Creating a Shell command to execute another command plus more - bash

I have a question regarding the creation of a utility that executes another command.
My script called notify will be placed in my /usr/local/bin directory and will do the following:
Execute the command that it was told to execute, then play a beep.
An example use case is the following:
> notify grep -r "hard_to_find_word" /some/huge/directory/
This is just an example, but could involve some other slower commands.
Essentially, notify will execute the grep, and then play a sound.
I know how to play a sound, but I do not know how to execute the provided command.
How do I execute the command that follows the call of notify?
Thank you for any input!

"$#" is all the arguments properly separated.


Script piped into bash fails to expand globs during rm command

I am writing a script with the intention of being able to download and run it from anywhere, like:
bash <(curl -s
The command above allows me to download the script, run interactive commands (e.g. read), and - for the most part - Just Works. I have run into an issue during the cleanup portion of my script, however, and haven't been able to discern a fix
During cleanup I need to remove several .bkp files created by the script's execution. To do so I run rm -f **/*.bkp inside the script. When a local copy of the script is run, this works great! When run via bash/curl, however, it removes nothing. I believe this has something to do with a failure to expand the glob as a result of the way I've connected the I/O of bash and curl, but have been unable to find a way to get everything to play nice
How can I meet all of the following requirements?
Download and run a script from a remote resource
Ensure that the user's keyboard input is connected for use in e.g. read calls within the script
Correctly expand the glob passed to rm
Bonus points: colorize input with e.g. echo -e "\x1b[31mSome error text here\x1b[0m" (also not working, suspected to be related to the same bash/curl I/O issues)

rtorrent execute shell script

I can't figure out how to get output from shell script back to rtorrent after command has been executed.
Is it possible to return back output from exeternal command back to rtorrent session?
I use rtorrent scripting interface to auto execute shell command after torrent is finished
event line in .rtorrent.rc looks like this:
system.method.set_key =,mycustomcommand,"execute=~/" file looks like this
echo "Torrent finished!"
Is there a way to do this?
I'm not sure what you're searching for, but I found this on rtorrent's wiki site:
This will execute the external command with arguments arg1,arg2,.... It will return the
stdout output of the command.
system.method.set_key =,mycustomcommand,print="$execute_capture=/path/to/script"
should work, at least
works when you do it inside rtorrent. If you want to store the output then intstead of print use d.custom1.set= if that helps.
You forgot to add parameters to the rtorrent.rc itself and also the bash script is incomplete according to me.
.rtorrent.rc line should have
method.set_key =,whatever,"execute2={/path/,$,$d.base_path=,$d.hash=}"
bash script
touch "$1" Finished download!
this will create touch file telling you particular file has finished downloading.

Basic Shell Script call command from another director with feedback

i'm trying to create a shell script so that it calls two commands in 2 seperate directories and then shows their feedback, To call the a command i'm guessing it would be something like this ./directory/ ./
Thanks in advance for your replies.
If you want to sequentially invoke the commands:
/path/to/command1; /path/to/command2
If you want to call the second command only if the first one succeeded:
/path/to/command1 && /path/to/command2
If you want to run them in parallel:
/path/to/command1 &
The output of the commands will be the standard output (most likely the terminal). If you run the two commands in parallel and they produce some output, you might want to redirect it to different files.

Obfuscating a command within a shell script

There are a lot of tips (and warnings) on here for obfuscating various items within scripts.
I'm not trying to hide a password, I'm just wondering if I can obfuscate an actuall command within the script to defeat the casual user/grepper.
Background: We have a piece of software that helps manage machines within the environment. These machines are owned by the enterprise. The users sometimes get it in their heads that this computer is theirs and they don't want "The Man" looking over their shoulders.
I've developed a little something that will check to see if a certain process is running, and if not, clone it up and replace.
Again, the purpose of this is not to defeat anyone other than the casual user.
It was suggested that one could echo an octal value (the 'obfuscated' command) and use it as a variable within the script. e.g.:
strongBad=`echo "\0150\0157\0163\0164\0156\0141\0155\0145"`
I could then use $strongBad within the shell script to slyly call the commands that I wanted to call with arguments?
/bin/$strongBad -doThatThingYouDo -DoEEET
Is there any truth to this? So far it's worked via command line directly into shell (using the -e flag with echo) but not so much within the script. I'm getting unexpected output, perhaps the way I'm using it?
As a test, try this in the command line:
strongBad=`echo -e "\0167\0150\0157"`
And then
You should get the same output as "who".
Upon further review, the addition of the path to the echo command in the variable is breaking it. Perhaps that's the source of my issue.
You can do a rotate 13 on any command you want hidden beforehand, then just have the the obfuscated command in the shell script.
This little bash script:
function rot13 {
echo "$#" | tr '[a-m][n-z][A-M][N-Z]' '[n-z][a-m][N-Z][A-M]'
rot13 echo hello, world!
`rot13 rpub uryyb, jbeyq!`
rpub uryyb, jbeyq!
hello, world!

How to modify every bash command before execution?

Is there a way to modify every command that is entered at the bash prompt with a script/hook?
In my ideal world, the script would fire after the user has entered the command but BEFORE the Enter key is pressed. It would get the command string as a parameter, modifiy it and hand it over to bash for executing (so everything would happen transparently).
I would use this hook for some company-specific substitutions which cannot be done using aliases, but above all I'm interested if this can be done.
I know of some hacks to do something with the last command after it has been executed (trap 'function' DEBUG and the like) as there are a lot of questions concerning that scenario but this is of no help here.
Thanks and kind regards!
What you want is a kind of command completion -- it seems to me.
There is a lot behind bash line editing: bindable readline commands, or command completion and command substitution.
First off you can write write and compile your own bash builtins:
Next, you can alter bash through what people call edit line or readline:
Start here maybe:
