Data processing and updating of selected records - parallel-processing

Basically, the needed job is for large amount of records on a data base, and more records can be inserted all the time:
Select <1000> records with status "NEW" -> process the records -> update the records to status "DONE".
This sounds to me like "Map Reduce".
I think that the job described above can may be done in parallel, even by different machines, but then my concern is:
When I select <1000> records with status "NEW" - how can I know that none of these records are already being processed by some other job ?
The same records should not be selected and processed more than once of course.
Performance is critical.
The naive solution is to do the mentioned basic job in a loop.
It seems related to big data processing / nosql / map reduce etc'.

Since considering Performance issue... We can can achieve this.The main goal is to distribute records to clients such way that no to clients get same record.
I irrespective of database...
If you have one more column which is used for locking record. So on fetching those records you can set lock, To prevent from fetching for send time.
But if you don not have such capability then my bets bet would be to create another table or im-memory key-value store, with Record primary key and lock, and on fetching records you need to check of record does not exist in other table....
If you have HBase then it can be achieved easily first approach is achievable with performance.


Data cleanup in Oracle DB is taking long time for 300 billion records

Problem statement:
There is address table in Oracle which is having relationship with multiple tables like subscriber, member etc.
Currently design is in such a way that when there is any change in associated tables, it increments record version throughout all tables.
So new record is added in address table even if same address is already present, resulting into large number of duplicate copies.
We need to identify and remove duplicate records, and update foreign keys in associated tables while making sure it doesn't impact the running application.
Tried solution:
We have written a script for cleanup logic, where unique hash is generated for every address. If calculated hash is already present then it means address is duplicate, where we merge into single address record and update foreign keys in associated tables.
But the problem is there are around 300 billion records in address table, so this cleanup process is taking lot of time, and it will take several days to complete.
We have tried to have index for hash column, but process is still taking time.
Also we have updated the insertion/query logic to use addresses as per new structure (using hash, and without version), in order to take care of incoming requests in production.
We are planning to do processing in chunks, but it will be very long an on-going activity.
Would like to if any further improvement can be made in above approach
Will distributed processing will help here? (may be using Hadoop Spark/hive/MR etc.)
Is there any some sort of tool that can be used here?
Suggestion 1
Use built-in delete parallel
delete /*+ parallel(t 8) */ mytable t where ...
Suggestion 2
Use distributed processing (Hadoop Spark/hive) - watch out for potential contention on indexes or table blocks. It is recommended to have each process to work on a logical isolated subset, e.g.
process 1 - delete mytable t where id between 1000 and 1999
process 2 - delete mytable t where id between 2000 and 2999
Suggestion 3
If more than ~30% of the table need to be deleted - the fastest way would be to create an empty table, copy there all required rows, drop original table, rename new, create all indexes+constraints. Of course it requires downtime and it greatly depends on number of indexes - the more you have the longer it will take
P.S. There are no "magic" tools to do it. In the end they all run the same sql commands as you can.
It's possible use oracle merge instruction to insert data if you use clean sql.

elasticsearch bulk ingestion how to avoid updates

Within my product I use elasticsearch for storing CDRs (call them txn logs, if you will). My transactions are asynchronous and happen at a very fast rate i.e. around 5000 txns/sec. My transaction involves submitting request to a network entity, and later at some other point of time I receive the response.
The data ingestion technique to ES, earlier involved two phase operations viz., 1) add an entry into ES as soon as I submit to the network layer; 2) when I get response, then update the previous entry with additional status such as delivery succeeded.
I am doing this with bulk insertion method, in which the bulk records contain both inserts and updates. As a result the ingestion is very very slow, which ended up hogging / halting my application. Later, we changed the ingestion technique in such a way that we only insert to elastic when we get final response. Till such time we store the data in a redis store. But this has disadvantages of data loss and non-realtime reports.
So, I was looking at some option like having 2 indexes for the same record. Parent index will have all data, and the child record will have delivery status. I don't know if this is possible. I studied about nested queries and has-child, has-parent queries. What I am unsure is, can I insert the parent and child data at separate points in time, without having to use update. Or should I create two different records with common txn-id without worrying about parent/child?
What is the best way?

Spring batch to read CSV and update data in bulk to MySQL

I've below requirement to write a spring batch. I would like to know the best approach to achieve it.
Input: A relatively large file with report data (for today)
1. Update Daily table and monthly table based on the report data for today
Daily table - Just update the counts based on ID
Monthly table: Add today's count to the existing value
My concerns are:
1. since data is huge I may end up having multiple DB transactions. How can I do this operation in bulk?
2. To add to the existing counts of the monthly table, I must have the existing counts with me. I may have to maintain a map beforehand. But is this a good way to process in this way?
Please suggest the approach I should follow or any example if there is any?
You can design a chunk-oriented step to first insert the daily data from the file to the table. When this step is finished, you can use a step execution listener and in the afterStep method, you will have a handle to the step execution where you can get the write count with StepExecution#getWriteCount. You can write this count to the monthly table.
since data is huge I may end up having multiple DB transactions. How can I do this operation in bulk?
With a chunk oriented step, data is already written in bulk (one transaction per chunk). This model works very well even if your input file is huge.
To add to the existing counts of the monthly table, I must have the existing counts with me. I may have to maintain a map beforehand. But is this a good way to process in this way?
No need to store the info in a map, you can get the write count from the step execution after the step as explained above.
Hope this helps.

Best approaches to UPDATE the data in tables - Teradata

I am new to Teradata & fortunately got a chance to work on both DDL-DML statements.
One thing I observed is Teradata is very slow when time comes to UPDATE the data in a table having large number of records.
The simplest way I found on the Google to perform this update is to write an INSERT-SELECT statement with a CASE on column holding values to be update with new values.
But what when this situation arrives in Data Warehouse environment, when we need to update multiple columns from a table holding millions of rows ?
Which would be the best approach to follow ?
Not sure if any of the above approach is not used for this UPDATE operation.
Thank you in advance!
At enterprise level, we expect volumes to be huge and updates are often part of some scheduled jobs/scripts.
With huge volume of data, Updates comes as a costly operation that involve risk of blocking table for some time in case the update fails (due to fallback journal). Although scripts are tested well, and failures seldom happen in production environments, it's always better to have data that needs to be updated loaded to a temporary table in required form and inserted back to same table after deleting matching records to maintain SCD-1 (Where we don't maintain history).

overcoming 'log file sync' by design?

Advice/suggestions needed for a bit of application design.
I have an application which uses 2 tables, one is a staging table, which many separate processes write to, once a 'group' of processes has finished, another job comes along a aggregates the results together into a final table, then deletes that 'group' from the staging table.
The problem that I'm having is that when the staging table is being cleared out, lots of redo is generated and I'm seeing a lot of 'log file sync' waits in the database. This is a shared database with many other applications and this is causing some issues.
When applying the aggregate, the rows are reduced to about 1 row in the final table for every 20 rows in the staging table.
I'm thinking of getting around this by rather than having a single 'staging' table, I will create a table for each 'group'. Once done, this table can just be dropped, which should result in much less redo.
I only have SE, so partitioned tables isn't an option. Also faster disks for the redo probably isn't an option in the short term either.
Is this a bad idea? Any better solutions to be offered?
Would it be possible to solve the problem by having your process do a logical delete (i.e. set a DELETE_FLAG column in the table to 'Y') and then having a nightly process that truncates the table (potentially writing any non-deleted rows to a separate table before the truncate and then copy them back after the table is truncated)?
Are you certain that the source of the log file sync waits is that your disks can't keep up with the I/O? That's certainly possible, of course, but there are other possible causes of excessive log file sync waits including excessive commits. There is an excellent article on tuning log file sync events on the Pythian blog.
The most common cause of excessive log file syncs is too frequent commits, which are often deliberately coded in a mistaken attempt to reduce system load due to locking. You should commit only when your business transaction is complete.
Loading each group into a separate table sounds like a fine plan to reduce redo. You can truncate individual group table following each aggregation.
Another (but I think probably worse) option is to create a new staging table with the groups that haven't been aggregated then drop the original and rename the new table to replace the staging table.
I prefer Justin's suggestion ("logical delete"), but another option to consider might be a partitioned table, if you have the EE licence. The aggregation process could drop a partition instead of deleting the rows.
