How to download all version of Firefox for Ubuntu and Windows? [closed] - windows

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Here I wanted to download the older version of Firefox from repository but repository itself does not seems to have the older version of Firefox.

You can download all version of firefox from below link for both windows and linux.


Meld fails to start after upgrading to 10.13 high-sierra [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Meld fails to start after upgrading to the 10.13 osx version (high sierra).
How do I fix this?
I deleted the alias /Applications/ and now it works.

Batch file to remove a chrome extension [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have an extension installed in Google Chrome. how can I remove (or uninstall) the extension using windows batch file? By running the batch file, the extension should be uninstalled from the browser.

How do I uninstall a powershell module from my computer? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I installed a Powershell module (posh-git) using PS-Get but I am finding that it is quite slow. I want to uninstall it but using Remove-Module posh-git only uninstalls it from my current session but I would like to make this permanent.
This is an open issue for PS-GET:
This should be a feature.
Nowadays, you have to delete it manually from C:\Users\[yourUser]\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\modules directory.

Running Xcode on Chrome OS [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any way that I can run Xcode or even OS X on my computer
see my specs of my PC About My Chrome OS
Thanks alot,
(I'll appreciate any answer)!
Not legally... But you could install Linux on your Chromebook, and code in a different language, or use CodeAnywhere (or anouther online IDE like it) to write in many other languages.

How to change reported os version in Windows XP? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How to change reported os version in Windows XP?
I need to know that because i want to run a newer game on Windows XP but it does not let me because minimum system requirement is Windows Vista.
I solved it. I used application verifier tool.
