Hi I am building a magazine viewer and I need to zoom and drag the content pages. I am using scrollview but I guess the zoom works only for ios. Is there any workaround for this? I am using Titanium 5 sdk, and don't found modules that support it.
On Android you might be able to use http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/api/Titanium.UI.ImageView-property-enableZoomControls
I need to design bottom navigation bar like I attached image using xamarin.forms common code for both android and IOS. Can anybody refer any link or library tool to do this?
You should check the xamarin community toolkit, this is certainly possible to create with the tabview.
Currently I using Xamarin Forms 5 (preview) and targeting Android 8.1 with the latest Lottie installed (3.5.0 for XF and 4.0.8 for Android)
I'm wanting to add some seasonal themes to my app and was looking to "overlay" a Lottie animation on top of the pages. Currently I use Lottie for a splash screen and it works great, but I cant work out how to apply something app wide.
Setting InputTransparent="True" basically means the control does not intercept the user input. Therefore any control under it will work as expected.
Is there any way we can open camera in a custom popup in xamarin.forms? Currently I am using Xam.Plugin.Media which will open camera in an entire screen. what I am trying to mimic is open the camera inside a circular frame to show inside Rg.Plugin.Popup . How can I achieve it? Does it require platform level implementation? Any help is appreciated
First, I find a feature-request - Cropping interface of Xam.Plugin.Media and the author refused it as it should be done in a different app since it is not available out of the box on all platforms.
You can have a try with Take Photo Overlay (iOS Only) function of this plugin to add a layer in iOS camera.
I also find a useful OverlaySample of Xamarin.forms which can add overlayer to camera in Xamarin.forms.
Refer: overlayview-in-xamarin-forms
I'm trying to create a navigation bar for my Xamarin Forms app. I'm adding some primary ToolbarItems which will have an icon associated with them using the following syntax:
ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem("Search", "ic_action_search.png", ActionSearch, ToolbarItemOrder.Primary));
I've searched everywhere but I cannot find the recommended images sizes for each platform (Android, iOS, UWP, Windows, and WinPhone).
Does anyone know what they should be?
A google search for "recommended tool bar icon sizes [Android|iOS|UWP] was very useful here.
No good chart that I found for UWP as it is quite a bit more complex due to support of Tablets, Phones, and Desktop, but the needed info is in the guide above.
I'm trying to draw new elements/images via the new skiasharp library for xamarin forms.
I got the samples working but they only change the full content page with the new canvas.
So my question would be how to implement a single view which can be placed in any place in another content page. Does anyone have experiences with skia?
How do I choose the canvas? Do I have to overwrite an existing Image or similar?
Thanks for you help.
Sure, and there is a view which you are looking for: SkiaView.
It inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View and contains some properties such as HeightRequest or Scale.
I suppose you are interested in these classes:
iOS - SkiaViewRenderer
iOS - NativeSkiaView
Android - SkiaViewRenderer
Android - NativeSkiaView
Finally there is a NuGet package with Xamarin.Forms support: SkiaSharp.Views.Forms 1.54.1-beta1. Samples are available in SkiaSharp repository.