How can i start the Sonar Qube with java 8 [closed] - java-8

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have download the SonarQube 8.7.1. community version Software. I am getting below error while start sonar batch file in windows console.
My main idea is to connect with java 8 but this sonarQube version is asking java 11."
Any additional settings needed to do for run the sonarqube with java 8 ?

Java 8 support question has already been discussed here & Java 11 support question has been discussed here
Either install JDK11 or downgrade to a lower version of SonarQube that came out before March 2014 would be my suggestion.


why does wsl2 wslconfig file not working? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm running version 20H2 (OS Build 19042) on windows home edition, i built a linux kernel and im trying to set it up on my machine by configuring the .wslconfig file as follow:
everything is at place according to the documentation -
any ideas what could have gone wrong?
turns out i was running wsl version 1 and not wsl2 - for the full thread on the issue:

How to download all version of Firefox for Ubuntu and Windows? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Here I wanted to download the older version of Firefox from repository but repository itself does not seems to have the older version of Firefox.
You can download all version of firefox from below link for both windows and linux.

How can I downgrade Bash? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Im trying to implement Shellshock and I need downgrade Bash to a vuln. version. I don't know how get it and there isn't much information in the Internet about it.
I'm working with Ubuntu Server 14.04.
How I can get it?
Don't downgrade the system bash. That's a terrible idea. Get the source for a vulnerable version and compile it yourself.
(Don't install it to the system though if you can avoid it, just run it from the source directory.)

How to install puppet-enterprise on fedora 19? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can some one help me with it, i found in docs of puppet-EE that fedora is supported OS but I cant install any kind of tarballs. Thanks for any help!
Fedora is not on the supported list of Puppet Enterprise operating systems. If you want a Red Hat based OS, and don't want to use RHEL you can use CentOS.

windows 7 don't include .net 3.5 why? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i set up windows 7 two days ago. But i downloaded .net framework 3.5 . i think windows 7 included .net 3.5
The question is not very clear! But Windows 7 comes with .NET 3.5 pre-installed. I installed an application on it a couple of days ago that requires .NET 3.5 and didn't need to install anything first.
