Zoho Deluge - Read/Get ticket attachment content - zoho

I am currently trying to run a custom function in Zoho Desk that is triggered on ticket creation, targeting tickets created by our support#zoho... email address, that converts incoming emails into tickets.
More specifically, when an email contains a JSON attachment, I would like the custom function to be able to read the attachment and pull the JSON data from the attachment.
Is this possible? Has anyone had any success?
Below is the code I have, thought I was on the right track but run into the error below
//TicketID is set as an Argument for the custom function
ORGID = "********";
getthread = zoho.desk.getRelatedRecords(ORGID,"threads","tickets",TicketID);
threadid = getthread.getJSON("data").getJSON("id");
getthreadcontent = zoho.desk.getRelatedRecordById(ORGID,"threads",threadid,"tickets",TicketID);//.getJSON("content");
info getthreadcontent.getJSON("attachments").getJSON("name"); //Prints the Attachment Name (Works)
info getthreadcontent;//.getJSON("attachments").getJSON("href");//Prints the Attachment URL (Works)
response = invokeUrl
url: getthreadcontent.getJSON("attachments").getJSON("href")
type: GET
The above code returns this error:
{"errorCode":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"You are not authenticated to perform this operation."}
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated :)

It looks like you might need to add your Zoho Auth Token to the URL, first, and then make the invoke_url() call.


Calling Graph Api from Web Api doesn't return all user data

In my ASP.NET Core Web Api, I'm trying to call Graph API to retrieve the data of other users in the organization. I'm using the On Behalf Of flow. The bootstrap token is passed in from SPA client code.
In the Startup code, I have:
.AddMicrosoftGraph("https://graph.microsoft.com/beta", "user.read user.readbasic.all profile")
In the Controller's Action, I have:
.Filter($"mail eq 'someuser#myorg.com'")
.Select((user) => new {
DisplayName = user.DisplayName,
City = user.City,
Country = user.Country,
BusinessPhones = user.BusinessPhones
However, at runtime, I only get the DisplayName value. I don't get the values of City, Country or BusinessPhones. They are al null.
When I tried the same query in Graph Explorer, I saw the values for all of them.
What am I missing?
First, your code snippet has an error that you wrote 2 .Request(), you should remove one.
Whatever flow you used are all generating an access token so that you can access the api, therefore when you got correct data from the api, that means you have a right setting in using the flow, so I think if there's any issue, it should locate at the part of calling api. Then I did some test in my side.
Could you pls check if you call the api directly, you can get the value of City, Country and BUsinessPhones these 3 properties? Per my test, when I call the api, I can get response like screenshot below and by default it's null
https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users?$filter=mail eq
And when I followed this tutorial to call the api via sdk, I got the same result:
My idea is checking the response of calling the api first and if we can't find the issue, then could you pls provide the tutorial you followed to help reproduce the issue.

Unpredictable request payload structure but Need to create user from it

My system can get request from multiple sites and request payload will have user details. However, the structure or format of payload can be different and not known. My system shall extract out the details from it and create user in to my system.
e.g. one request source will send first name as fname='abc' and other might send it as first_name='abc'.
I have to implement it in PHP laravel
This would resolve your issue:
$name = null;
if(!empty($data['fname'])) {
$name = $data['fname'];
} elseif(!empty($data['first_name']) {
$name = $data['first_name'];
Then you can execute validation, autofill and things like that to create or modify your user model.

Writing data to model from POST request (Odoo 9.0)

I have the following model:
class LibraryBook(models.Model):
_name = 'library.book'
name = fields.Char('Title', required=True)
date_release = fields.Date("Release Date")
author_ids = fields.Many2many("res.partner", string="Authors")
I'm new to Odoo and trying to understand the basics of how to save data to my model from a POST request like the following
curl -i -X POST --data "name=Odoo%20-%20Much%20Mystery,%20Wow&author_id=Doge"
I found a way doing this by setting the csrf parameter in my controller to false like so:
#http.route('/test', type='http', auth='public',methods=['POST'], website=True, csrf=False)
def test(self, **kwargs):
record = request.env['library.book'].sudo()
I'm wondering now if there is a way to avoid setting csrf=false since I've read that it's a bad idea to do so in general. Also, what would I need to get rid of that .sudo()? Not setting csrf=false leads to a 400 BAD REQUEST with Invalid CSRF token. Removing sudo() leads to a 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR. In Odoo Development Cookbook it says in one example with auth='none'
Lack of a user is also why we have to sudo() all our calls to model methods in the example code
Assuming I would expect a POST request from an API, is it possible to associate it with a user so I don't have to sudo()?
I would very much appreciate any clarification on this.
So I just found this (line 817):
if the form is accessed by an external third party (e.g. REST API endpoint, payment gateway callback) you will need to disable CSRF
protection (and implement your own protection if necessary) by
passing the csrf=False parameter to the route decorator.
which I guess leaves only one question open, regarding sudo.
creates a new environment with the provided user set, uses the administrator if none is provided (to bypass access rights/rules in safe contexts), returns a copy of the recordset it is called on using the new environment:
Odoo does not allow public users to create, update, delete a record.
If we want to create a record from the public users then we need to create a record with the sudo().
Create record object as administrator
I hope this may help you.
for more information you can navigate to following links :

Using SwiftyJSON with Gmail API

I am trying to make a simple email app to learn how to work with REST API's like the Gmail API and Im using SwiftyJSON to work with the responses I get from my requests.
I'm trying to get who the sender of an email. Im using the following requests to get the message object back. https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/v1/reference/users/messages/get
From the JSON Data I need to go to the following path (payload>headers>from) to get who sent the message now I have tried all the ways that are specified on the github page.
//Getting a string using a path to the element
let path = [1,"list",2,"name"]
let name = json[path].string
//Just the same
let name = json[1]["list"][2]["name"].string
let name = json[1,"list",2,"name"].string
All of these ways return null.
Now when i do the following i get the payload object of the message object in return
let from = json["payload"]
What am I doing wrong here?

How to use Qooxdoo's Stores to request an ajax response with a POST?

In the tutorial enter link description here they only show this:
var url = "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/public_timeline.json";
this.__store = new qx.data.store.Jsonp(url, null, "callback");
But I would need to communicate with my own server, so I've made some changes: (url and Jsonp to Json)
var url = "";
this.__store = new qx.data.store.Json(url);
But I would need to be able to send some information to the server when the store make the request like:
{serviceToUseOnServer: 'articles', argument1: 'xxx'}
This is like a POST request, but I don't really know how to send that data to the server using qooxdoo's Store models. Please don't tell me to use GET and encode all that data in an url.
You got the possibility to configure the request object used to send the data. Just add a delegate to the store and implement the configureRequest method [1].
[1] http://demo.qooxdoo.org/current/apiviewer/#qx.data.store.IStoreDelegate~configureRequest
