Script piped into bash fails to expand globs during rm command - bash

I am writing a script with the intention of being able to download and run it from anywhere, like:
bash <(curl -s
The command above allows me to download the script, run interactive commands (e.g. read), and - for the most part - Just Works. I have run into an issue during the cleanup portion of my script, however, and haven't been able to discern a fix
During cleanup I need to remove several .bkp files created by the script's execution. To do so I run rm -f **/*.bkp inside the script. When a local copy of the script is run, this works great! When run via bash/curl, however, it removes nothing. I believe this has something to do with a failure to expand the glob as a result of the way I've connected the I/O of bash and curl, but have been unable to find a way to get everything to play nice
How can I meet all of the following requirements?
Download and run a script from a remote resource
Ensure that the user's keyboard input is connected for use in e.g. read calls within the script
Correctly expand the glob passed to rm
Bonus points: colorize input with e.g. echo -e "\x1b[31mSome error text here\x1b[0m" (also not working, suspected to be related to the same bash/curl I/O issues)


Can we run a bash script from a repo?

I am at beginner level. I am not sure if this is feasible or not. I have a bash script on bitbucket repo which does some kind of setup. To run that bash script I have to download that locally and run the .sh file. Is there any way I can run the script through bitbucket repo without downloading?
You'll always need to download the file (i.e: retrieve it from the server), but you can produce a pipline to retrieve-and-execute in one. The simplest would be:
curl ${url} | bash
You'll need to locate the URL that presents the raw file (rather than the HTML web page). For BitBucket this will look something like below. You can substitue ${commit_id} for a branch or tag name instead.${user}/${repo}/raw/${commit_id}/${file}
Beware however that this often causes raised eyebrows from a security point of view, especially if retrieving the file via HTTP (rather than HTTPS), as you're basically running unknown code on your computer. Using sudo in this pipeline is even more concerning.
The user needs to be prepared to trust whatever is stored in the repository, so make sure that you only allow trusted users to push (or merge), and make sure that you review changes to the file in question carefully.
You should also be aware that when running a script like this (equally for bash ${file} or bash < ${file}), the shebang will not be respected - it will just be seen as a comment and ignored.
If, for example you script begins as below (-e to exit on error, and -u to handle undefined variables as an error) then these flags will not be set.
#!/bin/bash -eu
# ... body of script ...
When "executing" the file directly (i.e: chmod +x ./, ./, the kernel process the shebang and invokes /bin/bash -eu... but when executing the script via one of the above methods, the bash invocation is in the pipeline.
Instead, it is preferable to set these flags in the body of your script, so that the method of execution doesn't matter:
set -eu
# ... body of script ...

bash commands to remote hosts - errors with writing local output files

I'm trying to run several sets of commands in parallel on a few remote hosts.
I've created a script that constructs these commands, and then writes the output in a local file, something along the lines of:
ssh <me>#<ip1> "command" 2> ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt & ssh <me>#<ip2>
"command" 2> ./path/to/file/newFile2.txt & ssh <me>#<ip2> "command" 2>
./path/to/file/newFile3.txt; ...(same repeats itself, with new commands and new
file names)...
My issue is that, when my script runs these commands, I am getting the following errors:
bash: ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt: No such file or directory
bash: ./path/to/file/newFile2.txt: No such file or directory
bash: ./path/to/file/newFile3.txt: No such file or directory
These files do NOT exist but will be written. That being said, the directory paths are valid.
The strange thing is that, if I copy and paste the whole big command, then it works without any issue. I'd rather have it automated tho ;).
Any ideas?
Edit - more information:
My filesystem is the following:
- home
- User
- Desktop
- Servers
- Outputs
- ...
I am running the bash script from home/User/Desktop/Servers.
The script creates the commands that need to be run on the remote servers. First thing first, the script creates the directories where the files will be stored.
mkdir -p ${outputFolder}/f{fileNumb}
The script then continues to create the commands that will be called on remotes hosts, and their respective outputs will be placed in the created directories.
The directories are there. Running the commands gives me the errors, however printing and then copying the commands into the same location works for some reason. I have also tried to give the full path to directory, still same issue.
Hope I've been a bit clearer.
If this is the exact error message you get:
bash: ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt: No such file or directory
Then you'll note that there's an extra space between the colon and the dot, so it's actually trying to open a file called " ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt" (without the quotes).
However, to accomplish that, you'd need to use quotes around the filename in the redirection, as in
something ... 2> " ./path/to/file/newFile1.txt"
Or the first character would have to something else than a regular space. A non-breaking space perhaps, possible something that some editor might create if you hit alt-space or such.
I don't believe you've shown enough to correctly answer the question.
This doesn't look like a problem with ssh, but the way you are calling the (ssh) commands.
You say that you are writing the commands into a file... presumably you are then running that file as a script. Could you show the code you use to do that. I believe that's your problem.
I suspect you have made a false assumption about the way the working directory changes when you run a script. It doesn't. You are listing relative paths, so its important to know what they are relative to. That is the most likely reason for it working when you copy and paste it... You are executing from a different working directory.
I am new to bash scripting and was building my script based on another one I had seen. I was "running" the command by simply calling the variable where the command was stored:
Solved by using:
eval $cmd
instead. My bad, should have given the full script from the start.

How Secure is using execFile for Bash Scripts?

I have a node.js app which is using the child_process.execFile command to run a command-line utility.
I'm worried that it would be possible for a user to run commands locally (a rm / -rf horror scenario comes to mind).
How secure is using execFile for Bash scripts? Any tips to ensure that flags I pass to execFile are escaped by the unix box hosting the server?
To be more precise, I'm more wondering if the arguments being sent to the file could be interpreted as a command and executed.
The other concern is inside the bash script itself, which is technically outside the scope of this question.
Using child_process.execFile by itself is perfectly safe as long as the user doesn't get to specify the command name.
It does not run the command in a shell (like child_process.exec does), so there is no need to escape anything.
child_process.execFile will execute commands with the user id of the node process, so it can do anything that user could do, which includes removing all the server files.
Not a good idea to let user pass in command as you seem to be implying by your question.
You could consider running the script in a sandbox by using chroot, and limiting the commands and what resides on the available file system, but this could get complet in a hurry.
The command you pass will get executed directly via some flavor of exec, so unless what you trying to execute is a script, it does not need to be escaped in any way.

Creating a Shell command to execute another command plus more

I have a question regarding the creation of a utility that executes another command.
My script called notify will be placed in my /usr/local/bin directory and will do the following:
Execute the command that it was told to execute, then play a beep.
An example use case is the following:
> notify grep -r "hard_to_find_word" /some/huge/directory/
This is just an example, but could involve some other slower commands.
Essentially, notify will execute the grep, and then play a sound.
I know how to play a sound, but I do not know how to execute the provided command.
How do I execute the command that follows the call of notify?
Thank you for any input!
"$#" is all the arguments properly separated.

How to test things in crontab

This keeps happening to me all the time:
1) I write a script(ruby, shell, etc).
2) run it, it works.
3) put it in crontab so it runs in a few minutes so I know it runs from there.
4) It doesnt, no error trace, back to step 2 or 3 a 1000 times.
When I ruby script fails in crontab, I can't really know why it fails cause when I pipe output like this:
ruby script.rb >& /path/to/output
I sorta get the output of the script, but I don't get any of the errors from it and I don't get the errors coming from bash (like if ruby is not found or file isn't there)
I have no idea what environmental variables are set and whether or not it's a problem. Turns out that to run a ruby script from crontab you have to export a ton of environment variables.
Is there a way for me to just have crontab run a script as if I ran it myself from my terminal?
When debugging, I have to reset the timer and go back to waiting. Very time consuming.
How to test things in crontab better or avoid these problems?
"Is there a way for me to just have crontab run a script as if I ran it myself from my terminal?"
bash -li -c /path/to/script
From the man page:
[vindaloo:pgl]:~/p/test $ man bash | grep -A2 -m1 -- -i
-i If the -i option is present, the shell is interactive.
-l Make bash act as if it had been invoked as a login shell (see
One of the basic problems with cron is that you get a minimal environment being set by cron. In fact, you only get four env. var's set and they are:
SHELL - set to /bin/sh
LOGNAME - set to your userid as found in /etc/passwd
HOME - set to your home dir. as found in /etc/passwd
PATH - set to "/usr/bin:/bin"
That's it.
However, what you can do is take a snapshot of the environment you want and save that to a file.
Now make your cronjob source a trivial shell script that sources this env. file and then executes your Ruby script.
BTW Having a wrapper source a common env. file is an excellent way to enforce a consistent environment for multiple cronjobs. This also enforces the DRY principle because it gives you just one point to update things as required, instead of having to search through a bunch of scripts and search for a specific string if, say, a logging location is changed or a different utility is now being used, e.g. gnutar instead of vanilla tar.
Actually, this technique is used very successfully with The Build Monkey which is used to implement Continuous Integration for a major software project that is common to several major world airlines. 3,500kSLOC being checked out and built several times a day and over 8,000 regression tests run once a day.
Run a 'set' command from inside of the ruby script, fire it from crontab, and you'll see exactly what's set and what's not.
To find out the environment in which cron runs jobs, add this cron job:
{ echo "\nenv\n" && env|sort ; echo "\nset\n" && set; } | /usr/bin/mailx -s 'my env'
Or send the output to a file instead of email.
You could write a wrapper script, called for example rbcron, which looks something like:
export VAR1=foo
export VAR2=bar
export VAR3=baz
$RUBY "$*" 2>&1
This will redirect standard error from ruby to the standard output. Then you run rbcron in your cron job, and the standard output contains out+err of ruby, but also the "bash" errors existing from rbcron itself. In your cron entry, redirect 2>&1 > /path/to/output to get output+error messages to go to /path/to/output.
If you really want to run it as yourself, you may want to invoke ruby from a shell script that sources your .profile/.bashrc etc. That way it'll pull in your environment.
However, the downside is that it's not isolated from your environment, and if you change that, you may find your cron jobs suddenly stop working.
