Pattern to load data to Elasticsearch from SQL server - elasticsearch

Here is what we came up with. By using 3 value status column.
0 = Not indexed
1 = Updated
2 = Indexed
There will be 2 jobs...
Job 1 will select top X records where status = 0 and pop them into a queue like RabitMQ.
Then a consumer will bulk insert those records to ES and update the status of DB records to 1.
For updates, since we have control of our data... The SQL stored proc that updates that particular record will set it's status to 2. Job2 will select top x records where status = 2 and pop them on RabitMQ. Then a consumer will bulk insert those records to ES and update the status of DB records to 1.
Of course we may need an intermediate status for "queued" so none of the jobs pick up the same record again but the same job should not run if it hasn't completed. The chances of a queued record being updated are slim to none. Since updates only happen at end of day usually the next day.
So I know there's rivers (but being deprecated and probably not flexible like ETL)
I would like to bulk insert records from my SQL server to Elasticsearch.
Write a scheduled batch job of some sort either ETL or any other tool doesn't matter.
select from table where id > lastIdInsertedToElasticSearch this will allow to load the latest records into Elasticsearch at scheduled interval.
But what if a record is updated in the SQL server? What would be a good pattern to track updated records in the SQL server and then push the updated records in ES? I know ES has document versions when putting the same Id. But can't seem to be able to visualize a pattern.

So IMHO, batch inserts are good for building or re-building the index. So for the first time, you can run batch jobs that run SQL queries and perform bulk updates. Rivers, as you correctly pointed out, don't provide a lot of flexibility in terms of transformation.
If the entries in your SQL data store are created by you (i.e. some codebase in your control), it would be better that the same code base updates documents in Elasticsearch, may be not directly but by notifying some other service or with the help of queues to not waste time in responding to requests (if that's the kind of setup you have).
We have a pretty similar use case of Elasticsearch. We provide search inside our app, which performs search across different categories of data. Some of this data is actually created by the users of our app through our app - so we handle this easily. Our app writes that data to our SQL data store and pushes the same data in RabbitMQ for indexing/updating in Elasticsearch. On the other side of RabbitMQ, we have a consumer written in Python that basically replaces the entire document in Elasticsearch. So the corresponding rows in our SQL datastore and documents in Elasticsearch share the ID which enables us to update the document.
Another case is where there are a few types of data that we perform search on comes from some 3rd party service which exposes the data over their HTTP API. The data creation is in our control but we don't have an automated mechanism of updating the entries in Elasticsearch. In this case, we basically run a cron job that takes care of this. We have managed to tune the cron's schedule because we also have a limited number of API queries quota. But in this case, our data is not really updated so much per day. So this kind of system works for us.

Disclaimer: I co-developed this solution.
I needed something like the jdbc-river that could do more complex "roll-ups" of data. After careful consideration of what it would take to modify the jdbc-river to suit my needs, I ended up writing the river-net.
Here are a few of the features:
It gets fairly decent performance (comparable to the jdbc-river. We get upwards of 6k rows/sec)
It can join many tables to create complex nested arrays of documents without creating duplicate child documents
It follows a lot of the same conventions as the jdbc-river.
It also supports reading from files.
It's written in C#
It uses Quartz.Net and supports cron expressions for scheduling.
This project is open source, and we already have a second project (also to be open sourced) that does generic job scheduling with RabbitMQ. We have ported over a lot of this project, and plan to the RabbitMQ river for better performance and stability when indexing into Elasticsearch.
To combat large updates, we aren't hitting tables directly. Instead we use stored procedures that only grab deltas. We also have an option on the sp to reset the delta to reindex everything.
The project is fairly young with only a few commits, but we are open to collaboration and new ideas.


Uploding data to kafka producer

I am new to Kafka in Spring Boot, I have been through many tutorials and got fair knowledge about the same.
Currently I have been assigned a task and I am facing an issue. Hope to get some help here.
The scenario is as follows.
1)I have a DB which is getting updated continuously with millions of data.
2)I have to hit the DB after every 5 mins and pick the recently updated data and send it to Kafka.
Condition- The old data that I have picked in my previous iteration should not be picked in my next DB call and Kafka pushing.
I am done with the part of Spring Scheduling to pick the data by using findAll() of spring boot JPA, but how can I write the logic so that it does not pick the old DB records and just take the new record and push it to kafka.
My DB table also have a field called "Recent_timeStamp" of type "datetime"
Its hard to tell without really seeing your logic and the way you work with the database, but from what you've described you should do just "findAll" here.
Instead you should treat your DB table as a time-driven data:
Since it has a field of timestamp, make sure there is an index on it
Instead of "findAll" execute something like:
SELECT <...>
In this case you'll get the records ordered by the increasing timestamp
Now the ? denotes the last memorized timestamp that you've handled
So you'll have to maintain the state here
Another option is to query the data whose timestamp is "less" than 5 minutes, in this case the query will look like this (pseudocode since the actual syntax varies):
SELECT <...>
WHERE RECENT_TIMESTAMP < now() - 5 minutes
The first method is more robust because if your spring boot application is "down" for some reason you'll be able to recover and query all your records from the point it has failed to send the data. On the other hand you'll have to save this kind of pointer in some type of persistent storage.
The second solution is "easier" in a sense that you don't have a state to maintain but on the other hand you will miss the data after the restart.
In both of the cases you might want to use some kind of pagination because basically you don't know how many records you'll get from the database and if the amount of records exceeds your memory limits, the application with end up with OutOfMemory error thrown.
A Completely different approach is throwing the data to kafka when you write to the database instead of when you read from it. At that point you might have a data chunk of (probably) reasonably limited size and in general you don't need the state because you can store to db and send to kafka from the same service, if the architecture of your application permits to do so.
You can look into kafka connect component if it serves your purpose.
Kafka Connect is a tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka® and other data systems. It makes it simple to quickly define connectors that move large data sets in and out of Kafka. Kafka Connect can ingest entire databases or collect metrics from all your application servers into Kafka topics, making the data available for stream processing with low latency. An export connector can deliver data from Kafka topics into secondary indexes like Elasticsearch, or into batch systems–such as Hadoop for offline analysis.

Importing a large amount of data into Elasticsearch every time by dropping existing data

Currently, there's a denormalized table inside a MySQL database that contains hundreds of columns and millions of records.
The original source of the data does not have any way to track the changes so the entire table is dropped and rebuilt every day by a CRON job.
Now, I would like to import this data into Elaticsearch. What is the best way to approach this? Should I use logstash to connect directly to the table and import it or is there a better way?
Exporting the data into JSON or similar is an expensive process since we're talking about gigabytes of data every time.
Also, should I drop the index in elastic as well or is there a way to make it recognize the changes?
In any case - I'd recommend using index templates to simplify index creation.
Now for the ingestion strategy, I see two possible options:
Rework your ETL process to do a merge instead of dropping and recreating the entire table. This would definitely be slower but would allow shipping only deltas to ES or any other data source.
As you've imagined yourself - you should be probably fine with Logstash using daily jobs. Create a daily index and drop the old one during the daily migration.
You could introduce buffers, such as Kafka to your infrastructure, but I feel that might be an overkill for your current use case.

elasticsearch bulk ingestion how to avoid updates

Within my product I use elasticsearch for storing CDRs (call them txn logs, if you will). My transactions are asynchronous and happen at a very fast rate i.e. around 5000 txns/sec. My transaction involves submitting request to a network entity, and later at some other point of time I receive the response.
The data ingestion technique to ES, earlier involved two phase operations viz., 1) add an entry into ES as soon as I submit to the network layer; 2) when I get response, then update the previous entry with additional status such as delivery succeeded.
I am doing this with bulk insertion method, in which the bulk records contain both inserts and updates. As a result the ingestion is very very slow, which ended up hogging / halting my application. Later, we changed the ingestion technique in such a way that we only insert to elastic when we get final response. Till such time we store the data in a redis store. But this has disadvantages of data loss and non-realtime reports.
So, I was looking at some option like having 2 indexes for the same record. Parent index will have all data, and the child record will have delivery status. I don't know if this is possible. I studied about nested queries and has-child, has-parent queries. What I am unsure is, can I insert the parent and child data at separate points in time, without having to use update. Or should I create two different records with common txn-id without worrying about parent/child?
What is the best way?

Apache Nifi - Federated Search

My team’s been thrown into the deep end and have been asked to build a federated search of customers over a variety of large datasets which hold varying degrees of differing data about each individuals (and no matching identifiers) and I was wondering how to go about implementing it.
I was thinking Apache Nifi would be a good fit to query our various databases, merge the result, deduplicate the entries via an external tool and then push this result into a database which is then queried for use in an Elasticsearch instance for the applications use.
So roughly speaking something like this:-
For examples sake the following data then exists in the result database from the first flow :-

Then running over this database table which will add cluster ids to aid the record linkage, e.g.:-

Second flow would then query the result database and feed this result into Elasticsearch instance for use by the applications API for querying which would use the cluster id to link the duplicates.
Couple questions:-
How would I trigger dedupe to run on the merged content was pushed to the database?
The corollary question - how would the second flow know when to fetch results for pushing into Elasticsearch? Periodic polling?
I also haven’t considered any CDC process here as the databases will be getting constantly updated which I'd need to handle, so really interested if anybody had solved a similar problem or used different approach (happy to consider other technologies too).
For de-duplicating...
You will probably need to write a custom processor, or use ExecuteScript. Since it looks like a Python library, I'm guessing writing a script for ExecuteScript, unless there is a Java library.
For triggering the second flow...
Do you need that intermediate DB table for something else?
If you do need it, then you can send the success relationship of PutDatabaseRecord as the input to the follow-on ExecuteSQL.
If you don't need it, then you can just go MergeContent -> Dedupe -> ElasticSearch.

Incremental data import in Solr from MSSQL normalized table with complex joins

Working on Solr incremental data import from an existing normalized mssql database. I'm unable to decide on the strategy I need to implement, or not knowing whether there are existing tools to do the same, so I don't need to reinvent the wheel.
I need to import a document into Solr 3.6 to build a Solr Data, which is saved in MSSQL in heavily normalized fashion. To retrieve the data for single document, there are many joins required which is killing performance. I have appx. 1 million such document in db. So full import into Solr is not an option for me.
While deciding the approach I have two issues to consider:
Incremental data import, so that SQL server doesn't have heavy load while fetching data from db.
Updating data that has been changed in SQL Server into Solr data once a day
I am looking after your help in deciding the strategy and tool for incremental data import into Solr. I think, I have following options:
Custom develop application to fetch data from MSSQL and pass it to Solr. I need to keep track of data as what all records are inserted into Solr and what are pending. Again, 2% data records in MSSQL keeps updated on daily basis, so need to track what data has changed since then, and then update them again at some point of time into Solr.
Use any existing tool or utility in Solr to do the same, like DIH. I'm not sure how this will address both of the issue of incremental data retrieval and how it will track what data has change in SQL server? Again, not sure how DIH will handle complex joins requires to fetch data from db.
Or use something like Lusql with DIH, bust still not sure about how it will address both the issues. Although Lusql will give ability to do complex joins in db, so I hope this might fit my purpose.
I'm in favor of using LuSQL with DIH in Solr, if it can fit the purpose, but still not sure how it keep track of what data has change? Or for this part I have to manage manually by maintaining the document id where the change is made, and then supplying it to LuSQL to fetch data from SQL and import into Solr.
I am also looking forward for your suggestions beyond this to handle this kind of situations.
I will share with you the way i do this.
Mainly I have the same requierements and until this week I used solr dataimport with delta imports. I have a program that regularly updates a status for the new items from 0 to 1 and then calls solr data import to get all the documents with status 1. Solrdataimport uses a stored procedure to join and get the documents with status 1 from db. If the import finish successfully I then update the status to 2 and I know that this documents are in solr. If a documents get changed I simply change from status 2 to status 0 and then the import process updates the document in solr.
Everything works fine for me using this process. I always get the new documents in solr without having to fetch all the data form the database.
Now my requirements have changed because we decide to keep the date archived in the database, as we only need it in solr. So I need to have a program that deserialize the data and then have it sent to solr.
My approach now is to add all the new/updated documents via update handler and after I added all the documents to commit them, and if the commit is successful then I update the status in the database. With this approach I have no experience yet so I don't know if it will work or not but I will just try and see what happens.
I researched in the past a better way to do this but I couldn't find anything so if you find a better solution please share it with me.
Good luck :)
We had to index from a heavily normalized schema with 25+ tables, half of them contain over 5M records each. Largest ~20M.
We use informatica to load these records from oracle to solr. ETL tools like informatica provide ways to join tables/results of a query outside the relational database. It has a sorter transformation to sort out side database. An aggregate transformation to group by records outside db. There is also a lookup transformation..
Essentially, our data is de-normalized in stages and loading/indexing process is distributed.
There are open source ETL tools of course. There is a Microsoft ETL tool..
Indexing to solr happens through update handler.. Delta indexing is very similar to full indexing with additional logic for change data capture. ETL activity is scheduled.
