How to reset theme to default in hyper terminal - terminal

I've installed a new theme in hyper and now it looks like this. What can I do to fix it? hyper_img
Thank you.

Per the Github, try deleting your config file at ~/Library/Application Support/Hyper/.hyper.js. This should reset your customizations (including the theme).
If you want to customize the theme yourself, check out the question How can I change the theme of my Hyper Terminal?

You could also just run hyper uninstall <theme-name> in the hyper app.


Applying third-party themes to QtCreator (dracula)

So I just downloaded the open-source QtCreator and I hoped to set the Dracula theme for this IDE, but I failed to do so, and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
So far, every where I looked for third party themes, they've been telling me to put it in a map on location "$HOME.config\QtProject\qtcreator\styles" (windows). Fine, but after I've copied the file into that folder, the theme is not showing up in the theme list when I'm trying to set a new theme in QtCreator, selecting Tools > Options > Text Editor > Theme-button :/
I'm quite (90%) sure the path/location is correct, but I assume the themes have moved to somewhere else. I would like to set-up this theme, instead of the default dark-theme. Thanks in advance!
So I found out the themes were located in PathToQt\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\share\qtcreator\styles. The developpers must have changed moved the theme folder, but now between the other .xml files, the Dracula.xml file works just fine.
I hope I fixed every one else's problem, who came to ask himself where the heck they had to put that theme.

Unable to reset xcode theme/ color scheme

I accidentally changed the default theme "dracula" and now cannot change it back.
i tried the method to add a new theme which would choose from original sources but it does not show the option for the same. any ideas?
please refer to the image below for further details
thanks in advance
I think Dracula is not a default Xcode theme from apple (I don't have it in my Xcode version 10.1 (10B61)), so maybe you need to re-install the original template.
You can find more info in the following link:

Fonts & Color Themes for Xcode7

Is there a way to install Themes on Xcode7.
I know that there are several themes available for Xcode. But, I am wondering if third party themes works on Xcode7?
I tried to copy the XYZ.dvtcolortheme into the directory ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/. Even though the theme shows up in the Xcode, I cannot see the changes in Fonts and Color after selecting the theme.
Any help?
I recommend doing what #bademi and what #CoolPenguin said. Try to close out of Xcode and then restart your computer. If those don't work I recommend contacting whoever made the theme to see if they know what's up. Hope I helped!

Change the transparency of sublime text 2

Can I change the transparency of sublime text 2?
Looks like this isn't a feature, but you can vote for it here, and you can work around it here.
If you're running Windows you can install following st2/st3 plugin:
You can install either manually or via install package plugin.
You can also change SublimeTextTrans.sublime-settings file so you can overwrite default levels of transparency. Package resource viewer plugin will help you to find this file easily.
No, there's no support for transparent backgrounds. You can probably achieve this with a third party application. For example, on MacOS X you can look at Afloat.
On windows, I oftenly use Peek Through. It does work great with Sublime Text as well as with any other application.
Just install it and run it.
Follow these steps:
Install Package
User: Preferences

Cloud9 IDE local themes

The Cloud9 IDE docs say you can import a Textmate theme, but i cant figure it out. Can some one explain step-by-step how i can do this. Im trying to include the theme on my localhost by the way.
I found this link, but i still dont get it...!msg/ace-discuss/kLgJFe2l2YY/47QvhIowqqMJ
The above url also mentioned being able to edit already existing themes. This would also come in handy if any one knows how to / where the files are located.
Follow these steps, assuming my theme name is 'pretty.tmTheme':
Copy pretty.tmTheme to 'cloud9/node_modules/ace/tool/tmThemes/'
Go to cloud9/node_modules/ace/tool/ and run 'node tmtheme.js'
Go to cloud9/
Run 'make ace'
Run 'make theme'
Open cloud9/plugins-client/ext.themes_default/themes_default.js and add your theme to the list. For ex: '"Pretty": "ace/theme/pretty"'
Run Cloud9 and select new theme from the view/themes list.
Enjoy! ;)
