How to change and save my service&port setting in xampp - xampp

how can I change and save my port in configure servicesettings. I could change my port number but can't save the portnumber.
Error:cannot create file "c:\Xampp\xampp-control-in".Acess is denied

Check the read and write permission for xampp-control-ini file. if you dont, then try to contact your system admin


Joomla configuration.php unwritable when permission is 0644 but writable when 0664

My Joomla is 3.9.4, when I try to make some global configuration change on back-end, I got this error: Could not write to the configuration file.
I looked at the file system, configuration.php has the right owner and is set to 0644, actually I can make change to it via FTP.
I then try settiong the permission to 0777, it is writable; then I try 0666 and 0664, it is also good. Only when I set it to 0644, I get the above error. I've never encountered this kind of problem before. What could possibly be wrong?
I think you have to check PHP Ownership. PHP code can be executed not using the same user ID like using FTP. You can set your web server to run PHP as CGI to ensures that PHP is executed using the same user.

Installing laravel on server

I am installing laravel on server via putty. I linked public with public_html. Files were located inside laravel folder above public_html. After installation its showing "Internal Server Error"
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Usually when using cPanel it will usually require your index.php to have the permissions 644 otherwise you'll get a 500 error.
You can change this in cPanel by doing the following:
Login to your cPanel (if not already there)
Click File Manager.
Click the name of the file for which you would like to change the
Select the Change Permissions link at the top right of the page.
Select the permissions you would like to set for the file
Owner - Read and write
Group - Read
World - Read
Click Change Permissions.
Alternatively, if you have ssh access you could run the following command on the server:
chmod 644 path/to/index.php

Reset Password For phpMyAdmin

I recently downloaded XAMPP for macOS and I was able to use phpMyAdmin until I changed the root password. Now when I try accessing it I get an error reading "Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: NO)" and on top of that I have forgotten the new password. I have read many other posts on this issue but none have seemed to work. Any suggestions?
This is for XAMPP on macOS only
You can go phpmyadmin directory inside the main root directory, you can check file and you need to create a new file if already not their.
Copy data from to
You need to make a few changes in the new file:
$cfg ['Servers'] [$i] ['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
Save and restart xampp and check.

EC2 AMI instance is resetting folder permission everyday

I have a log folder /var/www/app/logs/ in an EC2 AMI instance. My PHP aplication is writing logs there, however every day I must logon and do chmod in order to avoid the error message that the folder is not writable:
$ sudo chmod 7777 -R /var/www/app/logs/
For some reason the instance this permissions are reset every morning automatically by some unknown process. Is there a way to make this change permanently?
My guess is that you have some log rotation rules set up for this directory, which might be responsible for the permission change.
And, don't set the permissions to 777, definitely. Either change the owner of the directory to your application user, or add your application user to a group which has write permission to the directory.
Not sure whether is the best solution, but solves my problem. Edit the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file and change:
User apache
User ec2-user
Then restart the webserver.

Changing permissions on Windows for FTP via XAMPP

I am developing a rather basic CMS locally and can not ftp due to permissions problems. I have FileZilla FTP server running in XAMPP and can connect without problems but receive error "550 Permission Denied" when my code tries to upload via ftp.
I tried changing permissions via my FileZilla FTP client but without success (presumably because it is windows- error: "504 Command not implemented for that parameter"). I also tried going to the target folder's properties --> security --> permissions and checking "full" for the user XAMPP is running under.
So how do I setup the permissions to allow my CMS to use ftp in XAMPP?
Finally figured it out. For anyone else who has this problem, there is no need to set permissions in Windows. Instead, on the FileZilla FTP server admin interface select edit --> users --> shared folders and check 'write'.
For a fix of this make sure that the root folder is allowed to write and pass rights permission. had this same issue for a script to run on local web xampp server windows xp.. just change the root file attributes to 755 then try it if that don't work try 777. should work now... hope this works for you... as it did me.
If that does not work go to your htdocs folder in your xampp directory then right click it and check properties .. if read only is ticked .. untick it and apply to all sub folders and files
You're behind firewall? Try to allow FileZilla server program in Firewall.
