How I bring back property thingy in VS2008 - visual-studio

I accidently closed the property thing in VS2008, you know the one where when you're using Winforms you can edit like a controls text, font, dock, anchor, etc, etc.
How I get it back can't find!
To clarify it's the side panel thingy where you can edit control properties... usually goes side by side with the Toolbox, like you can't develop a Winform application wtihout this panel and I can't figure how to open it omg QQ!

Select a control on the forms designer and press F4


WinForms Toolbox shows not existing controls?

I pressed the right mouse button and selected the "Show All" option.
After that, a lot of duplicates of the same controls appeared. However, there are controls that I have not seen before. The problem is that they are disabled, I can't put them on the form.
I tried to find them in the list by right clicking and selecting "Choose Items...", but they are not in any of the tabs.
How can I find and enable these controls?
Show all will display all controls, for example, the MFC Control you screenshot should be a C++ control:
You created a Windows Forms App (.NET Framework), you just need to uncheck the Show all and all the controls you can use will be displayed in the toolbar.

Xcode 6 open Assistant Editor in New Window

I feel like I have read every link on Google pertaining to this question, but none that I have read have helped.
All I want to do is view my Storyboard layout on the left monitor, and on my right monitor, in a new window, have the Assistant Editor open to "Preview" for my Storyboard so that I can preview the different devices sizes (clicking different storyboard views on the left screen should update the assistant editor preview on the right). This seems so simple, but has not proved to be.
Please tell me this is possible.
EDIT: This guy seems to have it working but following the steps didn't work for me.
It's possible.. and it's awesome:
I do have this working after following the instructions linked in the OP. I think the author left out that you need to click on the view controller that you're editing in BOTH instances of the story board window to see the changes update. Then as you're editing on your main window the changes will update to the open storyboard and thus the preview will update as well. I was able to test this and achieved a somewhat desired result.
In case the link goes dead here are the instructions lined out
Here’s how you can set this up…
In the Project Navigator pane, single-click a storyboard/XIB file to open it in the main Xcode window.
Now double-click that same file to open it in a new window.
Move the new window to another monitor and maximize it
(So now you have the story board on 2 windows)
Click on the new window to make sure it has input focus, then type Option+Command+Enter to open an assistant editor in that window.
In the assistant editor’s jump bar click on ‘Automatic‘ to open the drop-down menu (see the screenshot below if you don’t know what this means).
Click on the ‘Preview‘ menu item to open the preview editor.
Click and hold next to the assistant editor’s jump bar, then drag up or left (depending on which editor layout you prefer; vertical or horizontal), to maximize the preview’s screen real estate.
Lastly... the part the author left out is that you need to select the view controller you want to edit in BOTH story board windows and then just drag the preview window to cover more of the screen.
It's not pretty but it's effective.
Edit: wording and grammar :)
This is not currently possible (Xcode 6.3.1 at the time of writing). The best you can do is open your storyboard in one window, open it again in a new window, open the preview, and slide the assistant editor as far left as possible. The preview won't take up the entire window, but it'll be pretty close.

How can I add back server explorer and data sources and toolbox (especially toolbox) to the far left menu, in Visual Studio?

I am having difficulty docking toolbox with server explorer and data sources, in visual studio
If I do window..reset window layout, I get the toolbox where I want it. The reset position. With server explorer and data sources
But when I click toolbox on the far left, and it appears, and I drag it a bit, the toolbox option disappears from the far left and I can't get it back without doing window..reset
And I have the same problem with server explorer and data sources.
If I click them and drag the window, I can't the option back, and in fact I completely lose the menu on the far left
I have tried dragging toolbox around and different places appear for it to rest, but I can't make it go somewhere such that an option appears in the far left again, without having to do window..reset window layout.
To elaborate..
I can drag the toolbox and so that the far left arrow gets highlighted, and then release, but then it still doesn't appear as text in the far left
^^ See in the above pictures I don't get
toolbox appearing
or to show a fuller view
Drag that window to the left or right side you will get the mark where you want to place it. than leave that window your window will be docked there.
Windows should be Dockable and after placing the window at your position you can unpin that window so, it can be collapsed when the mouse leave.

In VS-2010, how to prevent Toolbox from covering up the current window?

I'm used to VS-2008, with "MDI" IDE, aka "Overlapping Windows". This doesn't seem to be an option in VS-2010, so now when I have, say Form1 open, and click the slides over and totally obscures Form1.
So...a great solution would be telling me if there's a way to get vs2010 to allow the MDI interface.
Otherwise, how can I get the toolbox to slide and also slide the set of tabbed windows over so I can see what I'm dragging a control onto?
Have you tried pinning the toolbox? There should be a pin icon on the top of the toolbox. If you click it, the toolbox will stay on the screen, but it will resize the Form1 window to make room for the toolbox window.

Borderless Taskbar items: Using a right click menu (VB6)

Even when BorderStyle is set to 0, it is possible to force a window to show up on the taskbar either by turning on the ShowInTaskbar property or by using the windows api directly: SetWindowLong Me.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Me.hwnd, Win.GWL_EXSTYLE) Or Win.WS_EX_APPWINDOW. However, such taskbar entries lack a right-click menu in their taskbar entry. Right-clicking them does nothing instead of bringing up a context menu. Is there a way, to attach a standard or custom handler to it?
Without a hack, I think you're going to be stuck here, I'm sorry to say. When you set the VB6 borderless properties, you inherently disable the control menu. The control menu (typically activated by right-clicking the title bar of a window or left-clicking the icon in the upper left) is what's displayed when you right-click a window in the task bar.
Now, if you're in the mood to hack, you might be able to "simulate" the behavior in such a way that the user doesn't know the difference. I got the idea from this message thread on usenet.
Basically, it sounds like you may be able to hack it by using two forms. One form is minimized right away, and becomes your "stub" in the task bar. The other form is the one you're currently designing (which we'll call the "main" form). The stub form is what actually loads and displays your main form.
The stub form isn't borderless, and must not deactivate the control menu. It is positioned off screen and at the smallest possible size. You'll respond to its form-level events, and then use those to communicate the appropriate behaviors to the borderless form.
That's the general gist of the hack. If I wasn't at work right now, I'd whip up a simple VB6 project and see if I could get it to work for you.
