Making an application in android 2.2 version compatible with android 3.0 - android-3.0-honeycomb

I have an application written in Android 2.2 version. Now I want to make this app compatible in all tablets.
I went through the link Optimizing apps for 3.0
As per the details mentioned, I created folders: drawable-xhdpi(for storing images) and layout-xlarge and layout-xlarge-land to keep the layouts.
Added <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="11" android:minSdkVersion="8"/> in manifest too.
But when I ran the app, the drawables are not taken from my xhdpi folder. So images getting displayed are too small. What may be the reason for this? Should I have to add anything more? Also whether this xhdpi and xlarge folders will help me out for all types of tablets(i.e. tablets with different screen sizes)?
Please reply. Thanks in advance.

The answer is here by anujprashar:
... For 10.1 tab you should use drawable-xlarge folder ...
Compared to that answer, I didn't add <supports-screens> and it works on my galaxy tab, also works for Nook color (cm7).


Xamarin UI Measurement

I'm a UI designer working with a junior app developer.
We are working on an app I gave him the assets and there sizes using Zeplin app, he showed me the app and it was different than was design telling me that Xamarin doesn't use pixels or dpi but using a number without any measurement.
Is there any way to help him as a designer or something he can use to make the program use pixels or dpi.
#Muslem Mohammed
I think as you are an UI Designer, you are aware that how to provide assets for native app development if not please check for below process.
You can provide Android Assets in the form of Mdpi drawable, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi.
And for iOS 1x, 2x and 3x same like native app assets.
And the developer place all those images into respective folder with respect to the platform.
Example: For Android you will be providing 5 kinds of images with same name respect to the folder I mentioned above.
sample.png for respective folders with the resolution, developer place those images into Android specific project.
Then developer place all images under resources and keep in respective folders.
For iOS also provide the images with same name and by applying 1x,2x,3x with sample below,
sample.png, sample#2x.png and sample#3x.png.
Then developer go to iOS project and place all ios images into Resources folder.
And finally developer will place the image control like below,
<Image source="sample.png" />
And this will show up the image in iOS and Android as well.

Xamarin Forms - Magnified UI Issue

My company has just started a new development project using Xamarin Forms. The app looks great on most Android devices but on certain devices the whole app appears magnified. The font is huge, icon resolution looks poor and even the device time, connection, battery life, etc looks magnified.
Has anyone come across this before and did you find the cause?
Appreciate the help!
I think that the problem is related to devices performance and it's not related with the app if problem are battery life , connection and device time , but if you talk about some poor UI you need to check your resolution folder in android or if you use default android theme so it will not look good for old android versions
Before developing the android application you should consider the below things.
1. You should take care of DPI mechanism for different device - For UI issues
2. The child hierarchy level should not exceed 4 to 6.
3. You should not create the objects inside the ondraw method.
4. Don't layout the base at all the times.
5. Inside ondraw, don't use any looping mechanism.

Adding screenshot in iTunes Connect without real Device

I am about to submit my app in iTunes connect.
Now it is asking me for screenshots for a 3.5-inch, 4-inch, 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch.
Since I coded it in swift I guess I can skip the 3.5inch part?
But my question is: I only have an 4-inch device available. How can I add the screenshots of the 4.7 and 6inch? maybe with the simulator?
Thank you
In the iOS Simulator File > Screenshot
That saves a screenshot to your desktop.
Simulator should be fine. You can edit it using Sketch, I found it really helpful.
I tried a few different methods, and what worked best for me in a short amount of time was to capture screenshots in the iOS Simulator at 100% scale and then resize them using GIMP, which is free unlike Sketch.
If you're in the business of creating screenshots for many devices, across locales or with frequent screenshot update needs it's best to look into automation with tool like Snapshot.

The parameter is incorrect exception

I'm working on a Windows Phone 7.1 project and got most of my work done and decided to add to the project the images for my tiles (62x62 and 173x173 PNGs) plus the JPG file for the splash screen (SplashScreenImage.jpg 480x800).
Before adding these images to the project my project was running fine! After adding them and setting the tiles images to the 2 new files, my project still builds ok, but when running on the 7.1 simulator (my acer laptop doesn't have hardware assisted virtualization enabled in order to run the wp8 emulator) the app crashes when trying to load MainPage with "The parameter is incorrect" exception (in the Application_UnhandledException handler).
I've been trying to find a solution on the web for the last 1-2 days, found few mentions of this error and few possible causes, but none of my findings helped so far. The exception doesn't say anything helpful and it's getting really frustrating considering that most of the serious work is done and I'm very close to releasing the app to the marketplace.
Did anybody run into this issue before? Any ideas what could have gone wrong and how I could solve this exception? Any help is much appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Whenever I wish to change the Splashscreen and other images, here is what I do:
Locate the file on disk using Windows Explorer.
Open the file using some image editor (I use Paint.NET)
Remove the default image and replace with your image maintaining the dimensions.
Save the image and return to Visual Studio.
Rebuild the entire project.
This works seamlessly without any errors. ;)

Question regarding screen sizes

I'm working on a live wallpaper and ready to
release a new version on the Android market.
Last time when I tested it on a tablet (x-large) screen the images got
cut off and did not scale so i want to disable support for tablets.
Does anyone know how I can do that? I already changed the API level but
it seems I cannot lower that anymore with newer versions.
Take a look here. You can set supported screen sizes in your manifest.
<supports-screens android:xlargeScreens="false" />
