elasticsearch bulk ingestion how to avoid updates - elasticsearch

Within my product I use elasticsearch for storing CDRs (call them txn logs, if you will). My transactions are asynchronous and happen at a very fast rate i.e. around 5000 txns/sec. My transaction involves submitting request to a network entity, and later at some other point of time I receive the response.
The data ingestion technique to ES, earlier involved two phase operations viz., 1) add an entry into ES as soon as I submit to the network layer; 2) when I get response, then update the previous entry with additional status such as delivery succeeded.
I am doing this with bulk insertion method, in which the bulk records contain both inserts and updates. As a result the ingestion is very very slow, which ended up hogging / halting my application. Later, we changed the ingestion technique in such a way that we only insert to elastic when we get final response. Till such time we store the data in a redis store. But this has disadvantages of data loss and non-realtime reports.
So, I was looking at some option like having 2 indexes for the same record. Parent index will have all data, and the child record will have delivery status. I don't know if this is possible. I studied about nested queries and has-child, has-parent queries. What I am unsure is, can I insert the parent and child data at separate points in time, without having to use update. Or should I create two different records with common txn-id without worrying about parent/child?
What is the best way?


a data structure to query number of events in different time interval

My program receives thousands of events in a second from different types. For example 100k API access in a second from users with millions of different IP addresses. I want to keep statistics and limit number of accesses in 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day and so on. So I need event counts in last minute, hour or day for every user and I want it to be like a sliding window. In this case, type of event is the user address.
I started using a time series database, InfluxDB; but it failed to insert 100k events per second and aggregate queries to find event counts in a minute or an hour is even worse. I am sure InfluxDB is not capable of inserting 100k events per second and performing 300k aggregate queries at the same time.
I don't want events retrieved from the database because they are just a simple address. I just want to count them as fast as possible in different time intervals. I want to get the number of events of type x in a specific time interval (for example, past 1 hour).
I don't need to store statistics in the hard disk; so maybe a data structure to keep event counts in different time intervals is good for me. On the other hand, I need it to be like a sliding window.
Storing all the events in RAM in a linked-list and iterating over it to answer queries is another solution that comes to my mind but because the number of events is too high, keeping all of the events in RAM could not be a good idea.
Is there any good data structure or even a database for this purpose?
You didn't provide enough details on events input format and how events can be delivered to statistics backend: is it a stream of udp messages, http put/post requests or smth else.
One possible solution would be to use Yandex Clickhouse database.
Rough description of suggested pattern:
Load incoming raw events from your application into memory-based table Events
with Buffer storage engine
Create materialized view with per-minute aggregation in another
memory-based table EventsPerMinute with Buffer engine
Do the same for hourly aggregation of data in EventsPerHour
Optionally, use Grafana with clickhouse datasource plugin to build
In Clickhouse DB Buffer storage engine not associated with any on-disk table will be kept entirely in memory and older data will be automatically replaced with fresh. This will give you simple housekeeping for raw data.
Tables (materialized views) EventsPerMinute and EventsPerHour can be also created with MergeTree storage engine if case you want to keep statistics on disk. Clickhouse can easily handle billions of records.
At 100K events/second you may need some kind of shaper/load balancer in front of database.
you can think of a hazelcast cluster instead of simple ram. I also think a graylog or simple elastic seach but with this kind of load you shoud test. You can think about your data structure as well. You can construct a hour map for each address and put the event into the hour bucket. And when the time passes the hour you can calculate the count and cache in this hour's bucket. When you need a minute granularity you go to hours bucket and count the events under the list of this hour.

bulk.find.update() vs update.collection(multi=true) in mongo

I am newbie to mongodb and would like to implement mongodb in my project having millions of record.Would like to know what should i prefer for update -bulk.find.update() vs update.collection with multi =true for performance.
As far as I know the biggest gains Bulk provides are these:
Bulk operations send only one request to the MongoDB for the all requests in the bulk. Others send a request per document or send only for one operation type from one of insert, update, updateOne, upsert with update operations and remove .
Bulk can handle a lot of different cases at different lines on a code page.
Bulk operations can work as asynchronously. Others cannot.
But today some operations work bulk based. For instance insertMany.
If the gains above have taken into account, update() must show the same performance results with an bulk.find.update() operation.
Because update() can take only one query object sending to MongoDB. And multi: true is only an argument which specifies that the all matched documents have to be updated. This means it makes only one request on the network. Just like Bulk operations.
So, both of sends only one request to MongoDB and MongoDB evaluates the query clause to find the documents that'd be updated then updates them!
I had tried to find out an answer for this question on MongoDB official site but I could not.
So, an explanation from #AsyaKamsky would be great!

Pattern to load data to Elasticsearch from SQL server

Here is what we came up with. By using 3 value status column.
0 = Not indexed
1 = Updated
2 = Indexed
There will be 2 jobs...
Job 1 will select top X records where status = 0 and pop them into a queue like RabitMQ.
Then a consumer will bulk insert those records to ES and update the status of DB records to 1.
For updates, since we have control of our data... The SQL stored proc that updates that particular record will set it's status to 2. Job2 will select top x records where status = 2 and pop them on RabitMQ. Then a consumer will bulk insert those records to ES and update the status of DB records to 1.
Of course we may need an intermediate status for "queued" so none of the jobs pick up the same record again but the same job should not run if it hasn't completed. The chances of a queued record being updated are slim to none. Since updates only happen at end of day usually the next day.
So I know there's rivers (but being deprecated and probably not flexible like ETL)
I would like to bulk insert records from my SQL server to Elasticsearch.
Write a scheduled batch job of some sort either ETL or any other tool doesn't matter.
select from table where id > lastIdInsertedToElasticSearch this will allow to load the latest records into Elasticsearch at scheduled interval.
But what if a record is updated in the SQL server? What would be a good pattern to track updated records in the SQL server and then push the updated records in ES? I know ES has document versions when putting the same Id. But can't seem to be able to visualize a pattern.
So IMHO, batch inserts are good for building or re-building the index. So for the first time, you can run batch jobs that run SQL queries and perform bulk updates. Rivers, as you correctly pointed out, don't provide a lot of flexibility in terms of transformation.
If the entries in your SQL data store are created by you (i.e. some codebase in your control), it would be better that the same code base updates documents in Elasticsearch, may be not directly but by notifying some other service or with the help of queues to not waste time in responding to requests (if that's the kind of setup you have).
We have a pretty similar use case of Elasticsearch. We provide search inside our app, which performs search across different categories of data. Some of this data is actually created by the users of our app through our app - so we handle this easily. Our app writes that data to our SQL data store and pushes the same data in RabbitMQ for indexing/updating in Elasticsearch. On the other side of RabbitMQ, we have a consumer written in Python that basically replaces the entire document in Elasticsearch. So the corresponding rows in our SQL datastore and documents in Elasticsearch share the ID which enables us to update the document.
Another case is where there are a few types of data that we perform search on comes from some 3rd party service which exposes the data over their HTTP API. The data creation is in our control but we don't have an automated mechanism of updating the entries in Elasticsearch. In this case, we basically run a cron job that takes care of this. We have managed to tune the cron's schedule because we also have a limited number of API queries quota. But in this case, our data is not really updated so much per day. So this kind of system works for us.
Disclaimer: I co-developed this solution.
I needed something like the jdbc-river that could do more complex "roll-ups" of data. After careful consideration of what it would take to modify the jdbc-river to suit my needs, I ended up writing the river-net.
Here are a few of the features:
It gets fairly decent performance (comparable to the jdbc-river. We get upwards of 6k rows/sec)
It can join many tables to create complex nested arrays of documents without creating duplicate child documents
It follows a lot of the same conventions as the jdbc-river.
It also supports reading from files.
It's written in C#
It uses Quartz.Net and supports cron expressions for scheduling.
This project is open source, and we already have a second project (also to be open sourced) that does generic job scheduling with RabbitMQ. We have ported over a lot of this project, and plan to the RabbitMQ river for better performance and stability when indexing into Elasticsearch.
To combat large updates, we aren't hitting tables directly. Instead we use stored procedures that only grab deltas. We also have an option on the sp to reset the delta to reindex everything.
The project is fairly young with only a few commits, but we are open to collaboration and new ideas.

What is the most efficient way to filter a search?

I am working with node.js and mongodb.
I am going to have a database setup and use socket.io to have real-time updates that will have the db queried again as well or push the new update to the client.
I am trying to figure out what is the best way to filter the database?
Some more information in regards to what is being queried and what the real time updates are:
A document in the database will include information such as an address, city, time, number of packages, name, price.
Filters include city/price/name/time (meaning only to see addresses within the same city, or within the same time period)
Real-time info: includes adding a new document to the database which will essentially update the admin on the website with a notification of a new address added.
Method 1: Query the db with the filters being searched?
Method 2: Query the db for all searches and then filter it on the client side (Javascript)?
Method 3: Query the db for all searches then store it in localStorage then query localStorage for what the filters are?
Trying to figure out what is the fastest way for the user to filter it?
Also, if it is different than what is the most cost effective way, then the most cost effective as well (which I am assuming is less db queries)...
It's hard to say because we don't see exact conditions of the filter, but in general:
Mongo can use only 1 index in a query condition. Thus whatever fields are covered by this index can be used in an efficient filtering. Otherwise it might do full table scan which is slow. If you are using an index then you are probably doing the most efficient query. (Mongo can still use another index for sorting though).
Sometimes you will be forced to do processing on client side because Mongo can't do what you want or it takes too many queries.
The least efficient option is to store results somewhere just because IO is slow. This would only benefit you if you use them as cache and do not recalculate.
Also consider overhead and latency of networking. If you have to send lots of data back to the client it will be slower. In general Mongo will do better job filtering stuff than you would do on the client.
According to you if you can filter by addresses within time period then you could have an index that cuts down lots of documents. You most likely need a compound index - multiple fields.

Data processing and updating of selected records

Basically, the needed job is for large amount of records on a data base, and more records can be inserted all the time:
Select <1000> records with status "NEW" -> process the records -> update the records to status "DONE".
This sounds to me like "Map Reduce".
I think that the job described above can may be done in parallel, even by different machines, but then my concern is:
When I select <1000> records with status "NEW" - how can I know that none of these records are already being processed by some other job ?
The same records should not be selected and processed more than once of course.
Performance is critical.
The naive solution is to do the mentioned basic job in a loop.
It seems related to big data processing / nosql / map reduce etc'.
Since considering Performance issue... We can can achieve this.The main goal is to distribute records to clients such way that no to clients get same record.
I irrespective of database...
If you have one more column which is used for locking record. So on fetching those records you can set lock, To prevent from fetching for send time.
But if you don not have such capability then my bets bet would be to create another table or im-memory key-value store, with Record primary key and lock, and on fetching records you need to check of record does not exist in other table....
If you have HBase then it can be achieved easily first approach is achievable with performance.
