Is there a way to import an ArgoUML model into Modelio? - interop

I'm trying to migrate an ArgoUML file to Modelio. According to my understanding, both support XMI, but somehow this still doesn't work. When I export my ArgoUML data to XMI, Modelio won't import it, I get the following error:
Failed: file content is not recognized as a valid model.
So.. is there a way to get around this? ArgoUML is version 0.34, Modelio is version 3.1

In fact the formats supported by both tools are different.
ArgoUML exports in UML1.4/XMI 1.1 format and Modelio imports in UML2.x/XMI2.x format (adopted in 2005...), that's why your ArgoUML exports are not recoginized by Modelio import.
Obviously one workaround would be to transform UML1.4/XMI1.1 in, at least, UML2.1.1/XMI2.1... I just google "transform UML 1.4 2.1" and I found the following site but I did not test it!!!


Placeholders in import statement in go

I am using the go language and I want to understand the alternative to one scenario that I am facing.
we have import statements in the files as
import ""
I have a dependency on SDK which follows the directory structure like this. It has version_no directory.
Problem - Every-time the SDK version is updated we have to replace the import statement with appropriate version.
Currently in project it is achieved using the sed command which is very heavy operation as we have thousands of files.
Ex Changing "" ==> ""
SDK team will not provide any support so we have to find the good way to resolve this.
I need your suggestion about how this can be achieved.
Add this in the go.mod file:
replace =>
Now, you can keep using everywhere, and update this replace directive every time the version needs to be updated. For example, if the next version is v103, update this:
replace =>

geopandas readfile not recognizing a legit shape file

I am trying to read to geopandas what looks like a legitimate shapefile:
However, I am getting a driver error:
DriverError: '/vsimem/dff0663a4e584987848e40266f6b73e8' not recognized as a supported file format.
Searching unfortunately did not produce useful clues. I hope someone who knows geopandas or fiona could help.
When loading from GitHub, you need to pass a link to raw version of zip file. Otherwise, it links to GitHub page, not the file.

ES6 import (or is d3 just different somehow?)

Using Rollup, can I import D3 like Debug or can I only build a custom library?
I'm trying to build my first webapp with Rollup, D3 (v4 - ES2015) and others. In search of an education, I followed Jason Lengstorf's tutorial. There I learned how to import Debug (CommonJS) and use its facilities. Works like a champ. I then tried to use D3 in the same way, only there are no default exports so used import * as d3 from 'd3' instead of the import debug from debug-style. For love or money I can't get it to work. I keep getting errors that look like:
'request' is not exported by
I opened an issue with the Rollup guys. They are busy and gave me what they could — and I remain stumped. Both of Mike Bostock's examples (I and II) just show how to build custom bundles, not how to import into working code a la Debug (which is, again, CommonJS not ES2015 like D3). Is that the only way to use it? I have not experimented with another ES2015 library (not that I know any) so I don't know if this is D3-specific or I just don't understand how to deal with ES2015 libraries generally (or just simply don't understand browser-based architecture period).
Follow-on questions
Is there a web app architecture tutorial/book/something that includes ES2015-specific issues?
There seems to be as many project structures out there as people coding. Is there One True Church? Do I just have to keep bleeding from my eyes until I get my own, phoenix-like kung fu about all this (reference Jose Aguinaga's piece)?

Go Wants to Import Package From Comment [duplicate]

New Go programmer here -- apologies if this is well worn territory, but my google searching hasn't turned up the answer I'm looking for.
Short Version: Can I, as a programmer external to the core Go project, force my packages to be imported with a specific name. If so, how?
Long Version: I recently tried to install the bcrypt package from the following GitHub repository, with the following go get
go get
The package downloaded correctly into my workspace, but when I tried to import it, I got the following error
$ go run main.go main.go:10:2: code in directory /path/to/go/src/ expects import ""
i.e. something told Go this package was supposed to be imported with This tipped me off that what I actually wanted was
go get
I'd like to do something similar in my own packages — is this functionality built into Go packaging? Or are the authors of crypto/bcrypt doing something at runtime to detect and reject invalid package import names?
Yes it's built in, I can't seem to find the implementation document (it's a relatively new feature in 1.5 or 1.6) however the syntax is:
package name // import "your-custom-path"
// edit
The design document for this feature is
// edit
#JimB pointed out to, and in the go1.4 release notes:

Resolving imports not found errors in Flex/Adobe Flash Builder

I am very new to Flex/Adobe FlashBuilder and I am running into an "import not found" error. Coming from a Java background, I understand this is more of a question of importing the equivalent of *.jar files in Flex/Flash. But how exactly I should go about resolving this, I am unaware.
Anybody want to help and get some points :) ?
If you're a beginner probably everything you import is included is Flex framework or is made by you. If you import your own classes remember to preserve package in their names (if the come from different package). Check classes names for spelling errors.
When using class in code you can use content assist (Ctrl+Space), then imports will be added automatically.
You can also check what quickfix lightbulb says (it's the same as in Eclipse as FBuilder is based on it).
You can make your question much better by including the code that causes the error.
