Hockey Cocoa pod integration error - Resource not found - cocoapods

Yesterday my Xcode projects started failing with the following message:
error: Resource "$RESOURCE_PATH" not found. Run 'pod install' to update the copy resources script.
where "$RESOURCE_PATH" pointed to the hockey app pod.
I've tried:
pod install
completely removing cocoa pods integration and
re-integrating it with my projects
uninstalled cocoa pods from my
system and reinstalled
Nothing works. Has anyone had this issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve it?

Edit: This issue is now fixed in the latest CocoaPods version 1.0.0beta.6.
This is an issue with the latest CocoaPods prerelease version 1.0.0beta.5. It's being tracked here and a Pull Request with a fix has already been opened.
In the meantime, you can switch back to using the current stable version of CocoaPods, 0.39.0 or use the Podspec HockeySDK-Source instead.


Cocoapods Pod Packages Version Checking - Flutter

I just recently updated my MacOS BigSur to 11.6 to accommodate the new iOS 15 release. I also updated my XCode to 13. To make sure my Flutter packages are using the most up to date version, I checked and confirmed that the package/s versions in pubsec.yaml is indeed the newest via I then updated Flutter, reinstalled Cocoapods and ran 'pod repo remove trunk', 'pod repo update' and 'pod update'. I then tried checking whether the pod packages are the most up to date. However, when I try visiting via browser, I am getting an internal server error. How do I verify that I do have the most recent versions which are in sync with the version showing in of Flutter? Is it correct to assume that the build version showing for a specific package should be the same when I check the package in Pods of XCode?
FYI. The reason I am asking this is because I am getting a lot of build errors due to pods with deprecation errors. So I wish to rule out any version discrepancies before tshooting further.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure about the first problem, but for the problem "a lot of build errors due to pods with deprecation errors" I always use this steps to solve it.... try it might work for you too:
delete: podfile, pods folder, and podfile.lock
cd ios
pod install --repo-update (this will take time)
cd ..
flutter clean
flutter pub get
Thanks Remoo. Unfortunately your recommendation didn't work. What worked is: 1. Deleted my project. 2. Copied original saved copy fresh to MacOS. 3. Ran flutter clean and then flutter packages get and then in ios dir, did pod install. 4. Flutter run and flutter build ios --release were successful. 5. I just ran archive via XCode but still saw a lot of deprecation errors but it went through. Also performed Validate and Distribute. I will see if the app works on my iphone.

XCode dependency: incompatible tools version

I have cloned a repo for an iOS and am having a problem building / running the app. stripe-ios was added to the project as a package dependency and I am receiving the following error when resolving package dependencies:
When first running the app, since it has been a while since using XCode, I did the following:
sudo gem install cocoapods to update cocoapods
pod install
pod update
I am currently using Xcode 11.4 on macOS Catalina 10.15.4
I thought maybe this had something to do with the command line tools so I updated that with no luck. I'm afraid I don't know what "tools version" and "root" are referring to. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
After further research, I've concluded that this was a dumb question. Just had to update XCode > 12. Thank you, and sorry

Do I have to downgrade Cocoapods for Xcode 9 (GoogleDataTransport-error)

Hi I can't fix the error and I rely on you guys. I had to update some pods and therefore I updated my CocoaPods since then I get the
I am wondering if it is because of my Xcode 9.2 and SDK 'iOS 11.2' but updating Xcode is not an option. I tried to delete pods, xcworkspace, Podfile, podfile.lock and delete /Users/XXXX/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData but it did not work...
any suggestions how I can fix the issue

I update my Apps version 4.0 to convert 4.2 and pod not installing

I update swift_version 4.0 to convert 4.2 app work perfectly but when i install new other pod i have facing this error in terminal [!] No `Podfile' found in the project directory. how resolve this issue.
Your Podfile has to be present in the directory where you type pod install. Make sure that you're in the correct directory before installing new pods.

Red frameworks in xcode from CocoaPods

My frameworks in xcode are all red. I tried re-installing/updating the frameworks by using pods install and pods update. I also tried changing the path/location of the frameworks as well as re-installing xcode and even updating xcode to the newest beta version.
Have you updated cocoa pods to 1.4.0 (sudo gem install cocoapods?
