I am using Visual Studio (Not VSCode), and am trying to set some keybindings to alt+, but I can't because alt automatically focuses on the menubar, so things like alt+w open Window. How do I turn this off?
So apparently if you rebind the alt+ menu focus shortcuts it will just manually override it, no issues. Alt+W for example only focuses on Window if Alt+W is not already binded to something else. The moment you add a custom shortcut for Alt+W the menu focus goes away.
I'm aware that if I navigate to Tools>Options>Text Editor>(language)>Display I can check "Navigation bar" to show this bar.
My question is, what's the keyboard shortcut for it?
(I'm pretty sure there is one, because during a flurry of misguided keystrokes earlier on, I managed to make it disappear, and of course "Undo" didn't undo that change. Welcome to Visual Studio.)
The Navigation Bar is the item highlighted in yellow below:
There is an easy shortcut to select the Navigation Bar:
But there is no out-of-the-box shortcut to show/hide it. Maybe you have an extension installed which provides this feature?
While debugging, for time to time, i use the F12 button to view function's definition / declaration. Usually, VS opens the needed file as a secondary tab in the main menu. Recently, not sure what i've done, it started opening the code in the lower menu, making the debugging process difficult to perform.
I think you've previously docked one or other window in an unintended position on screen. The visual up/down/left/right indicators shown when docking windows have different options for the down position and I suspect leads to this behaviour. Play around with the docking, or try the Reset Window Layout menu item under the Windows menu.
It's kind of annoying to have to use my mouse to close the windows that appear when when summoned by my keyboard e.g. I find usages of an object by hitting Shift+F12, or any of the other dockable windows that appear for various other reasons.
Ideally these would close when I hit escape, but this does nothing. Alt+F4 wants to close the entire visual studio.
Is there any keyboard shortcut to close these windows?
To be clear, this is the kind of window I'm referring to:
According to Default Keyboard Shortcuts in Visual Studio 2015, you can use the following:
Shift + Esc - Window.Close (window must have focus)
Ctrl + F4 - Window.CloseDocumentWindow to close the current tab
It appears #inksmithy has answered the question, even though it doesn't work for me. I reckon it's because I'm using ReSharper and he isn't.
For what it's worth, I just discovered Ctrl + Shift + F4 works for me.
I've decided to mark #inksmithy's answer as correct but if that doesn't work for you try my one.
Set Focus to docked window (e.g. [Ctrl]+[g] for immediate window)
Press context menu key (at the right side of the space key)
Press the key to hide that window, indicated by _ in the contextmenu
(depends on your language)
The default setting for Visual Studio tabs is when mouse over it, the window will popup. This is annoying sometimes when I don't want the window displayed. Is there any way to disable this auto popup and just display when I click it? Please advise, thanks.
In native visual studio there is no way do disable this behaviour.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z4y0hsax.aspx for detailed information.
Regard the note: "Tool windows that have Auto Hide enabled may temporarily slide into view when the window has focus. To hide the window again, select an item outside of the current window. When the window loses focus, it slides back out of view."
Seems they know, that it's a annoying behaviour, but don't offer a sensible solution. Microsoft...
I accidently closed the property thing in VS2008, you know the one where when you're using Winforms you can edit like a controls text, font, dock, anchor, etc, etc.
How I get it back can't find!
To clarify it's the side panel thingy where you can edit control properties... usually goes side by side with the Toolbox, like you can't develop a Winform application wtihout this panel and I can't figure how to open it omg QQ!
Select a control on the forms designer and press F4