Laravel Pluck 3 arrays - laravel

can I pluck the 3 arrays like these because only two are shown?
$data = Receipt::select(DB::raw("DATE(created_on) as date"), DB::raw("sum(case when type = 'Receipt' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_receipt"), DB::raw("sum(case when type = 'Invoice' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_invoice"))
->pluck('cnt_receipt', 'cnt_invoice', 'date')->all();
If not, how can I able show those 3 arrays?
I want the output something like this
date cnt_receipt cnt_invoice
2021-01-01 5 6
2021-01-02 8 5
2021-01-03 10 9
2021-01-04 11 9
I need to get those data as arrays because the chart js code need array_keys and array_values
$chart= new Chart;
$chart->labels = (array_keys($data));
$chart->r_dataset = (array_values($data));
$chart->i_dataset = (array_values($data));
Chart Class
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Chart extends Model

What you need to use is reduce here, a bit of a hacky way, but it will work.
$data = Receipt::select(DB::raw("DATE(created_on) as date, sum(case when type = 'Receipt' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_receipt, sum(case when type = 'Invoice' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_invoice"))
$chartInitial = new Chart();
$chartInitial->labels = [];
$chartInitial->r_dataset = [];
$chartInitial->i_dataset = [];
$chart = $data->reduce(function($obj, $row){
$obj->labels[] = $row->date;
$obj->r_dataset[] = $row->cnt_receipt;
$obj->i_dataset[] = $row->cnt_invoice;
return $obj;
}, $chartInitial);
It'll push all the row data into their respective arrays in that Chart object.


Loop through collection in laravel and get specific data from the collection

I'm trying to go through a collection and I need to get a list of products according to certain keys. but I get the following error when I print the list with dd:
"array_key_exists(): The first argument should be either a string or an integer"
this is my function
public function reemplazaCostoZona($zona, $destino, $especie, $costo, $transporCollect){
$productos = $transporCollect->where([['zona',$zona],['destino', $destino],['especie',$especie]])
dd($productos );
I need to obtain the list of products for destination zone and species, That is to say that for my example of collection, for zone 1 destination 5 specie 1 I would have in my list product 1 and there may be more.
function where Im obtain collection:
public function storeTranspor3($request){
$var = DB::select("select flu.zona, flu.destino, flu.producto, pro.especie, sup.codigo, dtr.cod_fundo, sup.sup_ha, dtr.dist_pavimento, dtr.dist_no_pavimento, dtr.peaje
from flujos flu
left join super sup on (sup.zona = flu.zona)
left join d_transporte dtr on (dtr.cod_fundo = (sup.codigo / 1000000) and dtr.destino = flu.destino)
left join productos pro on (pro.producto = flu.producto)
left join especies esp on (esp.especie = pro.especie)
order by flu.zona, dtr.cod_fundo, flu.producto, flu.destino, sup.codigo");
$tansporCollect = collect();
$tansporCollectsinCosto = collect();
foreach ($var as $f) {
if($f->codigo != null){
if($f->especie == 1){
$a = 0.177548*$f->dist_no_pavimento;
$b = 0.0746*$f->dist_pavimento;
$c = 0.0333*$f->peaje;
$costoFundo = ($a + $b + 1.1191 + 0.399 + $c)*$f->sup_ha;
$a = 0.1652*$f->dist_no_pavimento;
$b = 0.0694*$f->dist_pavimento;
$c = 0.0357*$f->peaje;
$costoFundo = ($a + $b + 1.0421 + 0.599 + $c)*$f->sup_ha;
$tansporC =[
'zona' => $f->zona,
'destino' => $f->destino,
'producto' => $f->producto,
'especie' => $f->especie,
'costo' => $costoFundo
$tansporsinCosto = [
'zona' => $f->zona,
'destino' => $f->destino,
'producto' => $f->producto,
'especie' => $f->especie,
$zonas = $tansporCollect->pluck('zona')->unique();
$destinos = $tansporCollect->pluck('destino')->unique();
$especies = $tansporCollect->pluck('especie')->unique();
$transporCollectUnique = $tansporCollectsinCosto->unique();
foreach($zonas as $zon){
$costoZona = $tansporCollect->where('zona',$zon);
foreach($destinos as $destin){
$costoDestino = $costoZona->where('destino',$destin);
foreach($especies as $espec){
$costoEspecie = $costoDestino->where('especie',$espec)->avg('costo');
$this->reemplazaCostoZona($zon, $destin, $espec, $costoEspecie, $transporCollectUnique);
I'm with laravel 5.8
You are not using the where function of collections correctly. For collections you need the following:
$productos = $transporCollect->where('zona', $zona)
->where('destino', $destino)
Hope that helps!

how to exchange data in laravel

I have the table structure below
how so that, if processed with the button, id_modul can change
id id_level id_modul
1 1 1
2 1 3
3 1 2
please, help me!
You can do something like this:
$module = Module::where('id_level', 1)->where('id_module', 3)->get();
$module->update(['id_module' => 1]);
like this
$foo_2 = Foo::where('id_modul', 2)->get();
$foo_3 = Foo::where('id_modul', 3)->get();
foreach ($foo_2 as $foo) {
$foo->id_modul = 3;
foreach ($foo_3 as $foo) {
$foo->id_modul = 2;

How to fetch users who does not have reports for 6 consecutive months using laravel?

I'm developing a report system, and I want to fetch users who did not report for six (6) consecutive months. How do I achieve this?
I've tried the code below but I'm not getting the desired output. There is also a problem. Let's say the date interval is 12 months. How can I determine if there is no report for 6 consecutive months?
$dateStart = '2018-10-31';
$dateEnd = '2019-03-31';
$intervals = Carbon::parse($dateStart)->diffInMonths($dateEnd);
$users = $users->whereDoesntHave('reports', function($query) use($intervals) {
for ($i = 5; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$firstMonth = Carbon::parse($dateEnd)->subMonthsNoOverflow($intervals);
$query->where('date', '>=', $firstMonth->format('Y-m-d'))->where('date', '<=', $dateEnd);
What I will do is that I will create a loop per month based on the start and end date, then check if he did not have a report for that month. If it doesn't have a report for that month, I will increment a counter, and if that counter reaches 6 counts, exit the loop and the condition was satisfied.
Below is the basic idea:
$dateStart = '2018-10-31';
$dateEnd = '2019-10-31';
$count = 0;
$no_report_for_6_consecutive_months = 0 ;
$have_report = Model::whereMonth('date_column', $date_of_loop->format('m'))->get();
$count = 0;
$no_report_for_6_consecutive_months = 1 ;
You have to find distinct users who report for six (6) consecutive and get difference with all users.
$enddate = 2019-04-15;
$startdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-6 months", strtotime($enddate)));
$users = User::all();
$usersIdArray = $users->pluck("id")->all();
$reportedBy = Report::where('date', '>=', $startdate)
->where('date', '<=', $enddate)
$reportedByIdArray = $reportedBy ->pluck("id")->all();
$notReportedByIdArray = array_values(array_diff($usersIdArray , $reportedByIdArray));
$notREportedUsers = User::whereIn(id", $notReportedByIdArray)->get();
//its a way but not tested
I have modified the query from this answer
I believe the query can be wrote cleaner. I will let you do this if you want to.
low.`date` as date_start,
high.`date` as date_end,
to_days(high.`date`) - to_days(low.`date`) as day_gap,
period_diff(date_format(high.`date`, '%Y%m'),
date_format(low.`date`, '%Y%m')) as month_gap
from reports low, reports high
where high.`date` =
from reports
`date` > low.`date`
and low.user_id = high.user_id
) as d")
Now you will get all the users with 4 extra fields: date_start; date_end, day_gap and month_gap
If you want the users with a month gap of 6 months you can do this:
->where('month_gap', '>=', 6)

creating interactive charts using laravel

Please Help me i need pass this sql lines to a laravel syxtax to use
on customizable charts
Im using
Sql Syntax:
SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Por Despachar' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Por_Despachar
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Planificado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Planificado
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Despachado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Despachado
FROM presupuesto
i want to add this parameter on interactive chart like this
enter image description here
This is my Controller:
namespace sisVentas\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use sisVentas\User;
use sisVentas\Http\Requests;
use Charts;
class EstadisticaController extends Controller
public function index()
$data = \DB::select("
SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Por Despachar' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Por_Despachar
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Planificado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Planificado
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Despachado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Despachado
FROM presupuesto
$chart = Charts::create('pie', 'highcharts')
// Setup the chart settings
->title("Resumen de Presupuestos Realizados")
// A dimension of 0 means it will take 100% of the space
// This defines a preset of colors already done:)
// You could always set them manually
// Setup the diferent datasets (this is a multi chart)
->labels(['Por Despachar', 'Despachado', 'Planificado'])
return dd($chart, $data);
Chart {#324 ▼
+id: null
+customId: null
+type: "pie"
+library: "highcharts"
+title: "Resumen de Presupuestos Realizados"
+element_label: "Element"
+labels: array:3 [▼
0 => "Por Despachar"
1 => "Despachado"
2 => "Planificado"
+values: array:3 [▼
0 => 65
1 => 10
2 => 20
+colors: []
+responsive: false
+gauge_style: "left"
+view: null
+region: "world"
#suffix: ""
+container: ""
+credits: false
+loader: true
+loader_duration: 500
+loader_color: "#000000"
+background_color: "inherit"
+template: "material"
+one_color: false
+legend: true
+x_axis_title: false
+y_axis_title: null
+"height": 500
+"width": 1000
array:1 [▼
0 => {#330 ▼
+"por_despachar": "3"
+"planificado": "1"
+"despachado": "0"
Maybe not direct answer but should be helpful
When you have any SQL query that is hard / impossible to convert into eloquent, just use DB facade.
$data = \DB::select("
SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Por Despachar' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Por_Despachar
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Planificado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Planificado
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Despachado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Despachado
FROM presupuesto
$chart = Charts::database($data, 'pie', 'highcharts')
->title('Amount subscribers')
->labels([Por_Despachar, Planificado, Despachado])
->values([$data[0]->Por_Despachar, $data[1]->Planificado, $data[2]->Despachado])

how to sum column value using group by collection in magento(USING MAGENTO STANDARD)

my table is like this and my collection is
my database table is below.
id cat_id rate p_id
1 1 4 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 2
4 2 5 3
5 2 3 1
and i want output like this in magento using collection
cat_id rate count_category
1 9 3
2 8 2
i found my PROBLEM correct code is below
$testmodel = Mage::getModel('test/p1')
$testmodel ->getSelect()
->columns('SUM(rate) as total,COUNT(*) AS countCategory')
if you use mysql4 as this model resource class then go to
here you need to add function
public function addGroupByCatId(){
$subSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
$CountsubSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
->from(array('rev' => 'youtable', 'SUM( rev.rate)')
->where('main_table.cat_id = rev.cat_id');
->from(array('countrev' => 'youtable'),'COUNT(countrev.cat_id)')
->where('main_table.cat_id = countrev.cat_id');
array('r' => 'youtable'),
' =',
'review_sum' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('(%s)', $subSelect)),
'count_category' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('(%s)', $CountsubSelect)),
return $this;
OR: Resouce as resource model then goto
if you use mysql4 as this model resource class then go to
here you need to add function
public function addGroupByCatId(){
$subSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
$CountsubSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
->from(array('rev' => 'youtable', 'SUM( rev.rate)')
->where('main_table.cat_id = rev.cat_id');
->from(array('countrev' => 'youtable'),'COUNT(countrev.cat_id)')
->where('main_table.cat_id = countrev.cat_id');
array('r' => 'youtable'),
' =',
'review_sum' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('(%s)', $subSelect)),
'count_category' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('(%s)', $CountsubSelect)),
return $this;
and final you get
