XCode dependency: incompatible tools version - xcode

I have cloned a repo for an iOS and am having a problem building / running the app. stripe-ios was added to the project as a package dependency and I am receiving the following error when resolving package dependencies:
When first running the app, since it has been a while since using XCode, I did the following:
sudo gem install cocoapods to update cocoapods
pod install
pod update
I am currently using Xcode 11.4 on macOS Catalina 10.15.4
I thought maybe this had something to do with the command line tools so I updated that with no luck. I'm afraid I don't know what "tools version" and "root" are referring to. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

After further research, I've concluded that this was a dumb question. Just had to update XCode > 12. Thank you, and sorry


Flipper React Native Xcode iOS Simulator Version Mismatch

I'm getting the following error about mismatched Xcode versions. However, it doesn't seem to make sense. The UUID is the "Indentifier" of the simulator that is running, not any folder I can switch to. I've found a similar bug, but since it is closed, and old, I don't think I'll get much of a response over there: https://github.com/facebook/flipper/issues/1925#issuecomment-1030495731
I've tried running all the suggested commands with and without sudo and nothing helps. This looks like it might be an Xcode workspace configuration issue since I've not had these problems with other React Native applications.
Xcode version mismatch
Xcode version mismatch: Simulator is running from "286DC512-9354-4D32-A0F3-B354C61BD6B7/Contents/Developer" while Xcode CLI is "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer". Running "xcode-select --switch 286DC512-9354-4D32-A0F3-B354C61BD6B7/Contents/Developer" can fix this. For example: "sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer"
Xcode version 13.2.1
Flipper version 0.132.0 (50.0.0)
iOS version 15.2
iPhone 11
I've believe that is related with this version 0.132. I've downgrade my version from 0.132 to 0.113 (version that I was using). And everything is working fine.
You can find more releases here https://github.com/facebook/flipper/releases
I'm still looking for a solution to this on version 0.132.
i had the same issue and the error was gone once i upgraded to flipper 0.135.0

No solution on the internet worked for Module 'google_maps_flutter' not found

I am trying to archive my flutter app to publish it to App Store Connect. Then I got this problem and I tried every single solution on the internet but nothing seem to work so I need help.
Here is the problem:
This will install all dependencies for iOS.
cd ios
pod install
You must see an output similar to this:
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing FMDB (2.7.5)
Installing Flutter (1.0.0)
Installing GoogleMaps (4.2.0)
If Xcode is opened when running pod install, you'll be prompted to either Keep Xcode Version or to Read From Disk.
Choose: Read From Disk.
Have you fulfilled all the requirements related with the app-delegate.. in the IOS section?
Because the problem seems to be connecting google maps flutter package with the IOS.
I solved the issue by double clicking and running Runner.xcworkspace instead of Runner.xcodeproj

Xcode and flutter compiler error: reading from wrong directory

I am getting this error and my app will not compile. The problem is that I had to upgrade macos to be able to compile apps on newer iOS versions, and in doing so I copied my project over from my mojave machine to my catalina one. The directory users/mojave no longer exists, and it needs to be replaced with users/catalina
I have searched the app for any reference of mojave anywhere, and replaced it all with catalina. I have rebooted macos, and it still fails, looking for this old directory.
How do I find and change these references? I am not able to find anything online, possibly because I don't really know how to phrase this question.
So this is another one of those occasions where the error doesn't really indicate what is wrong here.
The problem was that "pods setup" had not been run, so it had not initialised.
The reason for this is that when I ran "pod setup" it does literally nothing.
Researching this issue online, it seems an issue since cocoapods 1.8.0, and the dev team said that they had hotfixed this issue and it would be available from version 1.8.1
Well, this was version 1.8.4 and it is still broken with exactly the same issue.
The fix was to uninstall it completely:
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
And then install version 1.7.5:
sudo gemo install cocoapods --version 1.7.5
From here, with the older version installed that actually works, "pod setup" runs fine, pods is initialised and the app no longer looks in the incorrect folders.
Hope this helps someone.

XCode keeps asking me to convert to Swift 3

When I open my multi-project workspace, which uses Cocoapods, XCode asks if I want to convert the syntax to Swift 3. The problem is that I've already done this. I'm able to build my app with the deployment target set to 10.0.
So, why is it continuing to ask this question and how do I stop it?
I solved it by installing the beta version of Cocoapods: gem install cocoapods --pre

Hockey Cocoa pod integration error - Resource not found

Yesterday my Xcode projects started failing with the following message:
error: Resource "$RESOURCE_PATH" not found. Run 'pod install' to update the copy resources script.
where "$RESOURCE_PATH" pointed to the hockey app pod.
I've tried:
pod install
completely removing cocoa pods integration and
re-integrating it with my projects
uninstalled cocoa pods from my
system and reinstalled
Nothing works. Has anyone had this issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve it?
Edit: This issue is now fixed in the latest CocoaPods version 1.0.0beta.6.
This is an issue with the latest CocoaPods prerelease version 1.0.0beta.5. It's being tracked here and a Pull Request with a fix has already been opened.
In the meantime, you can switch back to using the current stable version of CocoaPods, 0.39.0 or use the Podspec HockeySDK-Source instead.
