Whatever the sdk version used, the onProductConnect is never called with the sample mobile app (and our custom mobile app).
I've noticed that the system connection popup (to allow access from the mobile to my inspire 1) is never showed as it could be with other mobile running on android 10.
My mobile is connected through USB wire on the remote control.
Is a known bug? How to fix this issue please?
Check the accessory filter. Should look something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<usb-accessory model="T600" manufacturer="DJI"/>
<usb-accessory model="AG410" manufacturer="DJI"/>
<usb-accessory model="com.dji.logiclink" manufacturer="DJI"/>
<usb-accessory model="WM160" manufacturer="DJI"/>
Clean and rebuild, uninstall and reinstall the app. (Must be asking for permissions at first startup)
I have a unity app built for Windows desktop. Client wants this to be distributed through Windows 10 Store. This is just a desktop app and has no support to tabs or phones.
But looks like with Windows 10 there is no desktop only option.
Is there any documentation on what are the steps I need to follow to submit the unity built app to Windows store?
I did some reading and looks like this is what I will have to do.
But want to get a confirmation from some one who has already done that. As I don't have a Windows developer account right now to try that out.
Is there any documentation on what are the steps I need to follow to submit the unity built app to Windows store?
The steps of publishing a unity app is similar to UWP app. You can refer to App Submissions for more details.
After your packages have been successfully uploaded, you will find the Device family availability section that indicates which packages will be offered to specific Windows 10 device families.
For your requirement, you could check Windows 10 Desktop device option, as the follow picture shows:
For more info, you could refer to Device family availability official document.
I want to my Windows UWP app to target only specific devices e.g. desktop and mobile. How do I specify that my app should only target these devices? I have found nothing of interest in the Package.appxmanifest file, and project.json only specifies what SDK's the app should use.
There are two ways you can do it.
1 . Right click Package.appxmanifest, and click View code, you can find the following code in the Package.appxmanifest.
<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Universal" MinVersion="" MaxVersionTested="" />
You can modify the Name property to "Windows.Desktop" or "Windows.Mobile" to target a specific device type.
2 .When you submit you app in Windows Dev Center, you can specific you app are able to run which type of device.
In Pricing and availability step, you can do it as follow:
I think you'd better choose the second way.
I'm trying to publish an Android TV app, but the developer console is saying:
"You need to add at least 2 non-Android TV screenshots."
But this apk is only for Android TV, since there's another apk specific for tablets and phones. How can I target only Android TV?
Also, I would like to submit this particular APK only for NexusPlayer, and then add other Android TVs as the app is tested on them and the compatibility confirmed. The problem is that the developer console starts with almos 3000 devices (including tablets and phones) set as compatible by default, and I can only see a manual disable function.
A temporary solution was to target only large and xlarge screens, reducing the number of auto-supported devices to 800. Still had to manually disable the unwanted ones, but with less overkill.
<supports-screens android:smallScreens="false"
android:requiresSmallestWidthDp="720" />
Yes, you have to upload screenshots for Android TV and one other device, even if it's only for Android TV.
To limit device compatibility, make sure you have the following in your manifest:
<uses-feature android:name="android.software.leanback"
android:required="true" />
This will limit it to Android TV devices, and then you can manually limit from there as needed.
For the first part, it sounds like a limitation on the Play Console. Just upload two of the same TV screenshots that you already have uploaded and you're going to be just fine.
For the second part, I guess you need to need to go through all the 3000 devices manually. You could also restrict the range by specifying that your APK is x86-only.
I've build an Android app...for phones...but I wouldn't mind to broaden my audience and let Tablet owners download it as well....
To be honest. it doesn't look very neat on a tablet...but I don't really mind that. I'll at least give them the option.
unfortunately I cant find the app on the Google Play Store / Android Market with my tablet! when I launch the url directly in the browser, I am being redirected to the Play store, but it says "this app is not compatible with your device"
I didn't specify anything in my Manifest like "android:xlargeScreens" (the default should be true, right?
I also didn't specify any device restrictions in the Store Publish page
Unfortunately I only have one tablet to test it with...so I don't know if it's the tablets fault, my apps fault or the Play Store's fault....
I have an HP Touchpad (CM9)....it's rather experimental device - but other phone apps works without a problem on that device
while developing, I also used my tablet as a test device, and the app launched on it. so I don't really know why the Play Store is forbidding me to download the app....
are there any special requirement that my Manifest or my XML-layouts have to match, for the Play Store to open it for tablet users as well?
The tablet may not support some of the features that your app requires. You can make them "not required" for the app (that means that you should check if they are actually available before using them in the code).
It is done like that:
<!-- features -->
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.telephony" android:required="false" />
Other possible features are:
For full list of relations between features<->permissions, you can see:
See "Feature reference"
write below code into your android manifest.xml file for make application tablet compatible.
android:smallScreens="true" />
I solved my own problem:
I did 2 things:
1 - I disabled 'touchscreen'
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen" android:required="false" />
this disables ADVANCE touchscreen controls (like flicking etc.)
but I think the thing that did it was the following:
2 - I disabled the Copy Protection in the Play Store Publish page
a few hours later I could find my app on my tablet and install it!
Android documentation clearly mentioned that if your app supporting v3.1+ then you should have tag in AndroidManifest.xml
I have an application written in Android 2.2 version. Now I want to make this app compatible in all tablets.
I went through the link Optimizing apps for 3.0
As per the details mentioned, I created folders: drawable-xhdpi(for storing images) and layout-xlarge and layout-xlarge-land to keep the layouts.
Added <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="11" android:minSdkVersion="8"/> in manifest too.
But when I ran the app, the drawables are not taken from my xhdpi folder. So images getting displayed are too small. What may be the reason for this? Should I have to add anything more? Also whether this xhdpi and xlarge folders will help me out for all types of tablets(i.e. tablets with different screen sizes)?
Please reply. Thanks in advance.
The answer is here by anujprashar:
... For 10.1 tab you should use drawable-xlarge folder ...
Compared to that answer, I didn't add <supports-screens> and it works on my galaxy tab, also works for Nook color (cm7).