how to exchange data in laravel - laravel

I have the table structure below
how so that, if processed with the button, id_modul can change
id id_level id_modul
1 1 1
2 1 3
3 1 2
please, help me!

You can do something like this:
$module = Module::where('id_level', 1)->where('id_module', 3)->get();
$module->update(['id_module' => 1]);

like this
$foo_2 = Foo::where('id_modul', 2)->get();
$foo_3 = Foo::where('id_modul', 3)->get();
foreach ($foo_2 as $foo) {
$foo->id_modul = 3;
foreach ($foo_3 as $foo) {
$foo->id_modul = 2;


Laravel Pluck 3 arrays

can I pluck the 3 arrays like these because only two are shown?
$data = Receipt::select(DB::raw("DATE(created_on) as date"), DB::raw("sum(case when type = 'Receipt' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_receipt"), DB::raw("sum(case when type = 'Invoice' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_invoice"))
->pluck('cnt_receipt', 'cnt_invoice', 'date')->all();
If not, how can I able show those 3 arrays?
I want the output something like this
date cnt_receipt cnt_invoice
2021-01-01 5 6
2021-01-02 8 5
2021-01-03 10 9
2021-01-04 11 9
I need to get those data as arrays because the chart js code need array_keys and array_values
$chart= new Chart;
$chart->labels = (array_keys($data));
$chart->r_dataset = (array_values($data));
$chart->i_dataset = (array_values($data));
Chart Class
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Chart extends Model
What you need to use is reduce here, a bit of a hacky way, but it will work.
$data = Receipt::select(DB::raw("DATE(created_on) as date, sum(case when type = 'Receipt' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_receipt, sum(case when type = 'Invoice' then 1 else 0 end) AS cnt_invoice"))
$chartInitial = new Chart();
$chartInitial->labels = [];
$chartInitial->r_dataset = [];
$chartInitial->i_dataset = [];
$chart = $data->reduce(function($obj, $row){
$obj->labels[] = $row->date;
$obj->r_dataset[] = $row->cnt_receipt;
$obj->i_dataset[] = $row->cnt_invoice;
return $obj;
}, $chartInitial);
It'll push all the row data into their respective arrays in that Chart object.

Loop through collection in laravel and get specific data from the collection

I'm trying to go through a collection and I need to get a list of products according to certain keys. but I get the following error when I print the list with dd:
"array_key_exists(): The first argument should be either a string or an integer"
this is my function
public function reemplazaCostoZona($zona, $destino, $especie, $costo, $transporCollect){
$productos = $transporCollect->where([['zona',$zona],['destino', $destino],['especie',$especie]])
dd($productos );
I need to obtain the list of products for destination zone and species, That is to say that for my example of collection, for zone 1 destination 5 specie 1 I would have in my list product 1 and there may be more.
function where Im obtain collection:
public function storeTranspor3($request){
$var = DB::select("select flu.zona, flu.destino, flu.producto, pro.especie, sup.codigo, dtr.cod_fundo, sup.sup_ha, dtr.dist_pavimento, dtr.dist_no_pavimento, dtr.peaje
from flujos flu
left join super sup on (sup.zona = flu.zona)
left join d_transporte dtr on (dtr.cod_fundo = (sup.codigo / 1000000) and dtr.destino = flu.destino)
left join productos pro on (pro.producto = flu.producto)
left join especies esp on (esp.especie = pro.especie)
order by flu.zona, dtr.cod_fundo, flu.producto, flu.destino, sup.codigo");
$tansporCollect = collect();
$tansporCollectsinCosto = collect();
foreach ($var as $f) {
if($f->codigo != null){
if($f->especie == 1){
$a = 0.177548*$f->dist_no_pavimento;
$b = 0.0746*$f->dist_pavimento;
$c = 0.0333*$f->peaje;
$costoFundo = ($a + $b + 1.1191 + 0.399 + $c)*$f->sup_ha;
$a = 0.1652*$f->dist_no_pavimento;
$b = 0.0694*$f->dist_pavimento;
$c = 0.0357*$f->peaje;
$costoFundo = ($a + $b + 1.0421 + 0.599 + $c)*$f->sup_ha;
$tansporC =[
'zona' => $f->zona,
'destino' => $f->destino,
'producto' => $f->producto,
'especie' => $f->especie,
'costo' => $costoFundo
$tansporsinCosto = [
'zona' => $f->zona,
'destino' => $f->destino,
'producto' => $f->producto,
'especie' => $f->especie,
$zonas = $tansporCollect->pluck('zona')->unique();
$destinos = $tansporCollect->pluck('destino')->unique();
$especies = $tansporCollect->pluck('especie')->unique();
$transporCollectUnique = $tansporCollectsinCosto->unique();
foreach($zonas as $zon){
$costoZona = $tansporCollect->where('zona',$zon);
foreach($destinos as $destin){
$costoDestino = $costoZona->where('destino',$destin);
foreach($especies as $espec){
$costoEspecie = $costoDestino->where('especie',$espec)->avg('costo');
$this->reemplazaCostoZona($zon, $destin, $espec, $costoEspecie, $transporCollectUnique);
I'm with laravel 5.8
You are not using the where function of collections correctly. For collections you need the following:
$productos = $transporCollect->where('zona', $zona)
->where('destino', $destino)
Hope that helps!

Laravel - Get data based on date range using eloquent

Heei, I want to show data according to daterange. Specifically data on this day and 6 days to go. Here's my code now.
$hari = [];
for ($i=0; $i < 6; $i++)
$hari[] = date("Y M d") + $i;
$booking_room = jadwal_meeting::whereBetween('tanggal', [$hari, $hari + 6])->get();
return view('homepage')->with($booking_room);
Note: 'tanggal' is a field on table.
But I just get error like this
Unsupported operand types
: $booking_room = jadwal_meeting::whereBetween('tanggal', [$hari, $hari + 6])->get();
What's wrong with my code, anyone can help me please :)
Since $hari is an array, you have to use something like this:
$booking_room = jadwal_meeting::whereBetween('tanggal', [$hari[0], $hari[5]])->get();
Or more general:
$booking_room = jadwal_meeting::whereBetween('tanggal', [$hari[0], end($hari)])->get();
Try this code it will help you.
$from = '2018-04-12';
$to = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($from. ' + 6 days'));
$reservations = Reservation::whereBetween('tanggal', [$from, $to])

how to update query in CI

i have update query problem in codeigniter.
$arrPartnerId = $partnerData['partner_id'];
if(is_array($arrPartnerId) > 0 ){
foreach( $arrPartnerId as $partnerId){
$this->db->set('partner_id', $partnerId );
$this->db->where('promotion_id', $promotionData['promotion_id'] );
my data is $aaPartnerId=([0]=>4,[1]=>5) and i have one id then how to update in database.
I think you confuse a where and set condition, you should rather have this :
$this->db->set('promotion_id', $promotionData['promotion_id']);
$this->db->where('partner_id', $partnerId);
It's just a hypothesis, because in your case you keep update 2 times the same line in your table, which is not logical.
If your array is like this,
$arrPartnerId = array(
0 => 4,
1 => 5
$promotionData['promotion_id'] = 123; //assumption
Then try this,
if(sizeof($arrPartnerId) > 0 )
foreach( $arrPartnerId as $partnerId)
$this->db->set('partner_id', $partnerId );
$this->db->where('promotion_id', $promotionData['promotion_id'] );
It will resolve the problem.

how to sum column value using group by collection in magento(USING MAGENTO STANDARD)

my table is like this and my collection is
my database table is below.
id cat_id rate p_id
1 1 4 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 2
4 2 5 3
5 2 3 1
and i want output like this in magento using collection
cat_id rate count_category
1 9 3
2 8 2
i found my PROBLEM correct code is below
$testmodel = Mage::getModel('test/p1')
$testmodel ->getSelect()
->columns('SUM(rate) as total,COUNT(*) AS countCategory')
if you use mysql4 as this model resource class then go to
here you need to add function
public function addGroupByCatId(){
$subSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
$CountsubSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
->from(array('rev' => 'youtable', 'SUM( rev.rate)')
->where('main_table.cat_id = rev.cat_id');
->from(array('countrev' => 'youtable'),'COUNT(countrev.cat_id)')
->where('main_table.cat_id = countrev.cat_id');
array('r' => 'youtable'),
' =',
'review_sum' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('(%s)', $subSelect)),
'count_category' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('(%s)', $CountsubSelect)),
return $this;
OR: Resouce as resource model then goto
if you use mysql4 as this model resource class then go to
here you need to add function
public function addGroupByCatId(){
$subSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
$CountsubSelect = clone $this->getSelect();
->from(array('rev' => 'youtable', 'SUM( rev.rate)')
->where('main_table.cat_id = rev.cat_id');
->from(array('countrev' => 'youtable'),'COUNT(countrev.cat_id)')
->where('main_table.cat_id = countrev.cat_id');
array('r' => 'youtable'),
' =',
'review_sum' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('(%s)', $subSelect)),
'count_category' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('(%s)', $CountsubSelect)),
return $this;
and final you get
