NativeScript-Vue: How to install BottomNavigation component - nativescript

How can I install the BottomNavigation component which is used in the playground here?
I am using NativeScript 8 and it looks like the latest Version of NativeScript do not support this feature anymore. (I use NativeScript 8.0)
Is there a third party plugin or something else which brings this feature back?
Here es the reason why it is not there anymore and where you can find it:
Unfortunately the icon's do not work for me.
For example this is not loading:
<Image src="font://" class="fas"></Image>
Any idea what could be wrong?

I have similar issue and found your topic, thanks!
For the image, try:
<Image src.decode="font://" class="fas"/>

Things like Bottom Navigation and so on is not in Nativescript 8 anymore. They are provided by the community.
here you can find all the community driven components:
But I realised that not all components work as expected, eg:
there are two bottom navigation bars, one works and one just doesn't, the whole project crashes instead
For my Nativescript 8 project I use this one:
Material Bottom navigation bar


NativeScript: How to disable keyboard predictions for TextField on iOS?

I'd like to hide the suggestions/predictions at the top of the keyboard for the element on iOS. I found a post where someone figured it out for Android, but I can't find anything in the docs (or anywhere else for that matter) on how to do it for iOS.
I need to do this without a plugin. The two plugins that I've found that would probably work are incompatible with my version of NativeScript (v7).

Xamarin.Forms 4.0 CollectionView Pull-To-Refresh

I'm trying out the pre-release CollectionView control for Xamarin.Forms 4.0 and I've run into a small hickup.
I've ben able to get binding, styling, etc. working perfectly, but I'm unable to figure out how to implement Pull-To-Refresh. This is in the shared code project and final product targets iOS and Android only.
I've been over Microsoft's documentation and haven't been able to find a clear solution for this.
The only reference I've seen to anything remotely related to this issue comes from a GitHub discussion on the XF page (Xamarin.Forms.CollectionView Spec Discussion) where they mention that the IsPUllToRefreshEnabled functionality has been moved from the ListView API to a new RefreshView control.
Can anyone shine any light on this issue and if this is even possible to implement? (Data for collection view is fed by Refit API call)
The RefreshView is still in spec, not yet implemented (see the Github page)
However, from the comments, you can try and use PullToRefresh Nuget, that allows pull to refresh on a scrollview or a listview.

Nativescript style limitations

I started to develop a mobile app using nativescript, everything was going well until I realized I cant customize the style as I want. Just for example I cant set the border to a button like border-width: 1 0 0 1.
There is a way to extend the styling behavior?
I'm considering to start using ionic :(
As of NativeScrtip version 2.4.0 (the next release), this functionality will be available, which means that you will be able to create a border with
border-width:0 2 2 0;
border-color: red;
If you want to test it now (before the release of 2.4.0) then remove tns-core-modules and install the #next version.
tns plugin remove tns-core-modules
tns plugin add tns-core-modules#next
You can also take a look at this issue to see what you can do with the new borders implementation
As of right now per side borders are not available with the css subset NativeScript exposes. They are a PITA to do on iOS, the good news is the core team knows this and I believe it's been prioritized in recent weeks. So I expect it will be possible in a release coming up.
With all that said, if you have a specific case you want you can still achieve it with NativeScript but it's not as easy as the css border styling. Just remember the css stylers in NativeScript are being mapped to the native methods/properties to style native components, so it's awesome to be able to use css even though its not 1-1 with the vast css that browsers have, it does get better every release
If you want to do a per side borders right now you can use a stacklayout with a height of 1 and set the background color. So for a 4 sided object you would use a grid layout and put a stack on the first and third row, your component on the middle (2nd) row and then a stack on the first and 3 columns (0 & 1 values). Again, I know it's not ideal but it's just a limitation for now that its not exposed in the css subset for NativeScript. I haven't checked the source or issues for any updates on this in a while but its possible something is being worked on now to enable this functionality. Hope this helps some. If you have some code and need help please share and I can help more.

Workaround scrollview zoom for android #appcelerator

Hi I am building a magazine viewer and I need to zoom and drag the content pages. I am using scrollview but I guess the zoom works only for ios. Is there any workaround for this? I am using Titanium 5 sdk, and don't found modules that support it.
On Android you might be able to use!/api/Titanium.UI.ImageView-property-enableZoomControls

How to make ui for supporting all the screens?

I am new to phonegap.
I am implementing html with cordova.
But the problem is the screens are not adjestred properly for android and iPhone.
If any one know ,Please help me
I think you have to use a framework like jQueryMobile or Bootstrap to handle all screen sizes
One solution is using viewport meta tag. For more detail, your refer to the below links:
Other solution, you can use Javascript library such as monaca.viewport.js (,
