Is there any way to run mpi on windows OS? - windows

I have msys64 installed, it's running openmp perfectly, however I also want to run mpi command there, it is not working. Please how can I configure my windows 10 os to run mpi too?

I think the best and easiest way is using linux or Mac, which you can install those os by virtual machines in your system.
But If you want to use Windows, for compiling the parallel code with msmpi you can download and use msmpisdk.msi
The created path is most of the time something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\MPI and you could find include and library directories there.


How to install C/C++ development libraries (like GLEW, SDL2, Lua52) under Windows 10 with MinGW+Cmake

It is very long time (~20 years) since I tried last time to program something in C/C++ under Windows, and I completely forgot how it works.
I have some project using GLEW, SDL2 and Lua52 under Linux, but my friend wants to compile it under windows.
I installed MinGW and cmake under windows, and downloaded the .zip files with the libraries (,, SDL2-devel-2.0.12-mingw.tar.gz, SDL2_mixer-devel-2.0.4-mingw.tar.gz )
What I don't see, where should I unpack these files so that Cmake can find them?
In Linux I install the libraries from system repo, and then corresponding .cmake scripts can find the automatically use some helper files like (FindSDL2.cmake, FindSDL2_mixer.cmake, FindLua52.cmake) but I don't see how to do this under Windows where is no such central repo-manager I have to unpack the libs in some folder manually.
I want to avoid manual setup of PATHS, since this I always mess up.
If you have a Linux background you should definitively use the MSYS2 environment ( It comes with a bash shell and a package manager.

Compile for windows from WSL with CMake setup

So I get a bit confused on the many possibilities here. I have a CMakeLists.txt, which is hopefully all ready to be used. I am using WSL in the Windows Terminal and switching between microsofts cmd.exe and ubuntu wsl terminal on which I want to be able to run the compile command. So on which side do I need to run cmake and what build-files should I generate or what compiler should I use?
Main goal is having a simple compile cmd in vim on wsl, that compiles the exe for windows.
I tried to setup the build files with cmake from the wsl-side with the mingw cross-compiler, but during project setup it failed to find glfw3 configurations, which felt rather weird since it should use windows glfw files anways, right(?)
Next closest try was to create the build files with cmake from the cmd-site with the cl.exe compiler and ninja. That succeeded, but when now running ninja on the wsl side I get a lot of warnings concerning the unknown cmd option \O0 and fatal errors concerning not being able to include simple files like float.h, stdio.h, Windows.h etc. .
All my current search led me to this point, but I am not able to come up with a solution. So I would love to get some help. I want to stick mainly on the linux side, when programming but in the end have an executable for windows.

omnet++ installation error in windows 7

I am tring to install omnet++ but it gives me error "windows can not find ",is there anyone can help
I have been trying mingmenv.cmd gives me the same error
it gives as shown below error when I try to install:
First of all, did you unpack the OMNeT Windows installation file with the on-board ZIP tools or another program? Try to use programs like WinRAR or 7-Zip to unpack the OMNeT++ installation, the on-board ZIP tool from Windows 7 might have problems with the MinGW files.
Second, does the path to the OMNeT++ installation contain any spaces or special characters? This might also be the source of errors.
Third, does the message immediately show after you start the mingwenv.cmd or after you start it and try to run ./configure or make to configure and build OMNeT?? Check if no antivirus might block the OMNeT sources / helper programs.
General note: under Windows, you always use the mingwenv.cmd shell to compile OMNeT, the normal Windows command environment does not have the necessary paths or settings for OMNMeT.

Compiling Geary for Windows

I would like to compile the Linux-based mail client, Geary, for my Windows computer.
I'm wondering if I could compile it using a program such as MonoDevelop on my Linux machine with the target being Windows, or if I'll have to use cygwin or mingw on my Windows machine.
You can cross compile on Linux to Windows. There is a MinGW build for Linux. Use valac -C to produce C sources then i586-mingw32msvc-gcc to compile the sources and link against Windows DLLs of the libraries needed. Vala determines includes using pkg-config which will pick up compilation arguments from the host system. You can override this by setting PKGCONFIG_PATH to the directories where your Windows libraries' .pc files live.
Alternatively to compiling, you can run Geary on Windows 10 via the WSL.
This question here lead to give it a try. It can be done, but requires many steps and it doesn’t work very well for the time being.
Do you really need to compile it? If you have windows 10, you can run a linux environment, for instance ubuntu. Then Geary runs. I can confirm, as I have it running NOW.
There are several tutorials on how to get Ubuntu running in the WSL on Win10.

Linux tools to inspect Windows DLLs

I have to debug a problem with Windows DLLs, but I'm running Linux exclusively, so I was wondering whether there are (preferably command-line) tools to inspect Windows DLLs under Linux. What I'm looking for is mainly the list of exported symbols.
Use "winedump -j export file.dll"
winedump is part of Wine
Have you checked if Dependency Walker will work under wine?
(just a WAG)
How to use it on the command line (Run it from the same directory as the DLL):
wine /full/path/to/depends.exe /c /of:output.txt dynamic-library.dll
works nicely. Tested with several Windows DLLs 64 bits
