NativeScript: How to disable keyboard predictions for TextField on iOS? - uitextfield

I'd like to hide the suggestions/predictions at the top of the keyboard for the element on iOS. I found a post where someone figured it out for Android, but I can't find anything in the docs (or anywhere else for that matter) on how to do it for iOS.
I need to do this without a plugin. The two plugins that I've found that would probably work are incompatible with my version of NativeScript (v7).


How to make Sure Keyboard is not placed over an Entry when it is focused in Xamarin?

I have an Entry which is placed in a ContentView, and this ContentView is placed in a Grid. When this Entry is Focused, the Keyboard is placed over the ContentView preventing the user from seeing the Entry.
I would like to know if there is a way to determine if a View is Visible and if not make sure it is (prevent the Keyboard from being placed over it).
Any thoughts on how I could do this.
I would need this to work on iOS specifically, Android and Windows seem not to have this issue in my use-case.
On Android platform, the official document provides Soft Keyboard Input Mode. Refer to for details.
On IOS platform, you can query KeyboardOverlap installation in IOS's nuget, and then add KeyboardOverlapRenderer.Init (); in AppDelegate to achieve the effect in IOS.

NativeScript-Vue: How to install BottomNavigation component

How can I install the BottomNavigation component which is used in the playground here?
I am using NativeScript 8 and it looks like the latest Version of NativeScript do not support this feature anymore. (I use NativeScript 8.0)
Is there a third party plugin or something else which brings this feature back?
Here es the reason why it is not there anymore and where you can find it:
Unfortunately the icon's do not work for me.
For example this is not loading:
<Image src="font://" class="fas"></Image>
Any idea what could be wrong?
I have similar issue and found your topic, thanks!
For the image, try:
<Image src.decode="font://" class="fas"/>
Things like Bottom Navigation and so on is not in Nativescript 8 anymore. They are provided by the community.
here you can find all the community driven components:
But I realised that not all components work as expected, eg:
there are two bottom navigation bars, one works and one just doesn't, the whole project crashes instead
For my Nativescript 8 project I use this one:
Material Bottom navigation bar

Xamarin forms iOS default mail app Behavior

As per the requirement of the project I need to have the page which should behave as the default Apple Mail app on the iPhone.
Attaching a gif that I have created for the same.
I tried using the plug in
but I couldn't achieve the exact same behavior where the background shrinks and expands as the modal pop up is dragged.Any leads, examples or demos will be really helpful.
Note: I am using Xamarin.Forms.
With the new Xamain Forms update. i.e. after iOS13
The model behavior has became the default model behavior for Xamarin iOS.
When you do.
It gives the above (gif) behavior.

Workaround scrollview zoom for android #appcelerator

Hi I am building a magazine viewer and I need to zoom and drag the content pages. I am using scrollview but I guess the zoom works only for ios. Is there any workaround for this? I am using Titanium 5 sdk, and don't found modules that support it.
On Android you might be able to use!/api/Titanium.UI.ImageView-property-enableZoomControls

Xcode SDK & Trackpad gestures: animations setup

Q The question is, is there a way to disable the animations happening with the trackpad-gestures at the currently public-available Xcode 4.3.2 running MacOS 10.7.3 ?
Description I'm very concerned with the new Lion animations while going forward/back with a trackpad gestures. With a keyboard shortcuts the page changes instantly and with a gesture it takes about a second or two spraying around my concentration on the things that need to be found in the code.
Tried What i tried is to read the defaults in the Terminal looking for any animation/duration keys - without success.
Notes Looks like mr. Cook criticizes the things Apple is doing itself while preparing the combined mobile/stationary look&feel. If there's any startup project that collects all the user's customizing, i'll be glad to know. So far i tried the itweax application, it doesn't have yet the expected features however.
Safari stuff is not as much about the content importance, so i would not mind to leave the Safari animations, but changing it on the system level for all the apps is also good.
PS I believe that is about the “software tools commonly used by programmers” mentioned at “What kind of questions can I ask here?” SO FAQ section.
Don't know about disabling animations but if you want to trigger app keyboard commands through gestures, I found BetterTouchTool helpful with some of the major Lion annoyances. Ex. I was able to configure FireFox to do Home/End on a 3-finger swipe up/down.
No, there is no way to disable the animation.
You can, however, disable the page swiping functionality:
System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures > Deselect "Swipe between pages"
Unfortunately, there is no setting to disable or change the speed of the animation.
