When designing a feature that can be accessed by different user levels, I'm wondering how the use of "enabled" versus "active" will work. If I'm an administrator, it means I have the ability to turn on and off a feature. Does this mean the feature is enabled for me or active? Once I turn this feature on, is it then enabled or active? Terminology is the pits.
On the subject, does anyone know of a reference book or site dedicated to questions regarding standard terminology for UIs? Thanks a million!
Enabled = "can respond to events" or "on"
Active = "has focus" or "current item"
It's too late to answer this question but it might be helpful for other people.
If I'm an administrator, it means I have the ability to turn on and off a feature. Does this mean the feature is enabled for me or active?
If you are an administrator then you have the license to turn on/off any feature. So turning on a feature means you are enabling the feature to be accessible by you and other users. So being an administrator you can see the feature because you are legit to see the feature, and when you on this feature for other people as well they can see the feature and use the feature. So for you and others, the feature is Enabled and not Active.
Once I turn this feature on, is it then enabled or active?
Once you turn on the feature it remains Enabled and can be used by authorized and authenticated users until you turn off the feature again. And the feature will become active when it is being used. So while for the time it is being used, that is the time when you call the feature Active because it has some processing to do and has focus.
Detailed Explanation:
Like #Bob said
Enabled = "can respond to events" or "on"
Enabled means the item or anything that is enabled, means the item is in a state that it can answer the queries or connection or perform the operation if asked to perform. Try to understand it in the terms of server, when a server is up (Enabled) and you ping the server from the command prompt your request can be listened to by the server and responded accordingly. But if a server is down (Disabled), the server can not listen to your request and thus can not respond to your request.
Active = "has focus" or "current item"
While Active means the item is at the current moment of time is actively performing some task or listening to your request or processing. In terms of server, when you try to ping the server and it's enabled, then it listens to your request and processes your request. For a time, when the server is processing your request, this is the time when the server is Active and has focus, and once the server has done its processing, it will again go back into another state that is InActive and loses focus.
If you look at the following image:
In this image of Wireless Network Connection Status window form, Media State is Enabled. This means SSID Re-Invent 2 can listen to requests and respond because it is enabled.
And if you look below section Activity, there you will see that the data is actively increasing in real-time and that is happening because this SSID is Enabled and currently listening to requests and that's why we are able to see changes/activity of requests and responses in real-time in form of data sent and received actively.
I have some .NET code in a COM+/Enterprise Services serviced component. I communicate with this component from a WPF application and also from a legacy VBA application.
This arrangement works well when only one user is logged on to a machine. The component starts in its own process when either the .NET or the legacy application instantiates one of its COM objects.
The system also works for the first user to try to run it on a terminal server installation. However, when another user logs on, he/she is unable to use the application. I had hoped that each session would run in isolation, and that one host process would run per session. Am I wrong in this expectation?
In Component Services on the Activation tab my application is configured to run as a "Server application". On the Identity tab, "Interactive user" is selected. On the Security tab, "Enforce access checks for this application" is unchecked.
There isn't session isolation as you describe, instead process ownership limits what you have access to.
Your conclusion seems correct & you will need to determine a suitable mechanism to exchange data with the service.
I used WCF to create a service with a net named pipe listener https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wcf/index
The idea of using proxies to make rpc calls is attractive, but I found the proxy definitions and stubs to link it all together quite clumsy to use.
If you have events that may be triggered at either end then keeping client/service in sync becomes problematic.
AIUI you cannot invoke a rpc method that ends up invoking an rpc back at the originating end, although that could be a named pipe limitation.
If I was doing this again I would use a socket server in the service & the websocket protocol for biderectional data transfer, even though you might need to implement some thread handling to avoid the listener thread blocking whilst servicing requests.
Hard to find anything authoritative on this. For standard COM you can set the identity to 'Launching user'. The same is not available for COM+.
According to this archived post,
A COM+ application can be configured to run under the logged in account, or
a specified account. Under the application properties, see the Identity tab.
Once set however, it remains under that account until the application shuts
down, so you can't have multiple users using the same COM+ application under
different IDs.
That seems to match what is said in this knowledge base article too.
My conclusion is, I should probably accept that my component must run once per machine rather than once per session. It will need to be modified to accommodate this. Since it needs to start new processes in individual sessions, it will have to run as a Windows service under the Local System account (giving due attention to the security implications).
I am developing a social network in ASP.NET MVC 3. Every user has must have the ability to see connected people.
What is the best way to do this?
I added a flag in the table Contact in my database, and I set it to true when the user logs in and set it to false when he logs out.
But the problem with this solution is when the user closes the browser without logging out, he will still remain connected.
The only way to truly know that a user is currently connected is to maintain some sort of connection between the user and the server. Two options immediately come to mind:
Use javascript to periodically call your server using ajax. You would have a special endpoint on your server that would be used to update a "last connected time" status, and you would have a second endpoint for users to poll to see who is online.
Use a websocket to maintain a persistent connection with your server
Option 1 should be fairly easy to implement. The main thing to keep in mind that this will increase the amount of requests coming into your server, and you will have to plan accordingly in order handle the traffic this could generate. You will have some control over the amount of load on your server by configuring how often javascript timer calls back to your server.
Option 2 could be a little more involved if you did this without library support. Of course there are libraries out there such as SignalR that make this really easy to do. This also has an impact on the performance of your site since each user will be maintaining a persistent connection. The advantage with this approach is that it reduces the need for polling like option 1 does. If you use this approach it would also be very easy to push a message to user A that user B has gone offline.
I guess I should also mention a really easy 3rd option as well. If you feel like your site is pretty interactive, you could just track the last time they made a request to your site. This of course may not give you enough accuracy to determine whether a user is "connected".
Okay, I know it sounds generic. But I mean on an AJAX level. I've tried using Firebug to track the NET connections and posts and it's a mystery. Does anyone know how they do the instant autosave constantly without DESTROYING the network / browser?
My guess (and this is only a guess) is that google uses a PUSH service. This seems like the most viable option given their chat client (which is also integrated within the window) also uses this to delivery "real time" messages with minimal latency.
I'm betting they have a whole setup that manages everything connection related and send flags to trigger specific elements. You won't see connection trigers because the initial page visit establishes the connection then just hangs on the entire duration you have the page open. e.g.
You visit the page
The browser established a connection to [example]api.docs.google.com[/example] and remains open
The client-side code then sends various commands and receives an assortment of responses.
These commands are sent back and forth until you either:
Lose the connection (timeout, etc.) in which case it's re-established
The browser window is closed
Example of, how I see, a typical communication:
------- -------
DOC_FETCH mydocument.doc
DOC_CONTENT mydocument.doc 15616 ...
DOC_AUTOSAVE mydocument.doc 24335 ...
IM collaboratorName Hi Joe!
IM_OK collaboratorName OK
AUTOSAVE_OK mydocument.doc OK
Where the DOC_FETCH command is saying I want the data. The server replies with the corresponding DOC_CONTENT <docname> <length> <contents>. Then the client triggers DOC_AUTOSAVE <docname> <length> <content>. Given the number of potential simultaneous requests, I would bet they keep the "context" in the requests/responses so after something is sent it can be matched up. In this example, it knows the IM_OK matches the second request (IM), and the AUTOSAVE_OK matches the first request (AUTOSAVE)--Something like how AOL's IM protocol works.
Again, this is only a guess.
To prove this, use something like ethereal and see if you can see the information transferring in the background.
I'm just wondering how one could set this up without the BOSH dying. I have the sid, rid, and everything but I was wondering how long i could automatically log people on for the time of lets say a cookie and how is this achieved.
Your answer depends on how long it takes for your BOSH session to timeout. It's usually 60 seconds until it throws away the session.
Just a note- you probably do not want to automatically log in a user, since the proper XMPP flow is not done. Here's a typical flow:
-> Login and establish a BOSH session.
-> Send Presence
---> Server sends a <presence/> packet to all entities in your roster, notifying them that you are available.
---> Server sends a presence probe to all of the entities in your roster's server, getting their current availability.
<- Presence packets come raining down on your session.
-> Request roster items
<- Server sends you a list of items in your roster.
With the approach of using the same session, you skip all of this initialization, which I assume is important to your application, as you will not get presence of any entities until they change their presence. Sending another <presence/> stanza will not send you the current presence of everyone in your roster. So... if that isn't important to you, go ahead and do it. I'm just providing some useful information before you go and implement the thing and find out that there are caveats to your solution.
What worked for us was to use localStorage, and automatically log them in via a "Save my password" button. That makes it simpler and less work. Also, it can be confusing when a user reloads the page and they get logged back in automatically, versus a user closing the page and coming back in 5 minutes to be greeted by the login page. It's just plain confusing.
Good luck!
You can do one of the following as per your need and convenience:
Auto detect about user login status via cookies. Do an http-pre-bind and issue new rid/sid to the user. This will generally be transparent to user on your page.
Instead of issuing new "sid" on every page refresh/reload which can be quite expensive under high traffic, you can pool the underlying xmpp tcp streams. Next time when a user need sid/rid to start again, these can be fetched from the connection manager pooling the sessions.
When I am debugging on my Windows 7 IIS7 machine, I get this error during a debug:
The web server process that was being
debugged has been terminated by IIS.
this can be avoided by configuring
application pool setting in IIS. see
help for further details.
What am I doing wrong?
When you are debugging, IIS will not service any other requests until you are done stepping through your code. That includes the "ping" request that IIS sends to itself. Since IIS doesn't hear back from itself, it decides to shut itself down, which promptly terminates your debugging.
The solution is to increase the Ping Maximum Response Time in the application pool settings from its default value of 90 seconds. Set it to something high enough that will give you enough time to debug your code (like maybe 300 seconds).
Microsoft has a long-winded write-up here.
Edit: Others have suggested setting "Ping Enabled" to false. There are several reasons why I prefer to keep it in place, just with a larger interval, but the most important is that you will (most likely) have worker processing pinging enabled on production, and you should strive to develop and debug under a configuration that is as close to production as possible. If you do NOT have ping enabled on production, then by all means disable it locally as well.
Your App Pool -> Advanced Settings -> Ping Enabled to False
IIS has a health-checking feature which periodically checks to see if an IIS worker process is hung or otherwise unusuable. If a worker process is stopped in the debugger, it looks unhealthy from the perspective of IIS, and IIS kills it and spins up a new process.
To change this behavior (on your dev workstation-- don't want to disable this in production!) go to the IIS management tool, select the Application Pools node in the left pane, and right-click on the app pool that your app lives in, and choose "Advanced Settings". From there, in the "process model" section, set "Ping Enabled" to False. You may also want to set the idle timeout to be a very large number.
See this IIS.NET article for more discussion of this issue and a screenshot. See this TechNet article for how to set these settings via code/script outside the admin tool.
If you have microsoft's scom running and configured where you work (assuming this is not a for-fun project) and you are able to create a management pack for it or know someone who is, that may help you pinpoint what is causing the issue. I realize its a long shot, but if that does describe your scenario that is what I would do if no other solution is found.