How to use Qooxdoo's Stores to request an ajax response with a POST? - ajax

In the tutorial enter link description here they only show this:
var url = "";
this.__store = new, null, "callback");
But I would need to communicate with my own server, so I've made some changes: (url and Jsonp to Json)
var url = "";
this.__store = new;
But I would need to be able to send some information to the server when the store make the request like:
{serviceToUseOnServer: 'articles', argument1: 'xxx'}
This is like a POST request, but I don't really know how to send that data to the server using qooxdoo's Store models. Please don't tell me to use GET and encode all that data in an url.

You got the possibility to configure the request object used to send the data. Just add a delegate to the store and implement the configureRequest method [1].


Zoho Deluge - Read/Get ticket attachment content

I am currently trying to run a custom function in Zoho Desk that is triggered on ticket creation, targeting tickets created by our support#zoho... email address, that converts incoming emails into tickets.
More specifically, when an email contains a JSON attachment, I would like the custom function to be able to read the attachment and pull the JSON data from the attachment.
Is this possible? Has anyone had any success?
Below is the code I have, thought I was on the right track but run into the error below
//TicketID is set as an Argument for the custom function
ORGID = "********";
getthread = zoho.desk.getRelatedRecords(ORGID,"threads","tickets",TicketID);
threadid = getthread.getJSON("data").getJSON("id");
getthreadcontent = zoho.desk.getRelatedRecordById(ORGID,"threads",threadid,"tickets",TicketID);//.getJSON("content");
info getthreadcontent.getJSON("attachments").getJSON("name"); //Prints the Attachment Name (Works)
info getthreadcontent;//.getJSON("attachments").getJSON("href");//Prints the Attachment URL (Works)
response = invokeUrl
url: getthreadcontent.getJSON("attachments").getJSON("href")
type: GET
The above code returns this error:
{"errorCode":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"You are not authenticated to perform this operation."}
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated :)
It looks like you might need to add your Zoho Auth Token to the URL, first, and then make the invoke_url() call.

Nested Request with JSON

I am trying to decode a request that comes from Twilio in Laravel 5.
It comes as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, but it has a JSON payload in it with data that I want to access called Memory.
How do I access it in Laravel?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
As you're looking at memory, I'm guessing you're using Twilio Autopilot. In that case, you should get the Memory field from the request and then parse it as JSON data.
$rawMemory = $request->input('Memory');
$memory = json_decode($rawMemory, true);
You probably just need to get the content from the request, which should contain the JSON.
$requestData = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);

How to use NodeJS with node-rest-client methods to post dynamic data to front end HTML

I am rather new to NodeJS so hopefully I am able to articulate my question(s) properly. My goal is to create a NodeJS application that will use the node-rest-client to GET data and asynchronously display it in HTML on client side.
I have several node-rest-client methods created and currently I am calling my GET data operation when a user navigates to the /getdata page. The response is successfully logged to the console but I'm stumbling on the best method to dynamically populate this data in an HTML table on the /getdata page itself. I'd like to follow Node best practices, ensure durability under high user load and ultimately make sure I'm not coding a piece of junk.
How can I bind data returned from my Express routes to the HTML front end?
Should I use separate "router.get" routes for each node-rest-method?
How can I bind a GET request to a button and have it GET new data when clicked?
Should I consider using, angularjs and ajax to pipe data from the server side to client side?
-Thank you for reading.
This is an example of the route that is currently rendering the getdata page as well as calling my getDomains node-rest-client method. The page is rendering correct and the data returned by getDomains is successfully printed to the console, however I'm having trouble getting the data piped to the /getdata page.
router.get('/getdata', function(req, res) {
res.render('getdata', {title: 'This is the get data page'});
console.log("Rendering:: Starting post requirement");
args = {
qcclient.methods.getDomains(args, function(data, response){
var theProjectsSTRING = JSON.stringify(data);
var theProjectsJSON = JSON.parse(theProjectsSTRING);
console.log('Processing JSON.Stringify on DATA');
console.log('Processing JSON.Parse on theProjectsSTRING');
console.log('Parsing the array ' + theProjectsJSON.Domains.Domain[0].$.Name );
I've started to experiment with creating several routes for my different node-rest-client methods that will use res.send to return the data and the perhaps I could bind an AJAX call or use angularjs to parse the data and display it to the user.
router.get('/domaindata', function(req, res){
var theProjectsSTRING;
var theProjectsJSON;
args = {
headers:{"Cookie": req.session.qcsession,"Accept":"application/xml"},
qcclient.methods.getDomains(args, function(data, response){
theProjectsSTRING = JSON.stringify(data);
theProjectsJSON = JSON.parse(theProjectsSTRING);
console.log('Processing JSON.Stringify on DATA');
console.log('Processing JSON.Parse on theProjectsSTRING');
console.log('Parsing the array ' + theProjectsJSON.Domains.Domain[0].$.Name );
I looked into your code. You are using res.render(..) and res.send(..). First of all you should understand the basic request-response cycle. Request object gives us the values passed from routes, and response will return values back after doing some kind of processing on request values. More particularly in express you will be using req.params and req.body if values are passed through the body of html.
So all response related statements(res.send(..),res.json(..), res.jsonp(..), res.render(..)) should be at the end of your function(req,res){...} where you have no other processing left to be done, otherwise you will get errors.
As per the modern web application development practices in javascript, frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, ExpressJS, Django, Play etc they all work as REST engine and front end routing logic is written in javascript. If you are using AngularJS then ngRoute and open source ui-router makes work really easy. If you look closely into some of the popular MEAN seed projects such as, mean.js even they use the ExpressJS as REST engine and AngularJS does the rest of heavyweight job in front end.
Very often you will be sending JSON data from backend so for that you can use res.json(..). To consume the data from your endpoints you can use angularjs ngResource service.
Let's take a simplest case, you have a GET /domaindata end point :
In the front end you can access this using angularJS ngResource service :
var MyResource = $resource('/domaindata');
$scope.myValue = results;
//myValue variable is now bonded to the view.
I would suggest you to have a look into the ui-router for ui front end routing.
If you are looking for sample implementation then you can look into this project which i wrote sometime back, it can also give you an overview of implementing login, session management using JSON Web Token.
There are lot of things to understand, let me know if you need help in anything.

Django: Is it possible create and send Json from a view to another server?

If i have a link like this one Get User Data who points in a view inside my own server, is there any way to send a json object (maybe just maybe with ajax?) to another external server and retrieve an answer? Something like this:
from django.shortcuts import render
def profile(request):
#send a json object to another server like
#get the answer and process it
return render(request, 'accounts/profile.html' ,
{'profile_user': data_from_the_external_server})
The above i can implement it of course with jquery-ajax but i just was wondering if i can do it this way...
Thanks in advance.
Of course you can. Why wouldn't it be possible?
Don't code this in AJAX if that's not necessary.
There are 2 things you need, you need to prepare the JSon to send and then you need to send it to the API you want:
Look at "simplejson" to create the json data to send.
Look at "urllib" to send a request to another server in Python (like here: How to send a POST request using django?)
Also do not put it straight in your view. Create a new class for it. So in your view you'll have something like that:
def profile(request):
# instantiate your service here (better with DI)
profile_user = my_service.get_profile_user()
return render(
'accounts/profile.html' ,
'profile_user': profile_user
If you need to send HTTP data (via a POST or GET) to another server and receive a result from within your view, you can use Python's urllib2 library. However there is an easier third party library called Requests which can handle this task for you.

Checking the type of POST data received in Sinatra

In my sinatra app i have a form which is used to submit data via a POST request to a url.The url also accepts json sent in a POST request.
Is there any way to determine in the handler if json data was received in the post or the data submitted was sent from the form ?
Thank You
When you send data via a Post request you will have data in your params Hash. So if there is a key there is a value, even if it's empty. So you can check for example via params[:json] if you have received something via json (assuming you call that parameter :json). The same goes for data. But then I'm not entirely sure if that's what you're asking for. Either way all data you get is handled via the params variable.
Assuming that JSON is sent via XHR call, you can make use of request.xhr? to check if the request is xhr.
