Disable mouse over Visual Studio bottom tabs to popup - visual-studio-2010

The default setting for Visual Studio tabs is when mouse over it, the window will popup. This is annoying sometimes when I don't want the window displayed. Is there any way to disable this auto popup and just display when I click it? Please advise, thanks.

In native visual studio there is no way do disable this behaviour.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z4y0hsax.aspx for detailed information.
Regard the note: "Tool windows that have Auto Hide enabled may temporarily slide into view when the window has focus. To hide the window again, select an item outside of the current window. When the window loses focus, it slides back out of view."
Seems they know, that it's a annoying behaviour, but don't offer a sensible solution. Microsoft...


Visual Studio 2013 opens function's deceleration in the wrong menu

While debugging, for time to time, i use the F12 button to view function's definition / declaration. Usually, VS opens the needed file as a secondary tab in the main menu. Recently, not sure what i've done, it started opening the code in the lower menu, making the debugging process difficult to perform.
I think you've previously docked one or other window in an unintended position on screen. The visual up/down/left/right indicators shown when docking windows have different options for the down position and I suspect leads to this behaviour. Play around with the docking, or try the Reset Window Layout menu item under the Windows menu.

Why Visual Studio 2010 reset window layout is different from what I had

I used to have pending changes, error list, find and replace and several other windows at the bottom when I reset window layout. But after a VS crash and restore, now when I reset window layout I don't have those windows anymore. How can I resume the previous default window layout setting?
Press View in main menu and turn on windows you are interested in.
Some windows, like search results will only appear as result of corresponding action.

In VS-2010, how to prevent Toolbox from covering up the current window?

I'm used to VS-2008, with "MDI" IDE, aka "Overlapping Windows". This doesn't seem to be an option in VS-2010, so now when I have, say Form1 open, and click the toolbox...it slides over and totally obscures Form1.
So...a great solution would be telling me if there's a way to get vs2010 to allow the MDI interface.
Otherwise, how can I get the toolbox to slide and also slide the set of tabbed windows over so I can see what I'm dragging a control onto?
Have you tried pinning the toolbox? There should be a pin icon on the top of the toolbox. If you click it, the toolbox will stay on the screen, but it will resize the Form1 window to make room for the toolbox window.

Designer Popup Editor Issue

In a custom toolset I have installed for Visual Studio, there is a popup window that should appear to me so that I can manipulate one of the lists (an in-built editor). The component is Telerik, but I don't think that has anything to do with it (maybe).
The popup window is no longer popping up to me. I wonder if it got minimized or it's a z-index thing, where the window is behind VS? But this locks up VS, and I can't do anything within it until I cancel the window. But I can't cancel the window because I can't see it... and so that is really slowing me down and is really frustrating.
Is there a way to get around this? A key press to bring this to the front or give it the focus?
You should be able to cancel it with ESC. You can also test if you can find the window with CTRL-TAB. If this not help then an uninstall, boot and reinstall seems the only possible solution.
This might be a z-index issue indeed. Try using FireBug or IE dev toolbar to get a hold on the popup and its container and check their styles and z-indices.

How to exit full-screen mode in Expression Blend

Somehow, Expression Blend has entered full-screen mode (no window chrome), but I can still minimize/maximize/restore/move through the taskbar button. I don't see any menu options for full-screen mode, and the normal keyboard shortcuts don't work (F11, Alt-Enter).
I'm not sure how this happened, but I would sorely love to get my chrome back to make interacting with the window easier.
I've never seen a Full-screen mode in Blend. Maybe you accidentally hit Tab or F4 and did an Auto-hide to all of the panels?
you can press ESC button
in code use:
Application.Current.Host.Content.IsFullScreen = false;
check this
After not even trying to use Blend for my application for a really long time, it turns out it was my own fault to begin with. I had created a custom chrome control that would find its parent Window and remove the frame. I wasn't checking design mode, so whenever my control was instantiated by blend, it would remove all the chrome from the window :).
