How to enable DiskSpaceMetrics in io.micrometer - spring-boot

io.micrometer contains disk space metrics (io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder.jvm.DiskSpaceMetrics) but it doesn't seems to be enabled by default. There are no metric data. How do i enable this metric that it can be used by prometheus?

Metrics about disk space are exposed as part of the health endpoint, which is provided by Spring Boot Actuator (dependency: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator).
The health endpoint can be enabled as follows in the file (by default, it should be enabled):
Then, you can enable detailed disk space information as follows:
In production, you might want to use when_authorized instead of always, so that the information is not publicly available.
Finally, you can see the disk info through the HTTP endpoint /actuator/health.
More info in the official docs.
The same metrics for Prometheus will be added in a future Spring Boot version. There's an open PR to add auto configuration for that. In the meantime, you can configure a bean yourself taking inspiration from the PR.
public DiskSpaceMetrics diskSpaceMetrics() {
return new DiskSpaceMetrics(new File("."));


How to change the default health endpoint used by spring boot admin

I'd like to have a new on-demand health check endpoint for my service through implementation of indicator. The problem was the on-demand one would be called by default `/actuator/health`, so I have split the default health endpoint into two health groups `/actuator/health/default & /actuator/health/on-demand` as I didn't find any way to remove the on-demand directly from `/actuator/health`.
Now a new issue emerged, by default, spring boot admin will hit /actuator/health to get corresponding info, I was wondering it's possible to ask him to hit /actuator/health/default instead?
BTW, I only have admin client, without any recovery service
haha, this config is the answer:

Spring Actuator Metrics generate logs

I'm trying to get micrometer metrics data to Splunk. Each metric endpoint gives the current value of a metric, so I would need Splunk to send a http request to my application periodically, or I can write the metric values to a log file periodically.
So how do I get my application to write the metric values to logs?
If you are in spring boot 2.x and Micrometer is of version 1.1.0+ you can create a bean of
periodic (1 minute) special logging registry see (
LoggingMeterRegistry loggingMeterRegistry() {
return new LoggingMeterRegistry();
This is by far the easiest way to log everything via logging system.
Another alternative is creating a scheduled job that will run some method on a bean with injected metering registry that will iterate over all the metrics (with possibly filtering out the metrics that you won't need) and preparing the log of your format.
If you think about this, this is exactly what the metrics endpoint of spring boot actuator does, except returning the data via http instead of writing to log.
Here is an up-to-date implementation of the relevant endpoint from the spring boot actuator source

How to remove the default core metrics from spring boot metrics (datadog)?

I want to disable all builtin metrics (jvm, cpu, etc) but keep my custom metrics.
When I enabled Spring Boot Actuator metrics together with Datadog I end up with +320 metrics sent to datadog. Most of these metrics are from the builtin core metrics (JVM metrics, CPU metrics, File description metrics) only 5 of those metrics are my custom metrics that are the ones that I want to send to datadog.
According to this section of the Spring Boot documentation:
Spring Boot also configures built-in instrumentation (i.e. MeterBinder
implementations) that you can control via configuration or dedicated
annotation markers
but there is no direct example on how to exclude the those metrics
From what I found in this other SO question one way to control it is:
and that removes all the metrics except the JVM ones. But it also removes my custom metrics.
I don't see how can I reenable my custom metrics.
Just for the record the way I register the custom metrics is this way:
public void setMeterRegistry(MeterRegistry registry) {
this.meterRegistry = registry;
Counter n_event_in = this.meterRegistry.counter("n_events_in");
This works ok, as long as `management.metrics.enable.all=true
So how can I disable all core metrics , but keep my custom metrics?
Your metrics should have a common prefix like myapp.metric1, myapp.metric2, etc.
Then you can disable all metrics and enable explicitly all myapp.* metrics like so:
the management.metrics.enable.<your_custom_prefix> will enable all <your_custome_prefix>.* metrics.
If you want to enable some of the built-in core metrics again, for example reenabling jvm.*, you can do:
I've created a sample project in github that disables core metrics, enables custom metrics, and jvm.* metrics and sends to Datadog.

Merge Spring Boot actuator and Micrometer data on one endpoint

I have a number of applications that are using the SpringBoot actuator to publish metrics to the /metrics endpoint.
I have some other applications that are also using Micrometer to publish metrics to a /prometheus endpoint.
And finally, I have a cloud provider that will only allow me to pull metrics from a single end point. They have many preprepared Grafana dashboards, but most are targeted at the Actuator variable names. Some are targeted at the Micrometer variable names.
Micrometer puts out the same data, but it uses different names than Actuator, eg "jvm_memory" instead of "mem".
I would really like to find a way to merge both of these data sources so that they dump data to a single endpoint, and all of my Grafana dashboards would just work with all of the applications.
But I'm at a loss as to the best way to do this. Is there a way to tell Micrometer to use /metrics as a datasource so that any time it is polled it will include those?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
The best solution probably depends on the complexity of your dashboard. You might just configure a set of gauges to report the value under a different name and then only use the Micrometer scrape endpoint. For example:
public MeterBinder mapToOldNames() {
return r -> {
r.gauge("mem", Tags.empty(), r, r2 -> r2.find("jvm.memory.used").gauges()
Notice how in this case we are converting a memory gauge that is dimensioned in Micrometer (against the different aspects of heap/non-heap memory) and rolling them up into one gauge to match the old way.
For Spring Boot 1.5 you could do something like the Prometheus `simpleclient_spring_boot' does.
You collect the PublicMetrics from the actuator-metrics context and expose/register them as Gauges/Counters in the Micrometer MeterRegistry. This in term will expose those actuator metrics under your Prometheus scrape endpoint.
I assume you'd filter out non-functional metrics which are duplicates of the Micrometer ones. So the only thing I can think of is functional/business metrics to actually take over. But if you have the chance to actually change the code to Micrometer, I'd say that's the better approach.
I haven't tried this, just remembered I had seen this concept.

Metrics for CPU usage and Utilization using Spring Boot Dropwizard

Is there a way to measure CPU usage and Utilization of different aspects (CPU, Thread, Memory etc) using dropwizard in spring-boot?
Use spring-boot-actuator for that. There is already a /metrics endpoint for the data you are asking for.
Check systemload.average, mem,, threads etc for the exact information.
For more information check:
A default MetricRegistry Spring bean will be created when you declare
a dependency to the io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core library; you
can also register you own #Bean instance if you need customizations.
Users of the Dropwizard ‘Metrics’ library will find that Spring Boot
metrics are automatically published to
com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry. Metrics from the MetricRegistry
are also automatically exposed via the /metrics endpoint
When Dropwizard metrics are in use, the default CounterService and
GaugeService are replaced with a DropwizardMetricServices, which is a
wrapper around the MetricRegistry (so you can #Autowired one of those
services and use it as normal). You can also create “special”
Dropwizard metrics by prefixing your metric names with the appropriate
type (i.e. timer., histogram. for gauges, and meter.* for counters).
