so I'm thinking maybe I made some mistake during the install. How can I correct this? I have to do a lot of testing on local before moving the site to a server.
I found the solution here. All I have to do is place the modules/themes inside drupal_folder/sites/default/modules or themes and that's it.
Thanks #nmc
This can happen when sites/default folder is not owned by the user that executes the install script. Make sure the folder sites/default is owned by the apache user (from your drupal root):
chown www-data sites/default
chown apache sites/default
If your not able to install the module, because the lack of a ftp connection, it's possible to use the old fashion way.
The other solution has described it, but it's not correct for a 100%.
If you want to do it the drupal way, you need to install the modules/themes to
if you are having a multi-installation of drupal, then:
