Change the transparency of sublime text 2 - sublimetext

Can I change the transparency of sublime text 2?

Looks like this isn't a feature, but you can vote for it here, and you can work around it here.

If you're running Windows you can install following st2/st3 plugin:
You can install either manually or via install package plugin.
You can also change SublimeTextTrans.sublime-settings file so you can overwrite default levels of transparency. Package resource viewer plugin will help you to find this file easily.

No, there's no support for transparent backgrounds. You can probably achieve this with a third party application. For example, on MacOS X you can look at Afloat.

On windows, I oftenly use Peek Through. It does work great with Sublime Text as well as with any other application.
Just install it and run it.

Follow these steps:
Install Package
User: Preferences


How to show images in neovim

I use Warp Terminal (and sometimes iterm2). Is there any way to show images in them while using neovim? I tried searching for some plugins online but the only one i found was Hologram, which seems to be only for kitty.
here's what the output looks like
You can use feh to view image in terminal.
If you want to do this inside Neovim, just use :!feh {file name}.png

How to reset theme to default in hyper terminal

I've installed a new theme in hyper and now it looks like this. What can I do to fix it? hyper_img
Thank you.
Per the Github, try deleting your config file at ~/Library/Application Support/Hyper/.hyper.js. This should reset your customizations (including the theme).
If you want to customize the theme yourself, check out the question How can I change the theme of my Hyper Terminal?
You could also just run hyper uninstall <theme-name> in the hyper app.

Creating custom builds of Mozilla Firefox

I am trying to build my own version of Firefox with slight UI changes and by adding some addons(extensions) to the build.
I have downloaded the source code from repo. Where would I start to achieve this?
Which all codes hold the UI structuring? Where do I put my addon xpi files?
PS: I tried to read the Mozilla documentation. Its either kinda outdated or I am not really getting it? A detailed insight would be much appreciated.
To do this, simply place the extensions in the distribution/extensions
directory in the application's distribution directory.
Here are the extension
Flags In firefox
Do more with themes
For Editing you may need XUL
Go here and customize every component you need

Is there support for XML code hinting / completion in Sublime Text 2?

I am giving Sublime Text 2 a try and I was editing an XML file - that had a DOCTYPE declaration and a DTD - and there seems to be no way to get code hinting / completion when editing the XML document.
I am sure its something simple I am overlooking. I cannot imagine Sublime does not have this kind of functionality, even if provided via a plugin.
Can someone shed some light on this for me?
Sublime Text is first and foremost a text editor.
But, the reason for it's popularity is in large part due to it's extensibility.
Although you could use Sublime's api to create a specific plug-in to do this, Sublime has a few tools that are already helpful in editing xml files and other markup files on a bare install.
Hinting and completions in particular are very easy to add. It shouldn't take a more than few minutes to create a domain specific sublime-completions file for your particular xml.
You can use alt+shift+w to create an xml element, in addition alt+. will close any un-closed xml element.
You may also want to try the Sublime Tag plug-in available through Package Control
Lastly you could also bring this up in the Sublime forums as a plug-in request. There are a lot of helpful folks in the plug-in community.
You can use the 'tag' plugin from Sublime Package Control. It has auto tag closing, linting and other features. The github page for the project is here:
You can install it using Package Control without leaving your Sublime text editor.

View PDFs with Chromium on Windows

It's possible?
Is there a way to install the plugin?
I've been searching trying to find a solution for this, but found nothing.
Edit: Without installing anything from Adobe.
Grab the "pdf.dll" from the latest Google Chrome version. (Download here from version 25.0.1364.172)
Put it in Chromium's install directory ("C:\Program Files\Chromium\Application" or "%appdata%/Chromium/Application/VersionNumberHere/")
Restart any running instance of Chromium.
Type "chrome://plugins" in Chromium, make sure the plugin is enabled and any other PDF plugin is disabled.
And test your browser in:
Install Adobe Reader on the computer. The PDF will then display in Chrome.
