creating interactive charts using laravel - laravel

Please Help me i need pass this sql lines to a laravel syxtax to use
on customizable charts
Im using
Sql Syntax:
SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Por Despachar' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Por_Despachar
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Planificado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Planificado
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Despachado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Despachado
FROM presupuesto
i want to add this parameter on interactive chart like this
enter image description here
This is my Controller:
namespace sisVentas\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use sisVentas\User;
use sisVentas\Http\Requests;
use Charts;
class EstadisticaController extends Controller
public function index()
$data = \DB::select("
SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Por Despachar' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Por_Despachar
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Planificado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Planificado
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Despachado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Despachado
FROM presupuesto
$chart = Charts::create('pie', 'highcharts')
// Setup the chart settings
->title("Resumen de Presupuestos Realizados")
// A dimension of 0 means it will take 100% of the space
// This defines a preset of colors already done:)
// You could always set them manually
// Setup the diferent datasets (this is a multi chart)
->labels(['Por Despachar', 'Despachado', 'Planificado'])
return dd($chart, $data);
Chart {#324 ▼
+id: null
+customId: null
+type: "pie"
+library: "highcharts"
+title: "Resumen de Presupuestos Realizados"
+element_label: "Element"
+labels: array:3 [▼
0 => "Por Despachar"
1 => "Despachado"
2 => "Planificado"
+values: array:3 [▼
0 => 65
1 => 10
2 => 20
+colors: []
+responsive: false
+gauge_style: "left"
+view: null
+region: "world"
#suffix: ""
+container: ""
+credits: false
+loader: true
+loader_duration: 500
+loader_color: "#000000"
+background_color: "inherit"
+template: "material"
+one_color: false
+legend: true
+x_axis_title: false
+y_axis_title: null
+"height": 500
+"width": 1000
array:1 [▼
0 => {#330 ▼
+"por_despachar": "3"
+"planificado": "1"
+"despachado": "0"

Maybe not direct answer but should be helpful
When you have any SQL query that is hard / impossible to convert into eloquent, just use DB facade.
$data = \DB::select("
SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Por Despachar' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Por_Despachar
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Planificado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Planificado
,SUM(CASE WHEN status like 'Despachado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Despachado
FROM presupuesto

$chart = Charts::database($data, 'pie', 'highcharts')
->title('Amount subscribers')
->labels([Por_Despachar, Planificado, Despachado])
->values([$data[0]->Por_Despachar, $data[1]->Planificado, $data[2]->Despachado])


Trying to get Values between 2 dates but need start date and end date should be as given instead of as per database

I am trying to get data between "Start" and "End" dates from database which is working fine and query giving me the result, Say
Start = 09-02-2022.
End = 10-03-2022.
Database values start = "01-03-2022 to 09-03-2022" so i am getting result from date say 16-02 to 01-03.
But i want result should start with 09-02 and end with 10-03. If value is not present in database then it should give as "0"
Check attached Image for reference.
Code for Getting dates for last 30 days -
$getalldates = array();
for($d = (Carbon::today()->subDays(30)); $d->lte(carbon::today()); $d->addDay())
{ $getalldates[] = $d->format('Y-m-d');}
Code for Getting data from database
$rahul = Buffalomilkrecord::select(DB::raw('date'), DB::raw('sum(totalmilk) as totalmilk, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%d") as "daykey"'))
->whereBetween('date', [$olddate, $todaydate] )
Thanks in Advance.
This is what i tried
$result = array();
foreach($getalldates as $date){
$totalmilk= Buffalomilkrecord::select(DB::raw('sum(totalmilk) as totalmilk'))->whereDate('date',$date)->pluck('totalmilk');
$result[] = array($date =>$totalmilk);
} else {
$result[] = array($date =>0);
I am expecting
This is my output 0 => array:1 [▼ "2022-02-09" => Illuminate\Support\Collection {#348 ▼ #items: array:1 [▼ 0 => null ] }
and i am expecting "2022-02-09" = "0"
Check Image

Foreach only showing First item in array

I am trying to get data for each id using foreach. But when code run it get only data for 1 ID.. Following is the code
$buffalidforavgmilk = Buffalodata::groupBy('buffaloID')->get('buffaloID')- >pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
foreach ($buffalidforavgmilk as $id) {
$milkperid = Buffalomilkrecord::where('buffaloID', $id)->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
array:2 [▼
0 => array:4 [▼
0 => "Buffalo-01"
1 => "Buffalo-02"
2 => "Buffalo-03"
3 => "Buffalo-04"
1 => array:5 [▼
0 => "Buffalo-01"
1 => "Buffalo-01"
2 => "Buffalo-01"
3 => "Buffalo-01"
4 => "Buffalo-01"
Here Loop giving only 1 ID where as required array for all 4 ID
( for Test, i try to get only buffaloID)
Thanks in Advance
dd interrupts execution. If you wanted to dump every result and then stop execution, you should have used dump instead
foreach ($buffalidforavgmilk as $id) {
$milkperid = Buffalomilkrecord::where('buffaloID', $id)->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
This is not ideal though. You are making a query in each iteration of the loop.
One way you could remove the foreach is to change your query to use whereIn.
$buffalidforavgmilk = Buffalodata::groupBy('buffaloID')->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();
$milkperids = Buffalomilkrecord::whereIn('buffaloID', $buffalidforavgmilk)->pluck('buffaloID')->toArray();

Erro Nova ChartJs SQL Generator when using PostgreSQL

Describe the bug
I'm trying to generate a chart, however when I pass the parameter "filter" to SQL Builder, more specifically the file "TotalRecordsController" assembles the query as if I were using MySQL, instead of mounting it for PostgreSQL.
Laravel: 8.40
PHP: 7.4
PostgreSQL: 12
Nova: 3.30
ChartJS: 0.3.5
Linux Mint
My Code:
public function cards(Request $request)
$process_statuses= [
["label"=>"INITIAL" ,"color" => "#007BFF"],
['label'=>'CONVERTED' ,'color' => '#28A645'],
['label'=>'ERROR' ,'color' => '#DC3544'],
['label'=>'WAITING_TO_ERICH' ,'color' => '#17A2B8'],
['label'=>'WAITING_TO_CONVERT','color' => '#17A2B8']
$series = [];
foreach ($process_statuses as $status){
$new_serie = [
'label' => $status['label'],
'barPercentage' => 0.5,
'backgroundColor' => $status['color'],
$series = [...$series,$new_serie];
return [
(new BarChart())
->title('Today Status')
'uom' => 'hour',
SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near "'INITIAL'"
LINE 1: ... process_status = 'INITIAL' then 1 else 0 end) as 'INITIAL',...
^ (SQL: select HOUR(facebook_offline_conversions.created_at) AS cat, HOUR(facebook_offline_conversions.created_at) AS catorder, sum(1) counted, SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'INITIAL' then 1 else 0 end) as 'INITIAL', SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'CONVERTED' then 1 else 0 end) as 'CONVERTED', SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'ERROR' then 1 else 0 end) as 'ERROR', SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'WAITING_TO_ERICH' then 1 else 0 end) as 'WAITING_TO_ERICH', SUM(CASE WHEN process_status = 'WAITING_TO_CONVERT' then 1 else 0 end) as 'WAITING_TO_CONVERT' from "facebook_offline_conversions" where facebook_offline_conversions.created_at >= 2021-10-28 00:00:00 group by "catorder", "cat" order by "catorder" asc)
Migration of the my database:
Schema::create('facebook_offline_conversions', function (Blueprint $table) {
I'm resolving this problem. The solution is to change the file "src/api/TotalRecordsController" inside the folder "~/vendor/coroowicaksono/chart-js-integration" so that it suits PostgreSQL.

Laravel Pluck 3 arrays

can I pluck the 3 arrays like these because only two are shown?
$data = Receipt::select(DB::raw("DATE(created_on) as date"), DB::raw("sum(case when type = 'Receipt' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_receipt"), DB::raw("sum(case when type = 'Invoice' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_invoice"))
->pluck('cnt_receipt', 'cnt_invoice', 'date')->all();
If not, how can I able show those 3 arrays?
I want the output something like this
date cnt_receipt cnt_invoice
2021-01-01 5 6
2021-01-02 8 5
2021-01-03 10 9
2021-01-04 11 9
I need to get those data as arrays because the chart js code need array_keys and array_values
$chart= new Chart;
$chart->labels = (array_keys($data));
$chart->r_dataset = (array_values($data));
$chart->i_dataset = (array_values($data));
Chart Class
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Chart extends Model
What you need to use is reduce here, a bit of a hacky way, but it will work.
$data = Receipt::select(DB::raw("DATE(created_on) as date, sum(case when type = 'Receipt' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_receipt, sum(case when type = 'Invoice' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_invoice"))
$chartInitial = new Chart();
$chartInitial->labels = [];
$chartInitial->r_dataset = [];
$chartInitial->i_dataset = [];
$chart = $data->reduce(function($obj, $row){
$obj->labels[] = $row->date;
$obj->r_dataset[] = $row->cnt_receipt;
$obj->i_dataset[] = $row->cnt_invoice;
return $obj;
}, $chartInitial);
It'll push all the row data into their respective arrays in that Chart object.

how to save array data coming from view in laravel

This the data when user submit the form :
"praveen kumar tiwari"
array:3 [▼
0 => "1"
1 => "2"
2 => "3"
array:3 [▼
0 => "jeans"
1 => "shirt"
2 => "lower"
array:3 [▼
0 => "2"
1 => "3"
2 => "2"
array:3 [▼
0 => "20000"
1 => "232"
2 => "12"
array:3 [▼
0 => "1200"
1 => "22"
2 => "12"
array:3 [▼
0 => "100"
1 => "23"
2 => "12"
i cannot be able to store this data into a table. i am trying with for loop but getting an error "Undefined offset: 3".
Code inside the controller
$invoice = new Invoice;
i want to store these 3 values comming in the array form (sno,item_name,qty,price,gst,discount) in 3 diffrent rows
You should try to use laravel eloquent to save it. Here is some example that you can check it out. Laravel : Many to many insertion
The problem you have is indeed your loop: for($i=0;$i<=count($request['sno']);$i++).
To be specific it is this right here <=:
Take a look at your array:
0 => "1"
1 => "2"
2 => "3"
You got a total of 3 objects. count($request['sno']) will therefore return 3 since the count() function does not start counting at 0!
However, calling an index (e.g. $request['sno'][1]) will not return the first object (0 => "1") but the second (1 => "2"). I think you see where I am going.
Since the loop will go on until $i equals 3 the loop will be completed 4 times. At the last time (where $i == 3) you try to get the 4th item out of your array which does not exist so an error message pops up: Undefined offset: 3.
To solve this just change this
to <. The loop will only be executed if $i is still smaller then 3. This is the case if $i == 2. No error message will pop up.
I do not want to attack or hurt you in any way, but it seems to me that you are relatively new to PHP. Of course, that's not a shame, but I'm wondering if a huge framework like Laravel is right for you. First the basics, then comes the advanced.
But that's only as a small comment and tip from me.
