This is follow up question on Confusing Storm-UI
After clicking on Hide system stats button, I was able to get the right values.
I don't understand the calculation behind the emitted, transferred and acknowledged when we click on Hide system stats / Show system stats button on storm UI
I am attempting to monitor my Power Automate cloud flows, using the build-in Monitor.
So when I go to and sign in, go to Monitor in the left pane and the click Cloud flow activity, all I see is this screen below.
I then used Create from blank to create a new and very simple flow. And the ran it.
Now I would expect something to show up under All Activity. But the image remains unchanged.
Does anyone know what i am missing?
(yes I have refreshed the page)
I also have many flow already existing on this environment in solutions. And as you can see they do not show up here either.
I have been working on Telerik Kendo Scheduler. Here is the link
Its the same example I am using now, But I modified this example as per my requirement. Now I have a requirement where I need to disable some particular time slots like 05:00pm to 07:00pm. So I want to make that particular time slot as gray or disabled and when user try to drag event during this particular time slot, we will restrict user. See the snapshot below.
Above the scheduler there is a grid of events, and we drag events to scheduler with machines. Now according to machine working hours , we have to disable time slots in which they do not work or not available.
Update me in comment section, If I am unable to make you understand my situation.I will provide necessary details if required.
I am evaluating my boilerplate:
However, there is some confusion related to time shown in Network tab and Performance tab.
Network tab:
It tells that blog(.html) was downloaded in 22ms after the request was resolved by the server, thus taking of total ~51ms
Performance tab:
It tells that blog(.html) blue color started downloading after ~132ms
and finished at ~199ms and browser started parsing it afterwards.
Why is there 2 different things for the same page refresh(hard refresh infact, though it doesn't matter)?
The Network panel begins a whole new recording when refreshing unless "Preserve Log" is checked. You'll notice the Performance panel is analyzing from the time you hit record. Therefore, it is accounting for the existing analysis on the current page plus the new page request.
This is fine and normal behavior. You typically don't need to correlate network panel data with the performance data to that degree. The network request information is provided in Performance primarily as an easy aid to getting the correlation you need between network resources doing their job and the engine carrying forward with tasks because of that.
I am using Lttng in an application. I have enabled heavy traces and I have found that there is a loss in traces. Is there any way of knowing if there is any trace loss or any information regarding about it . Are there any API calls to know about them.
Thanks & Regards.,
Both viewers for LTTng traces should both be able to report if a trace has lost events in them.
Babeltrace, the command-line trace reading tool, prints lost events on stderr. So a quick way to locate these is to reroute stdout elsewhere, so you only see the lost events in the console, using a command like:
babeltrace /path/to/trace > /dev/null
Alternatively, the graphical viewer Trace Compass displays lost events in its Statistics View.
In general, lost events happen when the machine is too loaded and the tracer cannot keep up with the events coming in. To reduce the chance of losing events, you can look at increasing the subbuffer sizes and number (see the 'lttng' man page), or enabling less events in your tracing session (instead of doing 'lttng enable-event ... -a', only enable the events you need).
When designing a feature that can be accessed by different user levels, I'm wondering how the use of "enabled" versus "active" will work. If I'm an administrator, it means I have the ability to turn on and off a feature. Does this mean the feature is enabled for me or active? Once I turn this feature on, is it then enabled or active? Terminology is the pits.
On the subject, does anyone know of a reference book or site dedicated to questions regarding standard terminology for UIs? Thanks a million!
Enabled = "can respond to events" or "on"
Active = "has focus" or "current item"
It's too late to answer this question but it might be helpful for other people.
If I'm an administrator, it means I have the ability to turn on and off a feature. Does this mean the feature is enabled for me or active?
If you are an administrator then you have the license to turn on/off any feature. So turning on a feature means you are enabling the feature to be accessible by you and other users. So being an administrator you can see the feature because you are legit to see the feature, and when you on this feature for other people as well they can see the feature and use the feature. So for you and others, the feature is Enabled and not Active.
Once I turn this feature on, is it then enabled or active?
Once you turn on the feature it remains Enabled and can be used by authorized and authenticated users until you turn off the feature again. And the feature will become active when it is being used. So while for the time it is being used, that is the time when you call the feature Active because it has some processing to do and has focus.
Detailed Explanation:
Like #Bob said
Enabled = "can respond to events" or "on"
Enabled means the item or anything that is enabled, means the item is in a state that it can answer the queries or connection or perform the operation if asked to perform. Try to understand it in the terms of server, when a server is up (Enabled) and you ping the server from the command prompt your request can be listened to by the server and responded accordingly. But if a server is down (Disabled), the server can not listen to your request and thus can not respond to your request.
Active = "has focus" or "current item"
While Active means the item is at the current moment of time is actively performing some task or listening to your request or processing. In terms of server, when you try to ping the server and it's enabled, then it listens to your request and processes your request. For a time, when the server is processing your request, this is the time when the server is Active and has focus, and once the server has done its processing, it will again go back into another state that is InActive and loses focus.
If you look at the following image:
In this image of Wireless Network Connection Status window form, Media State is Enabled. This means SSID Re-Invent 2 can listen to requests and respond because it is enabled.
And if you look below section Activity, there you will see that the data is actively increasing in real-time and that is happening because this SSID is Enabled and currently listening to requests and that's why we are able to see changes/activity of requests and responses in real-time in form of data sent and received actively.